56The Future of Double Consciousness: Epistemic Virtue, Identity, and Structural Anti-BlacknessErgo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11. 2024.This paper considers two conceptual expansions of Du Boisian double consciousness—white double consciousness (Alcoff 2015) and kaleidoscopic consciousness (Medina 2013)—both of which aim to articulate the moral-epistemic potential of cultivating double consciousness from racially dominant or other socially privileged positions. We analyze these concepts and challenge them on the grounds that they lack continuity with their Du Boisian predecessor and face problems of practical feasibility. As we …Read more
40Afropessimism and the Specter of Black NihilismPhilosophy and Social Criticism. forthcoming.In arguing that slavery is not a relic of the past, but a relational dynamic undergirded by an ontology of anti-Blackness that prevents Blacks from ever being considered human beings, the self-described Afropessimist, Frank Wilderson III, argues that Black people occupy the position of social death in the present. Due to this anti-Black condition, Wilderson concludes that no form of redress is possible to assuage, liberate, and redeem Black people from this anti-Black condition other than the “E…Read more
University of OregonDoctoral student
Eugene, Oregon, United States of America
Areas of Interest
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Existentialism |
Philosophy of Race |
Socialism and Marxism |
Black Feminism |
Friedrich Nietzsche |
Nietzsche: Nihilism |