• Religious Melancholia
    Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 16
  •  250
    notes on Ted Chiang's 1991 novelette
  •  215
    contents i. a game we can't abstain from ii. a sudden God, a Boltzmann God iii. the Hard Problem & Humean causation iv. Turing gave a recipe for consciousness v. the Honeymoon Algorithm vi. Tech Civ takes Earth in vii. Borges, the Compressor viii. Hollywood, where faeries enter ix. in the age of Macbeth, magic x. from King to this vile politician xi. Medieval blue not our color blue xii. the austerities prioritize braingrowth xiii. taste is tactile xiv. if God is a Drama Lord xv. the Hero-Dragon…Read more
  •  200
    the Cathedral's central prop as a war trophy, tribute from the client state Judea. also: the First Folio as Royalist propaganda.
  •  433
    contents ONT vol 1 i. short review: Beyond the Black Rainbow ii. as you die, hold one thought iii. short review: LA JETÉE ONT vol 2 i. maya means ii. short review: SANS SOLEIL iii. vocab iv. eros has an underside v. short review: In the Mood for Love ONT vol 3 i. weed weakens / compels me ii. an Ender's Game after-party iii. playroom is a realm of the dead iv. a precise german History v. short review: STATUES ALSO DIE vi. Kenneth Clark, curator for Fascism vii. a protest poem, in industry li…Read more
  •  425
    contents i. death and the mask ii. shifts in the TTC ad-space iii. a virus in a superposition iv. this virus has totally hacked us v. a test of Bayesian competence vi. a siege on the Local, by the Global vii. re lab-leak theory: God did it viii. we held ourselves apart by this telescope ix. Google knows we'll all be dead x. Uber gets us all to surveil xi. Netflix pretends to be my friend xii. can teleCOMM map my interior? xiii. Library's a hi-rise, in lockdown xiv. so could the A.I. announce its…Read more
  •  277
    a criminal, C, inflicts an injustice upon their Victim. thus C deserves to suffer an injustice: an excessive punishment.
  •  319
    contents: 1. the Romantic fragment 2. life would want to die, a little 3. pain itself is the meaning, in Nietzsche 4. martyrs do not underrate the body 5. inwardly, an Actor prepares 5b. brother, bro: it's only you that overhears you 5c. J is like Hamlet / Herzog / Holden Caulfield / Raskolnikov 5d. they take him to a basement and they feed him METH 6. a surface is revealed / the depths are all inferred 6b. my Self is all depth: a long internal vertical 6c. Joyce knows not the inside of ideas 6…Read more
  •  224
    i. a poetic solution of the Goldbach Conjecture; ii. several responses to the Epimenides Paradox; iii. the volitional solution to Russell's Paradox.
  •  389
    an inquiry into recent animal experimentation at Sick Kids Hospital, including detailed accounts of pain research and fear conditioning on neonatal rodents, induced lung trauma on piglets, and the infection of impregnated mice with malaria. appended with three 2018 Press Releases that provoked Sick Kids to contact Toronto police and ban me from their premises and from contacting their researchers.
  •  336
    on calculating Apocalypse, awakening the Avatar, and related.
  •  199
    my submission to the 2013 Moral Landscape Challenge: to find an error in his "case for a scientific understanding of morality".
  •  1949
    notes on Jordan Peterson's 1999 magnum opus, with thoughts on his recent trajectory.
  •  281
    an overview of military research involving pigs, rats, and rabbits at DRDC Downsview [Toronto], from 2004 -2007. appendix includes military docs secured thru an ATIP request by Animal Alliance Canada.
  •  325
    gender and Judaism in A Serious Man [Coen Bros, 2009], An American Dream [Norman Mailer, 1965] and the Pericope Adulterae.
  •  256
    on copyright and product placement, their ubiquity
  •  279
    on ontologs, or words that are the thing they name; a volitional solution to Zeno's Line and Arrow paradoxes; on Sokal as unintentional non-parody; and more.
  •  505
    trying to get info on vivisection at Ryerson U, i was threatened with legal action. an overview of my experience, with some findings.
  •  1699
    the animal self: from Eden to Apocalypse and after
  •  33
    my Twitter stream, from 2011 to 2017
  •  270
    verses and aphorisms from a 2014 art show.
  •  1585
    with some reference to my graffiti and arrest at U of G
  •  296
    on synchronicity, the Fermi Paradox, the Turing Test, and more.