Michael Peterson

Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology
    Assistant Professor
DePaul University
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2022
Rolla, MO, United States of America
  •  5
    Inheritance Indifferent to Legitimacy
    Angelaki 29 (1): 110-120. 2024.
    This essay seeks to establish the sense in which Derrida’s stated indifference to questions of legitimate descent can function as an ethical or political principle, as he argues in “Marx and Sons.” We track Derrida’s response to accusations of a lack of fealty in texts such as “Marx and Sons,” “Biodegradables: Seven Diary Fragments,” and “Limited Inc a b c … ” alongside his problematization of a certain sense of inheritance or heritage. We argue that Derrida reveals the necessity of troubling es…Read more
  •  29
    Jesus and the Genome: The Intersection of Christology and Biology
    with Timothy J. Pawl and Ben F. Brammell
    Cambridge University Press. 2024.
    Is a coherent worldview that embraces both classical Christology and modern evolutionary biology possible? This volume explores this fundamental question through an engaged inquiry into key topics, including the Incarnation, the process of evolution, modes of divine action, the nature of rationality, morality, chance and love, and even the meaning of life. Grounded alike in the history and philosophy of science, Christian theology, and the scientific basis for evolutionary biology and genetics, …Read more
  •  13
    This book argues for the necessity of a re-evaluation of our thinking about responsibly relating to future generations in the context of environmental philosophy. Using long-term nuclear waste disposal as its paradigmatic case, this book makes the case that the predominant mode of thinking the future in terms of continuity and repetition of the present requires a critique informed by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in order to think responsibility adequately. The book begins by surveying cont…Read more
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    This dissertation investigates conceptions of responsibility at work in contemporary intergenerational nuclear waste policy. It argues that articulations of responsibility at work in current policy unduly privileges resemblance to the present as a condition for that responsibility holding as an intergenerational relation. The dissertation begins by arguing that current waste disposal practices depend on a view of responsibility contingent on the presumption that future generations will be minima…Read more
  •  10
    Responsibility and the Non(bio)degradable
    In Matthias Fritsch, Philippe Lynes & David Wood (eds.), Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy, Fordham University Press. 2018.