• Location and properties
    In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties, Routledge. 2024.
  •  26
    This paper discusses the problem of Hell, defending the Aquinas-Anselm-Edwards response that any immoral act deserves eternal punishment because it offends against God. I argue that the response is more defensible than one might at first think, but nevertheless faces a serious objection. If we differentiate two different problems of Hell—the logical problem and the evidential problem—we see that, in light of this objection, the Aquinas-Anselm-Edwards response only solves the logical problem of H…Read more
  •  36
    The Close Possibility of Time Travel
    Philosophies 8 (6): 118. 2023.
    This article discusses the possibility of some outlandish tropes from time travel fiction, such as people reversing in age as they time travel or the universe being destroyed because a time traveler kills their ancestor. First, I discuss what type of possibility we might have in mind, detailing ‘close possibility’ as one such candidate. Secondly, I argue that—with only little exception—these more outlandish tropes fail to be closely possible. Thirdly, I discuss whether these outlandish tropes ma…Read more
  •  217
    Using Wormholes to Solve the Problem of Evil
    Theologica 5 (1): 100-125. 2021.
    The Multiverse Response to the problem of evil has it that God made our universe because God makes every universe meeting a certain standard. The main problem for that response is that there’s no explanation for why God didn’t just keeping making duplicates of perfect universes. This paper introduces the ‘Multiactualities Response’, which says that God actualises every possible world that meets a certain standard of value. It avoids the corresponding problem about duplication because different p…Read more
  •  34
    The Wave Theory of Time: A Comparison to Competing Tensed Theories
    Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (1): 172-192. 2023.
    This paper introduces a new theory in temporal ontology, ‘wave theory’, and argues for its attractions over and above existing tensed theories of time.
  •  67
    Can we break bread with conspiracy theorists?
    Philosophical Psychology 36 (5): 1030-1033. 2023.
    Some years ago, I was invited by Flat Earthers – well, ‘globe skeptics’—to give a fifteen-minute presentation on why the Earth is round. There were constant interruptions from the audience; point-a...
  •  31
    In Favour of Mereological Nominalism: reply to Cumpa and Declos
    Philosophia 50 (4): 1707-1719. 2022.
    Mereological nominalism is the thesis that properties are identical to mereological fusions of their instances. Cumpa and Declos have raised two problems for the view. This paper is a reply to both problems.
  •  31
    If a lump of clay is shaped into a statue, is there one thing or are there two? That is: are the lump and the statue two distinct things? This dialogue introduces some reasons to think they are two different things and then discusses the issues involved.
  •  44
    Fission theories of Original Guilt
    International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 92 (1): 15-30. 2022.
    One reading of the Doctrine of Original Sin has it that we are guilty of a sin committed by Adam, thousands of years ago. Fission theorists account for this by saying that Adam fissioned after he sinned and that each of us is one of his ‘fission successors’. This paper recaps the current discussion in the literature about this theory, arguing that the proposed version does not work for reasons already raised by Rea and Hudson. I then introduce a new version of fission theory that avoids the Rea-…Read more
  •  52
    Exterminous Hypertime
    Philosophies 6 (4): 85. 2021.
    This paper investigates ‘exterminous hypertime’, a model of time travel in which time travellers can change the past in virtue of there being two dimensions of time. This paper has three parts. Part one discusses the laws which might govern the connection between different ‘hypertimes’, showing that there are no problems with overdetermination. Part two examines a set of laws that mean changes to history take a period of hypertime to propagate through to the present. Those laws are of interest b…Read more
  •  71
    The Metaphysical Possibility of Time Travel Fictions
    Erkenntnis 88 (3): 1309-1329. 2021.
    In some stories, time travellers cannot change the past. It is widely accepted that this is metaphysically possible. In some stories, time travellers can change the past. Many philosophers have explained how that, too, is metaphysically possible. This paper considers narratives where sometimes the past can change and sometimes it cannot, arguing that this is also something that is possible. Further, I argue that we can make sense of stories where some events appear to be ‘fixed points in time’.
  •  57
    Vacillating time: a metaphysics for time travel and Geachianism
    Synthese 199 (3-4): 7159-7180. 2021.
    ‘Past vacillators’ believe that what was once the case may change over time. This has obvious applications to the possibility of changing the past via time travel. ‘Future vacillators’ believe that some things will happen and yet, later, will not. Further to issues in time travel, future vacillation has applications when it comes to ‘Geachian’ views about the open future. This paper argues that if you deny that the ‘earlier than’ and ‘later than’ relations are converses of one another then you c…Read more
  •  28
    What Truth Is by Mark Jago (review)
    Philosophical Review 129 (4): 661-664. 2020.
    Book review of 'What is Truth' by Mark Jago
  •  77
    Slot Theory and Slotite Theory
    Philosophia 49 (1): 17-35. 2020.
    ‘Instantiation-directed slot theorists’ believe that properties/relations have slots which are filled by their instances/relata e.g., where Abigail is taller than Bronia, there are two slots in the relation Taller Than such that Abigail fills the first slot and Bronia fills the second. This crude statement of the theory runs into ‘The Problem of Filling’, whereby a natural understanding of the relation between slots, filling, and instantiation leads to absurd results. This paper examines a varie…Read more
  •  72
    Time Travel: Probability and Impossibility
    Oxford University Press. 2020.
    Time travel is metaphysically possible. Nikk Effingham contends that arguments for the impossibility of time travel are not sound. Focusing mainly on the Grandfather Paradox, Effingham explores the ramifications of taking this view, discusses issues in probability and decision theory, and considers the potential dangers of travelling in time.
  •  205
    Mereological Nominalism
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (1): 160-185. 2018.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
  •  15
    Endurantism and timeless worlds
    with Joseph Melia
    Analysis 67 (2): 140-147. 2007.
    A discussion of Ted Sider's argument for perdurantism on the grounds of the possibility of timeless worlds.
  •  175
    Universalism, vagueness and supersubstantivalism
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (1). 2009.
    Sider has a favourable view of supersubstantivalism (the thesis that all material objects are identical to the regions of spacetime that they occupy). This paper argues that given supersubstantivalism, Sider's argument from vagueness for (mereological) universalism fails. I present Sider's vagueness argument (§§II-III), and explain why - given supersubstantivalism - some but not all regions must be concrete in order for the argument to work (§IV). Given this restriction on what regions can be co…Read more
  •  72
    Universalism and Classes
    Dialectica 65 (3): 451-472. 2011.
    Universalism (the thesis that distinct objects always compose a further object) has come under much scrutiny in recent years. What has been largely ignored is its role in the metaphysics of classes. Not only does universalism provide ways to deal with classes in a metaphysically pleasing fashion, its success on these grounds has been offered as a motivation for believing it. This paper argues that such treatments of classes can be achieved without universalism, examining theories from Goodman an…Read more
  •  210
    The Location of Properties
    Noûs 49 (4): 846-866. 2015.
    This paper argues that, assuming properties exist and must be located in spacetime, the prevailing view that they are exactly located where their instances are is false. Instead a property is singularly located at just one region, namely the union of its instance's locations. This bears not just on issues in the metaphysics of properties, but also on the debate over whether multi-location is conceivable and/or possible
  •  130
    Undermining Motivations for Universalism
    Noûs 45 (4): 696-713. 2011.
    Universalism (the thesis that for any ys, those ys compose a further object) is an answer to the Special Composition Question. In the literature there are three arguments – what I call the arguments from elegance – that universalists often rely upon, but which are rarely examined in-depth. I argue that these motivations cannot be had by the perdurantist, for to avoid a commitment to badly behaved superluminal objects perdurantists must answer the ‘Proper Continuant Question’. Any answer to that …Read more
  •  328
    The metaphysics of groups
    Philosophical Studies 149 (2): 251-267. 2010.
    If you are a realist about groups there are three main theories of what to identify groups with. I offer reasons for thinking that two of those theories fail to meet important desiderata. The third option is to identify groups with sets, which meets all of the desiderata if only we take care over which sets they are identified with. I then canvass some possible objections to that third theory, and explain how to avoid them
  •  127
    Temporal Parts and Time Travel
    Erkenntnis 74 (2): 225-240. 2011.
    This paper argues that, in light of certain scenarios involving time travel, Sider’s definition of ‘instantaneous temporal part’ cannot be accepted in conjunction with a semantic thesis that perdurantists often assume. I examine a rejoinder from Sider, as well as Thomson’s alternative definition of ‘instantaneous temporal part’, and show how neither helps. Given this, we should give up on the perdurantist semantic thesis. I end by recommending that, once we no longer accept such semantics, we sh…Read more
  •  402
    Composition, Persistence, and Identity
    In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics, Routledge. pp. 296. 2009.
    An introduction to composition, persistence, and identity.
  •  242
    Persistence, composition, and identity
    In Robin Le Poidevin, Simons Peter, McGonigal Andrew & Ross P. Cameron (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics, Routledge. 2009.
    An introduction to persistence, composition, and identity.
  •  245
    Sider, Hawley, Sider and the Vagueness Argument
    Philosophical Studies 154 (2). 2011.
    The Vagueness Argument for universalism only works if you think there is a good reason not to endorse nihilism. Sider's argument from the possibility of gunk is one of the more popular reasons. Further, Hawley has given an argument for the necessity of everything being either gunky or composed of mereological simples. I argue that Hawley's argument rests on the same premise as Sider's argument for the possibility of gunk. Further, I argue that that premise can be used to demonstrate the possibil…Read more
  •  37
    _‘Informative, accessible, and fun to read— this is an excellent reference guide for undergraduates and anyone wanting an introduction to the fundamental issues of metaphysics. I know of no other resource like it.’– __Meghan Griffith, Davidson College, USA_ _'Marvellous! This book provides the very best place to start for students wanting to take the first step into understanding metaphysics.Undergraduates would do well to buy it and consult it regularly. The quality and clarity of the material …Read more
  •  112
    Talking about Something (But Really Talking about Nothing) (review)
    Analysis 72 (2): 329-340. 2012.
  •  69
    Multiple Location and Christian Philosophical Theology
    Faith and Philosophy 32 (1): 25-44. 2015.
    This paper discusses how the possibility of multi-located entities can resolve problems both with the Trinity and with the existence of souls.
  •  115
    Impure Sets May Be Located: A Reply to Cook
    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (4): 330-336. 2012.
    Cook argues that impure sets are not located. But ‘location’ is an ambiguous word and when we resolve those ambiguities it turns out that on no resolution is Cook's argument compelling