University of Memphis
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1995
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
  •  20
    AbSTRACTThis paper is concerned with Foucault's historical methodology. It argues that the coherence of his project lies in its development of a set of tools for unearthing the historical principles that govern thought and practice in the epochs that have shaped the present age. Foucault claimed that these principles are, at once, transcendental and historical. Accordingly, the philosophical soundness of Foucault's project depends on his having developed a satisfactory way of passage between the…Read more
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    11. Foucault and the “Image Of Thought”: Archaeology, Genealogy, and the Impetus of Transcendental Empiricism
    In Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail & Daniel Warren Smith (eds.), Between Deleuze and Foucault, Edinburgh University. pp. 200-211. 2016.
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    The Spiritual Disciplines of Biopower
    Radical Philosophy Review 7 (1): 59-76. 2004.
    This paper seeks to further Foucault’s work by coming to understand the specific set of conditions that govern contemporary thought and action, the “historical a priori” of our age, and from this it seeks to assess the prospects for projects of collective self-formation. It focuses on two recent innovations in molecular science: genetic counseling and performance enhancement therapies. The paper argues, on the one hand, that these sorts of practices are indicative of a fundamentally new mode of …Read more
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    AbSTRACTThis paper is concerned with Foucault's historical methodology. It argues that the coherence of his project lies in its development of a set of tools for unearthing the historical principles that govern thought and practice in the epochs that have shaped the present age. Foucault claimed that these principles are, at once, transcendental and historical. Accordingly, the philosophical soundness of Foucault's project depends on his having developed a satisfactory way of passage between the…Read more
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    What philosophical motivations lay behind the emergence of the genealogical method in Foucault’s thought? Pace traditional interpretations, I argue that genealogy is best construed as a supplementary addition to the archaeological mode of investigation. It addresses an issue that arose within the problematic to which the archaeological method responds, but which that method was not designed to solve: the problem of “transcendental genesis” as this issue was defined within the unique parameters s…Read more
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    Forms of resistance: Foucault on tactical reversal and self-formation (review)
    Continental Philosophy Review 36 (2): 113-138. 2003.
    This paper argues that two distinct models of resistance are to be found in Foucault's work. The first, tactical reversal, is predicated on the idea that conflict is inherent to power relations, the strategical model of power, and thus that a specific configuration of power and knowledge can be thwarted by reversing the mechanisms whereby this relation is sustained. The second, the aesthetics of existence, is based in the governmental model of power and holds that it is possible to forge autonom…Read more
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    Comments on Johanna Oksala’s Foucault, Politics, and Violence
    Philosophy Today 58 (2): 279-288. 2014.
    This essay offers a review of the basic argument and a critique of some of the central claims of Johanna Oksala’s Foucault, Politics, and Violence
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    Introduction: Legacies of Militancy and Theory
    with Perry Zurn
    In Perry Zurn & Kevin Thompson (eds.), Intolerable: Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group, 1970-1980, University of Minnesota Press. pp. 1-34. 2021.
    In this Introduction, we offer, in the first section, a brief sketch of events before turning to track the profound innovations in militancy and theory that Le Group d'information sur les prisons (The Prisons Information Group, the GIP) and its work represent. In the second section, we explore the GIP’s prisoner-centered and largely prisoner-led structure, predicated on the recognition that prisoners have the political knowledge and political agency most relevant to prison resistance movements. …Read more
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    A groundbreaking collection of writings by Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group documenting their efforts to expose France’s inhumane treatment of prisoners. Founded by Michel Foucault and others in 1970–71, the Prisons Information Group (GIP) circulated information about the inhumane conditions within the French prison system. Intolerable makes available for the first time in English a fully annotated compilation of materials produced by the GIP during its brief but influential exi…Read more