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    Journal of the APPA
    with Lou Marinoff, Nancy Matchett, Greg Goode, and Thomas Griffith
    Philosophical Practice 4. 2009-2014.
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    The Depathologization of Everyday Life
    International Journal of Philosophical Practice 2 (3): 13-31. 2004.
    Philosophical counseling offers a depathologizing practice that can benefit both the practitioner and the client. Philosopher Michel Foucault’s account of biopower is a useful analytic of the psychopathologization of everyday life, and can show the social signif­icance of philosophical practice. This essay critiques the conflation, by some philosophical practitioners, of the medical disease model and all psychotherapeutic methods. Foucault’s conflation of human normativity and normalization is a…Read more
  • Philosophical Counselling and the Unconscious (review)
    Philosophical Practice 4 (1): 419-421. 2009.
  • Supervision and Case Notes in Philosophical Counselling Practice
    Philosophical Practice 4 (2): 467-474. 2009.
    This paper recounts experience from the author’s philosophical counseling supervision experience. The paper then gives an overview of the narrative turn in bioethics, showing how the bioethical narrative turn disputes the assumption that client case notes can provide reliable empirical information about what happens in philosophical counseling sessions. The paper concludes that interpretation by philosophical peer reviewers is an in-eliminable aspect of peer review. Accountability for our counse…Read more
  • Metamorphoses: Thinking in the Crisis of Speculative Reflection
    Dissertation, Vanderbilt University. 1989.
    What is the significance of diverse writing styles in contemporary Continental thought? I take Maurice Merleau-Ponty's latest texts and Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical autobiography as exemplary, demonstrating the primacy of stylistic linguistic expression for their philosophically self-reflective tasks. I situate this primacy historically, by discussing in successive chapters the Aristotelian and Husserlian presuppositional legacies that are strategically countered by their writing styles. …Read more
  • Encountering the Diagnosis in Philosophical Counseling Practice
    Philosophical Practice 3 (2): 277-284. 2008.
    This paper articulates a dilemma posed by philosophical counseling literature that presupposes diagnostic recognition. In addition, guests often bring self-ascribed mental health diagnoses from their previous experience, and requests the philosophical counselor to de-diagnose or otherwise reinterpret their problems. Although philosophical counselors can do this, we cannot skirt philosophical diagnosis. The paper’s thesis is that it behooves philosophical counselors to differentiate these types o…Read more
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    Flesh memory/skin practice
    Research in Phenomenology 23 (1): 73-91. 1993.
  • Case Studies from Research at Eastern Michigan University
    Philosophical Practice 4 (3): 492-501. 2009.
    These clients consented to public distribution and discussion of their case studies under the condition that their real names or persons or organizations would not appear in any of these studies. Some of these case studies are the result of my two-year research project, “Philosophical Counseling Case Studies: Implications for Philosophical Practice,” approved by my university Institutional Review Board in 2004. My success in gaining the IRB approval of this project is indebted in no small way to…Read more