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    The idea that we must move beyond anthropocentrism to overcome interspecies injustice and environmental collapse is widespread within the environmental humanities. Yet, the concept of anthropocentrism remains ambiguous, and so do some of the arguments raised against it. What exactly should we move beyond and why? The article attempts to answer these questions and clarify the merits and limitations of both anthropocentric and post-anthropocentric views within ethics and ontology. This article pro…Read more
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    En fænomenologisk helhedsforståelse af intersubjektiviteten
    Tidsskrift for Medier, Erkendelse Og Formidling 7 (1). 2019.
    In this paper I investigate Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological theory of intersubjectivity. It turns out that any such theory requires a conceptualisation of the relation between the bodily subject and the objective reality that takes historicity seriously.
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    In the epicenter of his attempt to justify the “objective validity” of morality and freedom in the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant introduces a so-called fact of reason, which is rendered as the fact that human beings are consciou s of the moral ought’s categorical authority. However, few parts of Kant’s thinking have bemused commentators as much as this. In this article, the author explores a set of intersecting problems related to the fact of reason: (1) the problem of its general argumenta…Read more
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    Semantic Anti-Realism in Kant’s Antinomy Chapter
    Open Philosophy 5 (1): 737-757. 2022.
    By considering the semantic footings of the so-called antinomies of pure reason, this article contributes to the debate about whether Kant was committed to semantic realism or anti-realism. That is, whether verification-transcendent judgements are truth-apt (realism) or not (anti-realism). Against the (empiricist) semantic principle that Strawson, and others, have ascribed to Kant as the “principle of significance,” the bedrock of my article is what I call Kant’s Real Principle of Significance: …Read more
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    Must you respect basic logical laws (BLL) – such as the law of non-contradiction – in order to think? Frege wrote that one must “acknowledge” BLL in order not to “abandon judgement altogether”. Some have argued that Frege therefore thought of logic as somehow ‘constitutive’ of thinking. However, some interpreters contend, due to his strong commitment to logic’s normative status, that Frege held the opposite view, namely the non-constitutivist view that (systematic) ‘illogical’ thinking is possib…Read more
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    Politics and Science: Introduction
    Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 57 (2): 135-152. 2024.
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    In Hvorfor verden ikke findes, Philosophia. pp. 219-231. 2018.
    My epilogue to the Danish translation of Markus Gabriel's "Warum of die Welt nicht gibt".
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    Frege’s extrinsicism about the normativity of logic
    South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (3): 257-271. 2024.
    One ought to be logically consistent. This is sometimes referred to as the Normativity Thesis about logic. But why do we acknowledge it? This is the “source question”. This paper shows that Frege provided a promising, yet often ignored, answer to that question. Frege held that the logical consequence relation |= is not intrinsically normative. Rather, the normativity of logic is derived from something other than logic itself, namely the norm that one ought to judge truly and not falsely. I demon…Read more
  • Hvorfor verden ikke findes (edited book)
    Philosophia. 2018.
    My translation into Danish of Markus Gabriel's "Warum es die Welt nicht gibt".