Boise, Idaho, United States of America
  •  41
    Defending Contrastive Luck
    Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2): 107-126. 2017.
    In his paper, “Why Every Theory of Luck is Wrong,” Steven D. Hales presents a range of purported counterexamples to every account of luck that has a control condition or a chance condition. He gathers these counterexamples under the headings of lucky necessities, skillful luck, and diachronic luck. He concludes that no account of luck does or even can be developed which adequately handles these cases. In response, a novel account of luck— contrastive luck —is briefly developed in this paper. Con…Read more
  •  47
    Arguing About Metaphysics (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 33 (2): 201-205. 2010.
  •  47
    Arguing About Knowledge (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 32 (4): 399-402. 2009.