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    Jonathan takes us through his experiences of being a mentor for UTOP (University Teaching Opportunities Programme), particularly how it enabled him to collaborate with his UTOP student mentees to design a learning activity in which students could think critically about AI-generated output.
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    The recent news of a 13-year-old Singaporean prodigy graduating from an Australian university has sparked discussion about Singapore’s approach to nurturing exceptional young talents, especially after it was revealed that the boy had been previously rejected by a local university because of his young age. Some have called for an increased flexibility to allow such young people to skip levels in Singapore - parents of intellectually advanced children often cite concerns that their children are di…Read more
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    How often have you heard someone refer to complaining as a “national pastime” in Singapore? Why do we complain and what do we get out of it? While the Oxford Dictionary defines "complain" as an expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something, the philosopher, Julian Baggini, defines the term in his book Complaint as “a refusal or inability to accept that things are not as they ought to be”. This suggests that complaining is not intrinsically harmful - its impact really depends on how …Read more
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    Memoirs of a Flying Tiger
    World Scientific. 2019.
    This book is a poignant story of a small-town boy, who stumbled into a lifelong flying career spanning 38 years as a pilot. Now at 99, Captain Ho Weng Toh, one of the last few remaining Flying Tigers, recalls the many events that shaped his life. It takes the readers through his journey of good and bad years, the trials and tribulations encountered, his journey from being a refugee student to becoming a Chinese Air Force B-25 bomber pilot, his will to live, the burning desire to contribute towar…Read more
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    《飞虎情缘:何永道回忆录》是一本史诗级的二战故事,也是一本 记录亲情、友情、爱情、同侪生死情谊的巨著。一名来自南洋的 男孩,在二战东方主战 场─ ─中国─ ─参与抗日的任务。尔后,他先 后在上海、马来亚、新加坡从事民航飞行的工作,至1980年,以新 航B-737客机的队长的身份告别翱翔万里的飞行生涯。这名百岁 飞虎老将的真实经历,宛如电影般的情节跌宕起伏,扣人心弦。尽 管二战硝烟已远,今日读来仍能叫人反思和平的代价。
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    Lessons in motivating students to learn online
    Times Higher Education (Campus). 2021.
    Teaching interdisciplinary modules online can be an uphill battle but it offers important lessons in the art of motivating students to learn.
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    Alleviating student anxiety using messaging apps
    Times Higher Education (Campus). 2021.
    In my discussion with students, I found that many of them have high levels of anxiety when it comes to learning something outside their intended major. In this article, I explain how I supported my class remotely using the Telegram messaging app to keep a regular flow of communication and reassure students they were not alone in having queries.
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    How to induct students into the flipped-classroom model
    Times Higher Education (Campus). 2021.
    The flipped-classroom format is a type of blended learning where students are required to do preparatory work – such as watching lecture videos or completing assignments – before coming to a face-to-face class to work on more challenging problems with the facilitation of an instructor. However, one challenge of teaching flipped-classroom modules is that a big proportion of students often come to class unprepared. Either they do not watch the lecture videos or they skim through them before the tu…Read more
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    A problematic trend I notice when conversing with students is how many of them struggle to remember what they did in modules from previous semesters. These discussions got me thinking about how to design learning activities that are unforgettable. Albert Einstein, among other figures credited with the quote, famously said that “education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school”. I want to ensure my students remember what they have learned from me, especially after …Read more
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    Humanities and social science majors are frequently misunderstood, in Singapore as in many other parts of the world. The value of their education is regularly questioned, and many employers are unaware of the value such majors can bring to the table. They prefer to hire graduates with more explicitly “practical” degrees for jobs that humanities and social sciences students could excel in. As a result, humanities and social sciences students are not typically considered for many organisations and…Read more
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    When I ask students how they feel about group projects, the response is often negative. This is usually a result of bad experiences with problematic group members, such as free riders who do not contribute or members who bulldoze their ideas through while disregarding their peers. After many semesters mediating disputes within such groups, I have found that issues often stem from concerns about “saving face”. This leads to a lack of much-needed communication. In this article, I offer three metho…Read more
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    Assignment feedback is key to helping students improve and correct their understanding so they can build upon solid foundations of knowledge as their course progresses. Yet, I found that about 30% of students review their feedback. It is not because students are lazy but because they struggle to find the time and often have little immediate incentive to review feedback for something that has already been graded when they have other assignments to work on. Feedback is most effective when it is sh…Read more
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    We are pleased to feature a video interview with Jonathan Sim, where he shares his ongoing journey of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in his teaching, the challenges encountered along the way, and what educators can do to get their students to meaningfully engage with AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance their learning.
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    Trust is the foundation for learning, and we must not allow ignorance of this new technologies, like Generative AI, to disrupt the relationship between students and educators. As a first step, we need to actively engage with AI tools to better understand how they can help us in our work.
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    Pausing to reflect feels like stagnant inactivity, but it’s crucial for our youths as increasingly more students come to higher education without having truly engaged in self-reflection.
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    We may all be living on the same planet, but the personalised experience of online platforms creates numerous parallel worlds that fragments our communicative cultures - this problem quietly escapes our attention, and it is dividing us to such extent that it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to respectfully converse and collaborate with others. Seeing how these personalised bubbles are making our youths struggle to understand and work with others, my worry is that this problem will worse…Read more
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    The drive for human connection and to discover one’s identity is not limited to the online world: It is a universal human need that we all share. It is crucial to understand that problems we typically attribute to gaming platforms (like self-radicalisation) are not special tech problems or gaming problems. They can and do happen offline as well. What we are dealing with is essentially a human problem that so happens to occur on technological platforms.
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    As educators, we often ask if our students are ready for the future, but how often do we ask ourselves if we educators are ready for the future?
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    Jonathan discusses the learning issues he observed which prompted him to adopt this platform in his teaching, the implementation process, and his observations of his students’ response to this approach.
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    The late Clark Kerr, one of the great leaders and thinkers of American higher education in the 20th century, shaped the landscape of higher education in the United States, starting with California, where he lived and worked. When he was the President of the University of California (UC) (1958–1967), he formulated and led the implementation of the California Master Plan of Higher Education (California State Department of Education, 1960) in response to an urgent need for higher education reforms …Read more
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    The ‘Face’ Barriers to Partnership
    Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education 1 (27): 1-4. 2019.
    As a teacher in Singapore, I regularly encounter a classroom full of quiet students, reluctant to participate in class, to engage with the teacher when questioned, or even to volunteer for any project or initiative. Many teachers here are quick to conclude that Singapore students are passive or conformists. This observation is, in fact, not unique to students in Singapore, but also to the broader Asian region. Scholars like Cortazzi and Jin (1996) attributed such behaviour to the specific cultur…Read more
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    Buying Time for Climate Action: Exploring Ways Around Stumbling Blocks (edited book)
    with Jan Wouter Vasbinder
    World Scientific. 2021.
    The 2021 IPCC report made one thing crystal clear — global climate change is here to stay. Time is up. We need to act or climate change will lead to inconceivable suffering by billions of people. Buying Time for Climate Action is the combined narrative of world class experts, all committed to help humanity survive its largely self-induced destructive course. Changing that course requires urgent action. Determining which actions will lead to helpful change requires insights into the stumbling blo…Read more
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    Fit for Purpose? The Futures of Universities (edited book)
    with Jan Wouter Vasbinder
    World Scientific. 2022.
    Schools and universities educate (mostly young) people, to equip them to deal with the future as it unfolds from the present. The question — whether these schools and universities are fit for that purpose — has always been relevant, even in slow-paced times of relative stability, where the future seems predictable as a simple extension of the past. Now that the future is not predictable anymore. Slow-paced times have gone. The relative stability in which universities developed and educated succe…Read more
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    Grand challenges for science in the 21st century (edited book)
    with Balázs Gulyás and Jan W. Vasbinder
    World Scientific. 2019.
    This interesting book is a compilation of the lectures and discussions held during a four-day event "Grand Challenges for Science in the 21st Century" organized by Para Limes at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The elite group of speakers included Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner who called on all scientists to adopt a truth-seeking approach and not be afraid of challenging assumptions. The other panellists were Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and past President of the Royal Society…Read more