My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Accept: yes
Abortion Accept: permissible
Abstract objects Accept: nominalism
Analytic-synthetic distinction Accept: yes
Arguments for theism Accept: design
Capital punishment Accept: permissible
Environmental ethics Accept: anthropocentric
Experience machine Accept: no
Footbridge Lean towards: don't push
Free will Lean towards: no free will
God Accept: atheism
Human genetic engineering Lean towards: permissible
Immortality Accept: no
Material composition There is no fact of the matter
Meaning of life The question is too unclear to answer
Meta-ethics Accept: moral anti-realism
Metaontology Accept: anti-realism
Moral judgment Accept: non-cognitivism
Moral motivation Lean towards: internalism
Moral principles Accept: moral particularism
Morality Accept: expressivism
Newcomb's problem Accept: two boxes
Normative concepts There is no fact of the matter
Normative ethics Accept a combination of answers:
  • Lean towards Consequentialism
  • Lean against Deontology
  • Lean towards Virtue ethics
Ought implies can Lean towards: yes
Personal identity Lean towards: psychological view
Politics Accept: capitalism
Possible worlds Accept: nonexistent
Practical reason Accept: Humean
Rational disagreement Lean towards: permissivism
Sleeping beauty Accept: one-third
Teletransporter Accept: death
Temporal ontology Accept: eternalism
Time Accept: B-theory
Trolley problem Accept: switch
Truth Accept: correspondence
Vagueness Accept: semantic
Well-being Accept: objective list