Katia Schwerzmann

Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Freie Universität Berlin
  •  21
    In this article, I show why it is necessary to abolish the use of predictive algorithms in the US criminal justice system at sentencing. After presenting the functioning of these algorithms in their context of emergence, I offer three arguments to demonstrate why their abolition is imperative. First, I show that sentencing based on predictive algorithms induces a process of rewriting the temporality of the judged individual, flattening their life into a present inescapably doomed by its past. Se…Read more
  •  382
    In this article, I show why it is necessary to abolish the use of predictive algorithms in the US criminal justice system at sentencing. After presenting the functioning of these algorithms in their context of emergence, I offer three arguments to demonstrate why their abolition is imperative. First, I show that sentencing based on predictive algorithms induces a process of rewriting the temporality of the judged individual, flattening their life into a present inescapably doomed by its past. Se…Read more
  •  5
    Graphische Markierungen bilden das Fundament unseres epistemischen und ästhetischen Umgangs mit der Welt. Die medialen Umwälzungen im digitalen Zeitalter haben die Relevanz des Graphischen sogar noch potenziert. Die "Theorie des graphischen Feldes", die an der Kreuzung von Philosophie, Ästhetik und Medientheorie verortet ist, bietet eine neue Reflexion über den Akt des Markierens in einer Zeit, die als jene der Entmaterialisierung von Information und Medien gilt. Über die Opposition zwischen med…Read more
  •  320
    The sensory dimension of writing, which is never fully neutralised in the process of semiosis, remains aporetic in Derrida’s philosophy. I show how Barthes’ observations on pseudo-writing lead to his understanding of writing as a gesture, opening up post-structuralism to the body as absolutely non-repeatable, as the opposite of semiosis. The examination of Barthes’ account of the relationship between writing and the body leads to an aesthetic of physical responsiveness, which challenges the dist…Read more
  •  23
    Dimensionen des Graphismus. Die drei Pole der Linie
    In Driesen Christian, Köppel Rea, Meyer-Kramer Benjamin & Wittrock Eike (eds.), Über Kritzeln. Graphismen zwischen Schrift, Bild, Text und Zeichen, Diaphanes. pp. 39-57. 2012.