1157Reading the Menexenus IntertextuallyIn Harold Parker & Max Robitzsch (eds.), Speeches for the Dead: Essays on Plato's Menexenus, De Gruyter. pp. 29-49. 2018.
155Against Mathematical ExplanationJournal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1): 173-192. 2013.Lately, philosophers of mathematics have been exploring the notion of mathematical explanation within mathematics. This project is supposed to be analogous to the search for the correct analysis of scientific explanation. I argue here that given the way philosophers have been using “ explanation,” the term is not applicable to mathematics as it is in science
142Plato on International RelationsPhilosophical Forum 48 (3): 325-339. 2017.Plato’s political philosophy is usually seen in the context of domestic politics, justice within a polis. This essay argues that Plato had views on international relations theory as well. We show that Plato had a theory of the causes of international conflict, and that his theory can be seen as a response to Thucydides’ theory as well as theories espoused by other Greek thinkers. Plato’s theory can be generalized to a theory of causation in the social sciences. He also had clear views on what in…Read more
86Putnam on metaphysics, religion, and ethics: Critical notice of jewish philosophy as a guide to life: Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, WittgensteinPhilosophical Forum 40 (3): 425-434. 2009.No Abstract
71Menexenus is one of the least studied among Plato's works, mostly because of the puzzling nature of the text, which has led many scholars either to reject the dialogue as spurious or to consider it as a mocking parody of Athenian funeral rhetoric. In this book, Pappas and Zelcer provide a persuasive alternative reading of the text, one that contributes in many ways to our understanding of Plato, and specifically to our understanding of his political thought. The book is organized into two parts.…Read more
71The Role of Symmetry in MathematicsFoundations of Science 22 (3): 495-515. 2017.Over the past few decades the notion of symmetry has played a major role in physics and in the philosophy of physics. Philosophers have used symmetry to discuss the ontology and seeming objectivity of the laws of physics. We introduce several notions of symmetry in mathematics and explain how they can also be used in resolving different problems in the philosophy of mathematics. We use symmetry to discuss the objectivity of mathematics, the role of mathematical objects, the unreasonable effectiv…Read more
58Conscientious Objection and the Transformative Nature of WarJournal of Military Ethics 14 (2): 118-122. 2015.
53The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics and Logic Cannot Tell Us (review)Philosophical Quarterly 64 (255): 383-385. 2014.
43Review of Andrew Aberdein and Matthew Inglis (eds), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishers, 2019, 296 pages, $114 (review)Philosophia 48 (3): 1283-1287. 2020.
43Ethics for the weekends: The case of reservistsJournal of Military Ethics 11 (4): 333-352. 2012.This essay argues that a military's reserve force occupies an important and overlooked ethical position. It shows that, among other things, reservists pose special challenges to virtue ethics accounts of military personnel, an understanding of the relationship between a government and its military, as well as standard questions about jus in bello
40We state the defining characteristic of mathematics as a type of symmetry where one can change the connotation of a mathematical statement in a certain way when the statement's truth value remains the same. This view of mathematics as satisfying such symmetry places mathematics as comparable with modern views of physics and science where, over the past century, symmetry also plays a defining role. We explore the very nature of mathematics and its relationship with natural science from this persp…Read more
30A Translation of “Beliefs and Opinions in Light of the Natural Sciences”Hakirah 12 209-232. 2012.
27A finite review of a finite book on an infinite topic: Alexander R. Pruss: Infinity, causation, and paradox. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 207pp, $60.00 (review)Metascience 28 (2): 349-351. 2019.
24Military Psychological Operations: Ethics and Policy ConsiderationsIn David Boonin (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy, Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 111-122. 2018.This chapter addresses some basic ethical questions about psychological operations. It defines PSYOP, then compares and contrasts it with both conventional military activities and contemporary information warfare. Then it briefly clarifies emerging public policy problems, outlines relevant legal particularities, and offers general policy considerations with regard to ethical considerations in its employment.
15The Philosophy of Joseph B. SoloveitchikRoutledge. 2021.Providing a concise but comprehensive overview of Joseph B. Soloveitchik's larger philosophical program, this book studies one of the most important modern Orthodox Jewish thinkers. It incorporates much relevant biographical, philosophical, religious, legal, and historical background so that the content and difficult philosophical concepts are easily accessible. The volume describes his view of Jewish law and how he answers the fundamental question of Jewish philosophy, namely, the "reasons" for…Read more
2A Chosen Calling: Jews in Science in the Twentieth Century by Noah J. Efron (review)Science, Religion and Culture 1 (3): 126. 2014.1920s United States saw the publishing of numer- ous popular science textbooks in Yiddish, like Z. P. Nathans’ Populere erḳlerung fun Aynshṭayn’s relaṭiṿiṭeṭ ṭeorye and Yiddish translations of scientific classics like Darwin’s The Descent of Man1. These were geared toward a largely bilingual Jewish audience that had strong cultural ties to Yiddish and also to science. But what does it mean for an ethnicity to have strong cultural ties to science and how did it get that way in this case? P…Read more
1Review of E. Brian Davies, Why Beliefs Matter: Reflections on the Nature of Science (review)Science, Religion and Culture 1 (3): 141-143. 2014.
1A flow-chart approach to the Ontological ArgumentAPA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy 2 (2): 232-233. 2003.
1Military Psychological Operations: Ethics and policy considerationsIn David Boonin (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy, Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 111-122. 2018.
A cognitive neuroscience, dual-systems approach to the sorites paradoxJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 25 (3): 355-366. 2013.Typical approaches to resolving the sorites paradox attempt to show, in one way or another, that the sorites argument is not paradoxical after all. However, if one can show that the sorites is not really paradoxical, the task remains of explaining why it appears to be a paradox. Our approach begins by addressing the appearance of paradox and then explores what this means for the paradox itself. We examine the sorites from the perspective of the various brain systems that are intuitively comforta…Read more