•  784
    The question of transtemporal identity of objects in general and persons in particular is an important issue in both philosophy and psychology. While the focus of philosophers traditionally was on questions of the nature of identity relation and criteria that allow to settle ontological issues about identity, psychologists are mostly concerned with how people think about identity, and how they track identity of objects and people through time. In this article, we critically engage with widesprea…Read more
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    Inferences Between Buridan’s Modal Propositions
    with Haroldas Giedra and Živilė Pabijutaitė
    Problemos 101 31-41. 2022.
    In recent years modal syllogistic provided by 14th century logician John Buridan has attracted increasing attention of historians of medieval logic. The widespread use of quantified modal logic with the apparatus of possible worlds semantics in current analytic philosophy has encouraged the investigation of the relation of Buridan’s theory of modality with the modern developments of symbolic modal logic. We focus on the semantics of and the inferential relations among the propositions that under…Read more
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    Representing Buridan’s Divided Modal Propositions in First-Order Logic
    with Živilė Pabijutaitė and Haroldas Giedra
    History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (3): 264-274. 2021.
    Formalizing categorical propositions of traditional logic in the language of quantifiers and propositional functions is no straightforward matter, especially when modalities get involved. Starting...
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    The most urgent challenge of this year – the COVID-19 pandemic and measures of response to it – has sharpened and accelerated the process which was initially driven by bureaucratization and formalization: increasing depersonalization of academic life and the erosion of the university as a unique form of coexistence. The Assuming the concept of the university as a value category, this article aims to review and assess the changes in the self-perception of the academic community that have matured …Read more
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    Frege’s Bedeutung
    Problemos 97. 2020.
    The article raises the question what is the content of Frege’s infamous notion of Bedeutung? It is claimed that the so–called standard interpretation of this notion – Bedeutung as referential relation between a name and an object – was developed and established evaluating Frege’s ideas in philosophy of language in isolation from his logicist ideas. However, precisely his logicist concerns have motivated Frege’s interest in semantic issues. A broader consideration of Frege’s works reveals an inte…Read more
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    Kova Dėl Tuščios Vietos
    Problemos 84 184-186. 2013.
    Struggle for an Empty Space Jonas Dagys
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    Morality without Fear of God
    Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 16 (3). 2011.
    The paper analyses the relation between religion and morality. It is argued that absolutistic theistic conception of morality, which transforms metaphysical issues into moral ones, despite being the most popular folk understanding of morality, is neither the only one possible nor the most effective one. Accepting Bernard Williams‘ remark that religion in the context of morality adds either nothing or a wrong sort of thing, a conclusion is drawn that philosophical issues of morality can and shoul…Read more
  • Funkcinës psichiniø savybiø analizës atveriama jø materialiojo ákûnijimo ávairovës galimybë verèia materialistiná monizmà sàmonës filosofijoje formuluoti ne psichiniø ir fiziniø savybiø tapatumo, bet pirmøjø pareities nuo antrøjø tezæ. Pareities sàvoka sàmonës filosofijoje iðreiðkia minimalius reikalavimus fizikalistinëms teorijoms – paneigus pareities fizikalizmà bûtø paneigtos ir stipresnës fizikalizmoversijos. Straipsnyje tyrinëjama fizikalizmo kritika paremta vadinamuoju kokybiø perkeitimo g…Read more
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    J. McTaggart And H. Mellor on Time
    Problemos 73 115-121. 2008.
    The article analyzes John McTaggart’s argument for unreality of time, a classical piece of fin de siècleBrittish idealist metaphysics. Having accepted the distinction between A-series and B-series, one can only resist McTaggartian conclusion by denying at least one of the two: that B-series alone is insufficient for change or that A-series implies a contradiction. Hugh Mellor’s criticism is taken to represent thisstrategy. The lesson to be learnt from this debate is that if the world is conceive…Read more
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    Analytical Philosophy of Language and Science in Lithuania
    with Evaldas Nekrašas
    Problemos 78 43-51. 2010.
    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama analitinės kalbos ir mokslo filosofijos raida Lietuvoje. Konstatuojama, kad analitinė filosofija Lietuvoje pradėta plėtoti XX amžiaus aštuntajame dešimtmetyje, kai Evaldas Nekrašas ir Rolandas Pavilionis paskelbė savo pirmųjų mokslo filosofijos ir kalbos filosofijos tyrinėjimų, kuriuose remiamasi analitine tradicija, rezultatus. Straipsnyje analizuojami jų ir kitų tyrėjų, kurie rėmėsi ta pačia tradicija, pirmiausia Algirdo Degučio ir Albino Plėšnio darbai. Analitinė filos…Read more
  • Straipsnyje analitinës filosofijos poþiûriu analizuojamas Descartes’o sàmonës ir kûno skirtingumo árodymas, siekiant atskleisti jo panaðumus su ðiuolaikinëje sàmonës filosofijoje populiariu Davido Chalmerso pateiktu „zombio“ mintiniu eksperimentu ir juo grindþiamu dualizmo árodymu. Siekiama parodyti, kad ðiuolaikinis modaline semantikos analize grindþiamas árodymo variantas yra techniðkai sudë-tingesnis ir atsparesnis fizikalistinei kritikai, taèiau jis paremtas nutylëta ir nepagrásta epistemini…Read more
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    The paper is devoted to a discussion and critical evaluation of antisceptical arguments in epistemology that are based on causal theory of reference, with the special focus upon the revised version of the Hilary Putnam‘s Brain-in-a-Vat argument presented by Olaf Müller. Müller claims that his argument is based on the metaphysically neutral principles of semantic externalism and disquotation, however more thorough analysis of these principles and of the possibility to use them for antisceptical p…Read more
  • Straipsnyje tiriamos dvi XX a. viduryje iðplëtotos funkcionalistinio sàmonës aiðkinimo kryptys: D. Armstrongo ir D. Lewiso analitinis funkcionalizmas ir H. Putnamo komputacinis funkcionalizmas. Siekiamaparodyti, kad ðios dvi kryptys ið esmës sutampa metodologiniu poþiûriu, taèiau jø atstovai suteikiasavøjø teorijø metodologiniam pagrindui skirtingas ontologines interpretacijas. Sutardami, kad fizikinio bûvio ir funkcinio bûvio sàvokos skiriasi, jie nesutaria dël to, ar funkcinio bûvio sàvokà rei…Read more
  • Regarding the “False Conditional Premise”
    with Mindaugas Briedis
    Problemos 70 176-181. 2006.
    Straipsnyje kritikuojamas 68-ame „Problemø“ numeryje skelbtas J. Èiurlionio teiginys, kad matematiniai Zenono Elëjieèio aporijos sprendimai „remiasi klaidinga implikacine prielaida“. Pirma, logikosdësniai nedraudþia ið klaidingø teiginiø pagrástai iðvesti teisingus teiginius, todël prielaidos klaidingumas neuþtikrina iðvados klaidingumo. Antra, minimos implikacijos antecedento loginæ reikðmæ lemiaempirinis faktas, todël net jei implikacijos konsekventas bûtinai klaidingas, implikacija yra logini…Read more