• Antonio Labriola, il comunismo critico e la lezione delle cose
    Filosofia Politica 38 (1): 157-170. 2024.
    The author addresses some central aspects of Antonio Labriola’s Marxist thought moving from Un marxismo «alquanto aristocratico». Studi su Antonio Labriola (2023) by Alberto Burgio and La rivoluzione come problema pedagogico (2022) by Massimo Gabella. The topics of materialistic dialectics and theoretical autonomy of Marxism are also critically reconsidered in the context of Labriola’s political theory.
  •  105
    The text presented contains an interview conducted with Domenico Losurdo about "La lotta di classe. Una storia politica e filosofica" (Laterza: Rome 2016) [Class Struggle: A Political and Philosophical History (Palgrave: New York 2018)] and "La sinistra assente. Crisi, società dello spettacolo, guerra" (Carocci: Rome 2014).
  •  182
    Hegels Philosophie di Walter Jaeschke. Un paradigma in discussione
    Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 114 (1): 177-183. 2022.
    This paper deals with Walter Jaeschke’s Hegels Philosophie. It begins with Hegel’s early writings, focusing on the relationship between logic and metaphysics. It goes on to explore central moments of Hegel’s philosophy: the relationship with Kant, the nature of categories, the philosophy of history, and the concept of the State. Jaeschke’s interpretation of Hegel’s thought is that of a paradigmatic thinker, whose fundamental philosophical breakthrough lies in the concept of Geist.
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    with Andrea Colli, Valentina Lepore, Marco Ivaldo, and Giovanni Rota
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1 167-181. 2022.
  •  160
    Nicolai Hartmann e Alexius Meinong su apriorità e causalità. Note sul carteggio
    Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 113 (4): 897-912. 2021.
    _Nicolai Hartmann and Alexius Meinong on Apriority and Causality. Notes on the Correspondence_ The article offers a critical reading of the nine letters composing the correspondence exchanged by Alexius Meinong (1853-1920) and Nicolai Hartmann (1882-1950) in 1915 and 1918-1920. The author explores the main contents of the correspondence, through a chronological-thematic analysis. The letters of 1915 are eminently dedicated to a discussion of the gnoseology-ontology relationship. Here, the autho…Read more
  •  341
    Antonio Labriola nella crisi del marxismo
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 76 (2): 251-280. 2021.
    Antonio Labriola in the crisis of Marxism. The article deals with the relationship between Marxism and science in Antonio Labriola’s philosophy in the years1898-­1899. In the first part, the Author looks at the content of the Postscript to Discorrendo di socialismo e di filosofia and critically analyzes Labriola’s objections to some of the central theses defended by Benedetto Croce on the theory of value and the economics of Karl Marx. In the second part, two important writings by Labriola linke…Read more
  •  133
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 75 (4): 741-751. 2020.
    The article firstly outlines the essential contents of Nicolai Hartmann's "Possibility and Actuality" (1938), on the occasion of its recent Italian translation ("Possibilità e realtà", Milano-Udine 2018). Secondly, it discusses the main contents of "Nicolai Hartmanns Neue Ontologie und die Philosophische Anthropologie" (Berlin-Boston 2019), the outcome of a conference devoted to Hartmann's philosophy, regarded in the context of twentieth-century philosophical anthropology (Max Scheler, Helmuth P…Read more
  •  232
    La teoria del materialismo storico di Antonio Labriola
    Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 33 159-187. 2020.
    ANTONIO LABRIOLA’S THEORY OF HISTORICAL MATERIALISM. The author examines Antonio Labriola’s interpretation of historical materialism in the Saggi intorno alla concezione materialistica della storia (Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History). The author identifies the key element to grasp the relevance of Labriola’s reading of Marxism in the concept of the theory developed in the Saggi. After reviewing the main interpretations of the Saggi, the author focuses on the relationship betwee…Read more
  •  26
    Nell’intervista concessa nell’ottobre 1969 al regista e suo ex-allievo András Kovács, Lukács è sollecitato ad esprimere un giudizio su Trockij. A tal fine egli evoca una formula già utilizzata da Lenin in un dialogo con Gor’kij: «Trockij cammina con noi, ma in realtà non fa parte di noi». Dalle poche ma significative lettere che compongono l’epistolario tra Lukács e Anders, l’immagine che del secondo offre il primo potrebbe essere icasticamente resa attraverso il capovolgimento di tale giudizio.…Read more
  •  413
    Lukács 1933-1942. L'irrazionalismo nell'età del fascismo
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 75 (1): 81-106. 2020.
    "Lukács 1933-1942. Irrationalism in the Age of Fascism". This essay reconstructs the philosophical and historiographical premises to Georg Lukács’ research on irrationalism conducted during the period of Nazi rule in Germany. To this end, the Author focuses chiefly on two posthumous works: How Did Fascist Philosophy Arise in Germany? (1933) and How Did Germany Become the Centre of reactionary Ideology? (1941-1942). After a brief historical contextualization, the Author illustrates the main purpo…Read more
  •  219
    Un "testamento" senza eredi. Lukács e lo stalinismo
    Critica Marxista 3 67-75. 2016.
    In margine a una raccolta di scritti di Lukács contro lo stalinismo, che prende nome da una importante intervista del 1971, inedita in italiano. Dal 1930 in poi è presente nella produzione del filosofo ungherese la lotta per la «democratizzazione». Il tema della «trasformazione del lavoro in lavoro socialista». La radicale alterità di Lukács allo stalinismo.
  •  15
    L'intero segreto della concezione critica. Sul lavoro in Lukács e Marx
    Links. Rivista di Letteratura E Cultura Tedesca Zeitschrift Für Deutsche Literatur- Und Kulturwissenschaft 16 35-44. 2016.
    The “concept of labour” has no bearing on the methodological premises of Marx’s “Critique of political economy.” In The German Ideology there is an attempt to abandon the field of philosophy to become a “real science”, i.e., a science capable of overcoming all the hypostases of “concepts” of “ideology”. From History and Class Consciousness onwards, Lukács continuously tackles the “concept of labour”. The late Lukács interprets the latter as the “Urphänomen” of human praxis. In actual fact this i…Read more
  •  178
    La «Dittatura democratica» nelle Tesi di Blum di Georg Lukács
    Il Pensiero Politico 51 (3): 371-399. 2018.
    This essay critically reconstructs the concept of ‘democratic dictatorship’ which Georg Lukács’s outlines in Blum Theses of 1928. The essay tackles the birth of the Communist Party of Hungary, particularly focusing on its factional struggles during the 1920s. Secondly, the main contents of the Blum Theses, compared with the debate on the ‘Republican Assembly’ in the Italian Communist Party will be discussed. Finally, the essay examines the two most rooted interpretive prejudices concerning the B…Read more
  •  279
    Axel Honneth e i presupposti della reificazione
    Consecutio Rerum: Rivista Critica Della Postmodernità 2 (4): 279-300. 2018.
    The aim of this paper is to deal with some aspects of Axel Honneth’s reading of reification faced in his 2005 Verdinglichung. Eine Anerkennungstheoretische Studie. To this purpose, I critically analyse the interpretation of Marx by Lukács as it is expressed in Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat. Secondly, I claim that Lukács’ fetishism analysis is grounded in a significant misunderstanding of the core issue of Marx’s Critique of political economy. Furthermore, I suggest that Ho…Read more
  •  342
    Weder Empirist noch Dogmatiker. Lukács interprete di Lenin
    Materialismo Storico 3 (2): 191-216. 2017.
    This paper examines Lukács’ interpretation of Lenin, with particular focus on his Lenin: A Study on the Unity of his Thought (1924), and the Postscript which was added to the book in January 1967. From 1924 onward, Lukács mainly focuses on the methodological basis of Lenin’s political thought, which vital point lays in applying the category of totality in order to grasp the complexity of the socio-historical conjuncture. In addition, Lukács deals with some ethical aspects of Lenin’s personality,…Read more
  •  50
    Ursprünglich als eine kurze Einführung in die „Ethik“ konzipiert, ist die „Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins“ seit 1964 das nahezu ausschließliche Objekt des theoretischen Engagements Georg Lukács’ (1885-1971). Obwohl Lukács’ ontologisches Projekt ein ziemliches Forschungsinteresse erzeugt hat, mangelt es bisher an einer befriedigenden kritischen Rekonstruktion des Lukács’schen „Ontologie“-Begriffs. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, genau diese Lücke zu füllen. Laut Lukács steht das „…Read more
  •  423
    Uneven Development and Weltanschauung. Remarks on Lukács’ Late Writings on Marxism
    Lexicon Philosophicum. International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas 6 177-198. 2018.
    From 1930 onwards, György Lukács considers ‘uneven development’ the typical relational form between economic progress and the corresponding evolution of other fields of human activity. In the early thirties Lukács focuses on the problem of elaborating an independent Marxist aesthetics, but then necessarily find himself having to deal with the general configuration of Marx’s alleged philosophy. The general theory illustrated in The Ontology of Social Being is where this philosophy, considered as …Read more
  •  564
    Forme di responsabilità. L'etica in Lukács come traccia per una rilettura
    Isonomia: Online Philosophical Journal of the University of Urbino 1-38. 2015.
    The current image of Georg Lukács (1885-1971) is widely swayed by an interpretative standard grounded on a deep partition between his young (1910-1918),intermediate (1918-1930) and mature (1930-1971) intellectual production. Despite rejecting an undeniable discontinuity in Lukács’ philosophical evolution,especially between his pre-Marxist works (The Soul and the Forms and Theory of Romance) and the post-1918 Marxist production, I aim for a global reconsideration of Lukács’ philosophy, evaluating…Read more