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    Doing Philosophy: Beyond Books and Classrooms
    with Rob Wilson
    Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (2): 47-64. 2023.
    Philosophy in community projects provide powerful, immersive introductions to philosophical thinking for both children and tertiary students. Such introductions can jumpstart transformative learning as well as diversify who seeks out philosophy in the longer term, both in schools and in universities. Using survey responses from teachers, parents, participants, staff, and volunteers of two such programs – Eurekamp Oz! and philosothons – we show how participants find value in engaging in communit…Read more
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    Philosophical inquiry in a culturally diverse, faith-based community
    with Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Nin Kirkham, Douglas Nelson, and Stella Tarrant
    Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (1). 2023.
    This paper reports on collaborative research undertaken with the African Australian Christian Impact Centre (CIC) in Perth, Western Australia. It is part of a larger university philosophy outreach program in which the researchers seek to create opportunities for those on the educational and social margins, and young people, to engage in ‘doing philosophy’, and to learn from them about their experiences. We were interested to evaluate whether the collaborative philosophical inquiry methods we use…Read more