• Phenomenology and the Social World: Presentation
    Phainomenon 35 (1): 1-3. 2023.
  • Presentation
    Phainomenon 34 (1): 1-2. 2022.
    What, if any, are the limits of the Husserlian concept of Gegebenheit? Is there a limit beyond which nothing can be seen by the phenomenologist? In asking these questions, we allude to a distinction typical of Kantian criticism: “Grenze” or “Schranke”, limit or boundary? These same questions are reformulated in a famous review of Ideen I by Paul Natorp, a Marburg neo-Kantian who directly attacks the unlimited scope Husserl gives to the phenomenological principle of intuition. From a phenomenolog…Read more
  • Ontology and Epistemology in Husserl’s Ideen-I
    Phainomenon 33 (1): 3-24. 2022.
    This paper is concerned with the reappraisal of Husserl’s ontology and epistemology, sketched in book one of Ideen. The main issue is Husserl’s theory of essence and essential insight. I present the fundamental distinction between facts and essences, and, over and above it, Husserl’s defense of an a priori knowledge based on essential insight as well as his partition of the whole realm of a priori knowledge into a formal set of material, regional ontologies. I will show how the theory of essenti…Read more
  • Presentation
    Phainomenon 33 (1): 1-2. 2022.
  • In the first part of this paper we try to show how the discussion of Meinong’s distinction between distributed and undistributed objects was crucial for Husserl’s thinking about the phenomenology of time consciousness. The criticism of Meinong’s thesis that the representation of a distributed object (temporal object) is an undistributed act is presented as the central point for the development of Husserl’s own thesis about the perception as a continuum of continua and about consciousness as an u…Read more
  • Nota Prévia
    with Joaquim Carlos Araújo, André Barata, Maria João Ceitil, António Fazeres, Isabel Matos Dias, Nuno Melim, Luísa Nogueira, and João Ribeiro
    Phainomenon 3 (1): 5-6. 2001.
  • Apresentação
    Phainomenon 6 (1): 11-14. 2003.
  • Husserl: Teoria do sentido e comunicação
    Phainomenon 6 (1): 131-140. 2003.
  • Nota Prévia
    Phainomenon 4 (1): 125-126. 2002.
  • Boletín Ibérico de Fenomenología 2003 – 2004
    with María da Luz Pintos Peñaranda and Renato Epifânio
    Phainomenon 11 (1): 191-214. 2006.
  • Empatia e Ser-para-Outrem
    Phainomenon 12 (1): 123-146. 2006.
  • In this paper, I start with the opposition between the husserlian project of a phenomenology of the experience of time, started in 1905, and the mathematical and physical theory of time, as it comes out from the special theory of relativity, by Einstein, in the same year. Although the contrast between the two approaches is apparent, my aim is to show that the original program of Husserl’s time theory is the constitution of an objective time and a time of the world, starting from the intuitive gi…Read more
  • Os Sortilégios da (e)vidência
    Phainomenon 23 (1): 303-313. 2011.
    While not a phenomenologist, Fernando Gil was highly interested in some aspects of Husserl’s work. One of these aspects was Husserl’s theory of evidence. ln a notable book entitled Traité de l’évidence, he developed a throughout theory of evidence, paying close attention to the most important insights Husserl exposed his works. Gil’s theory of evidence is at the same time rooted in Phenomenology and extended beyond it in as much as he locates the first dimension of evidence ma primitive stratum …Read more
  • In this paper, I present the main traits of the phenomenological thinking of Abranches de Soveral. I start with the work of his master Miranda Barbosa explaining the criticisms he address to the Husserlian phenomenology. I show Soveral’s approach to phenomenology is framed by the conceptions of Barbosa and the problems that, for him, phenomenology cannot answer in an accurate way. In this context, I present the fundamental tenets of Soveral’s rejoinder to his master, showing how phenomenology ca…Read more
  • Gustavo de Fraga: fenomenólogo e Metafísico
    Phainomenon 23 (1): 187-196. 2011.
    Gustavo de Fraga was one of the most influential Portuguese phenomenologists. He had a deep understanding of the Husserlian as well as of the Heideggerian phenomenology. One of his major concerns was the connection between these thinkers, and the resettlement of metaphysical questions some step beyond the works of both. In so doing, Gustavo de Fraga took an original stance in the field of Phenomenology, combining conceptual and poetic experiences of thought.
  • I discuss Husserl’s concept of norm, and its relevance for a phenomenology of practical reason. I confront Husserl with Wilhelm Wundt, Hans Kelsen, and Carl Schmitt about, respectively, what a norm is, about the relation between theoretical and normative sciences, and, finally, about the creation of political concepts within European culture. In the last section, I develop some theoretical insights about the constitutive character of normative consciousness, abandoning Searle’s distinction betwe…Read more
  • A Percepção Da Extensão. Exame das teses de Berkeley
    Phainomenon 19 (1): 71-90. 2009.
    In this paper I discuss Berkeley’s theories about vision, perception of distance, and the foundations of Geometry. I start with Locke’s answer to Molineaux’s problem and the criticisms Berkeley addressed to it. I explain the fundamentais of Berkeley’s theory about our cognitive shaping of the visual field and the type of connections that visual data establishes with data from the haptic field. I show how interesting are Berkeley’s conceptions for a phenomenology of perception, and, eventually, I…Read more
  • In this paper I discuss the consistency and accuracy of Husserl’s sketch of a theory about non-declarative sentences in the last chapter of Logical Investigations. Whereas the consistency is acknowledged, the accuracy is denied, because Husserl’s treatment of non-declarative phrases such as questions or orders implies that those phrases contain, in some way, a declarative sentence and an objectifying act. To construct a question like “is A B?” as being equivalent to a pseudo-declarative sentence…Read more
  • I intend to understand from a phenomenological point of view the relationship between figurative consciousnesses (Bildbewusstsein) and other non-original presentations (Vergegenwiirtigungen) such as expectations, recollections or fantasies. I centre my analyses in the difference between figurative consciousness, on the one hand, and a modality of fantasy I cal! “daydream consciousness”, on the other. I stress that figurative consciousness implies apure observational ego, whereas day-dream consci…Read more
  • Editorial Note
    Phainomenon 26 (1): 5-6. 2017.
    In what follows, I intend to address an issue which is at the boundaries of the phenomenological method of reflective explication, and that, in this sense, points to some limitations of the phenomenological approach to consciousness and mind. I am referring to an aporetic situation that is at the heart of the phenomenological analysis of passivity. On the one hand, phenomenology shows, at least indirectly, a passive life that is beyond the first steps of the activity of the ego in the receptive,…Read more
  • I discuss, from a phenomenological point of view, the distinction between judgments and norms. I stress the limits of the husserlian canonical analysis in order to rightly account for the sense and content of normative intentionality. Based on some Kelsian insights, I draw a clear distinction between judgments and norms, criticizing some classical trends coming from Husserl himself that consider norms as a kind of intentionality founded upon objectifying acts. However, taking distance from Kelse…Read more
  • Observing a Phenomenological Approach
    Phainomenon 25 (1): 175-184. 2012.
    I sketch an analysis of observing as a particular attitude one can take regarding the surrounding world. I stress some particular features of observation, like the cancelling of the vital engagement. in the world, and the delight that pure observation involves. Then I move to a description of figurative consciousness and its image-world. In the final part, 1 try to show how watching movies displays a new type of observation, based on the empathic connection with the characters, the emergence of …Read more
  • I offer an outline of an integrated phenomenological analysis of free fantasy and of fictional worlds. My main concern amounts to stress the scissions entailed in free fantasy and in the consciousness of fictional objects: a scission of the I, and a scission of the experience. Firstly, I offer a somewhat new characterization of the presence of the objects of free fantasy, which disconnects any possible relationship of those objects with a real perception as the leading form of an originally givi…Read more
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    A Phenomenological Analysis of the Nomothetic Noema
    Phenomenology and Mind 24 142-162. 2023.
    In this paper, I examine phenomenologically the structure of the normative noema, which I call the “nomothetic noema.” I distinguish the meaning content, its normative characters, which I call “ductive forces”, and its modes of givenness. Next, I introduce the traditional difference between modalities de re and de dicto. I argue that the current tendency, in deontic logic, to treat deontic expressions as operators over sentences induces, at least on the syntactic surface, a de dicto reading. I t…Read more
  • Eduardo Abranches de Soveral e a fenomenologia
    In Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio (eds.), Eduardo Abranches de Soveral: o pensador, o filósofo, o humanista, Zéfiro Edições. 2009.
  • Commentary to Part 2: The Space of Experience
    In Felice Masi & Maria Catena (eds.), The Changing Faces of Space, Springer Verlag. 2017.
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    Humano e inumano: a dignidade do homem e os novos desafios: actas do (edited book)
    with José Manuel Santos and Alexandre Franco de Sá
    Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. 2006.
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    Revisiting Reinach and the Early Husserl For a Phenomenology of Communication
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (3): 771-796. 2022.
    In this article, I start with an analysis of Husserl’s description of the intentional structure of communicative intentions in the Logical Investigations, pointing to some obvious shortcomings of it. Then, I stress some important criticisms of Husserl’s approach, namely by Pfänder, and I endeavor to show that Husserl was very close to a full-fledged theory of communicative intentions in the years around 1910. I then turn to Reinach’s theory of social acts, without deciding whether Reinach’s appr…Read more