My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Lean towards: no
Abortion Accept: permissible
Abstract objects Accept a combination of answers:
  • Reject Platonism about abstract objects
  • Reject Nominalism about abstract objects
Aesthetic experience Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Aesthetic value Lean towards: subjective
Aim of philosophy Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept Truth/knowledge is an important aim of philosophy
  • Lean towards Understanding is an important aim of philosophy
  • Neutral towards Wisdom is an important aim of philosophy
  • Reject Happiness is an important aim of philosophy
  • Reject Goodness/justice is an important aim of philosophy
Analysis of knowledge Accept: other analysis
Analytic-synthetic distinction Accept: no
Belief or credence Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept Belief is more fundamental than credence
  • Lean towards Credence is more fundamental than belief
Capital punishment Accept: permissible
Causation Lean towards: counterfactual/difference-making
Chinese room Accept: understands
Concepts Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Nativism about concepts
  • Accept Empiricism about concepts
Consciousness Lean towards: eliminativism
Continuum hypothesis Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Eating animals and animal products Accept: omnivorism (yes and yes)
Epistemic justification Accept: externalism
Experience machine Lean towards: yes
External world Accept: non-skeptical realism
Footbridge Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Foundations of mathematics Lean towards: structuralism
Free will Accept a combination of answers:
  • Neutral towards Compatibilism about free will
  • Reject Libertarianism about free will
  • Lean towards Eliminativism about free will
Gender Accept: unreal
Gender categories Accept: eliminate
God Accept: atheism
Grounds of intentionality Lean towards: interpretational
Hard problem of consciousness Accept: no
Human genetic engineering Lean towards: permissible
Hume Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Immortality Agnostic/undecided
Interlevel metaphysics Agnostic/undecided
Justification Accept: reliabilism
Knowledge Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Empiricism
  • Neutral towards Rationalism
Knowledge claims Accept: invariantism
Law Lean towards: legal positivism
Laws of nature Lean towards: Humean
Logic Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Classical view of logic
  • Neutral towards Non-classical view of logic
Meaning of life Accept: nonexistent
Mental content Accept: externalism
Meta-ethics Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Metaontology Lean towards: deflationary realism
Metaphilosophy Accept: naturalism
Method in history of philosophy Agnostic/undecided
Mind Accept: physicalism
Moral judgment Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Moral motivation Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Newcomb's problem Accept: one box
Normative ethics Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Perceptual experience Accept a combination of answers:
  • Reject Disjunctivism
  • Reject Qualia theory
  • Reject Representationalism about perceptual experience
  • Reject Sense-datum theory
Personal identity Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Philosophical knowledge Accept: a lot
Philosophical methods Accept a combination of answers:
  • Reject Conceptual analysis is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
  • Lean against conceptual engineering is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
  • Accept Empirical philosophy is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
  • Neutral towards Experimental philosophy is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
  • Accept Formal philosophy is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
  • Reject Intuition-based philosophy is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
  • Reject Linguistic philosophy is among the most useful/important methods of philosophy
Philosophical progress Accept: a lot
Political philosophy Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Proper names Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Propositional attitudes Lean towards: dispositional
Propositions Agnostic/undecided
Race Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Response to external-world skepticism Other
Science Lean towards: scientific realism
Sleeping beauty Accept: one-half
Teletransporter Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Temporal ontology Lean towards: eternalism
Time Lean towards: B-theory
Trolley problem Agnostic/undecided
Truth Accept: deflationary
Units of selection Accept a combination of answers:
  • Accept Genes are the unit of natural selection
  • Accept Organisms are the unit of natural selection
Vagueness Lean towards: epistemic
Zombies Accept: inconceivable