• Intelligence under democracy and authoritariansim: a philosophical analysis
    Intelligence and National Security 37 (6): 903-919. 2022.
    This article compares the secret state intelligence activities of democracies and authoritarian systems, arguing that authoritarian intelligence is fundamentally different than democratic intelligence. The very meaning of the term ‘information security’ differs dramatically between the two regime types. In authoritarian systems, analytical objectivity in intelligence both is not and should not be the primary goal. Authoritarian intelligence systems are best understood as ‘Palace Guards’ whose pr…Read more
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    Intelligence under Democracy and Authoritarianism: A philosophical analysis
    Intelligence and National Security 37 (6): 903-919. 2022.
    This article compares the secret state intelligence activities of democracies and authoritarian systems, arguing that authoritarian intelligence is fundamentally different than democratic intelligence. The very meaning of the term ‘information security’ differs dramatically between the two regime types. In authoritarian systems, analytical objectivity in intelligence both is not and should not be the primary goal. Authoritarian intelligence systems are best understood as ‘Palace Guards’ whose pr…Read more
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    Hatfield, Joseph M. 2017. “Immanual Kant: from Universal Rationality to Perpetual Peace,” book chapter in Philosophers and War, edited by Timothy Demy, Eric Patterson, and Jeffrey Shaw. Middletown, RI: Stone Tower Press.
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    Social Engineering in Cybersecurity: The Evolution of a Concept
    Computers and Security 73 102-113. 2018.
    This paper offers a history of the concept of social engineering in cybersecurity and argues that while the term began its life in the study of politics, and only later gained usage within the domain of cybersecurity, these are applications of the same fundamental ideas: epistemic asymmetry, technocratic dominance, and teleological replacement. The paper further argues that the term's usages in both areas remain conceptually and semantically interrelated. Moreover, ignorance of this interrelatio…Read more
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    This paper offers a virtue ethics analysis of social engineering in penetration-testing. It begins by considering previous research on this topic and argues that such attempts misconstrue or more often overlook this Aristotelian tradition. It articulates the core tenets of virtue ethics and applies them to an analysis of white hat social engineering. A virtue ethics analysis requires that individuals and the firms that initiate the penetration-test be placed within a larger communal context whic…Read more
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    An ethical defense of treason by means of espionage
    Intelligence and National Security 32 (2): 195-207. 2017.
    This essay argues that treason by means of espionage is ethically justified when six factors are present, two of which are: that the political community being betrayed fails to secure for its citizens basic human rights and other means of peaceful or otherwise lawful protest are unavailable. The paper begins by analyzing the application of several theories of ethics to treason, including: consequentialism, deontology, the Just War tradition, and Michael Walzer’s influential concept of ‘dirty han…Read more