•  36
    Despite their flaws, large language models (LLMs) deserve a fair chance to prove their mettle against human experts, who are often plagued with biases, conflicts of interest, and other frailties. For epistemically unprivileged laypeople struggling to access expert knowledge, the accessibility advantages of LLMs could prove crucial. While complaints about LLMs' inconsistencies and arguments for human superiority are often justified (for now), they distract from the urgent need to prepare for the …Read more
  •  222
    Large language models (LLMs) represent the currently most relevant incarnation of artificial intelligence with respect to the future fate of democratic governance. Considering their potential, this paper seeks to answer a pressing question: Could LLMs outperform humans as expert advisors to democratic assemblies? While bearing the promise of enhanced expertise availability and accessibility, they also present challenges of hallucinations, misalignment, or value imposition. Weighing LLMs’ benefit…Read more
  •  152
    Democracy and Anthropic Risk
    Green Marble 2022. Studies on the Anthropocene and Ecocriticism. 2022.
    Democracy in its currently dominant liberal form has proven supportive of unprecedented human flourishing. However, it also appears increasingly plagued by political polarization, strained to cope with the digitalization of the political discourse, and threatened by authoritarian backlash. A growing sense of the anthropic risks—with runaway climate change as the leading example—thus often elicits concern regarding democracy’s capability of mitigating them. Apparently, lacking a sufficient degree…Read more
  •  391
    Do people fall for online disinformation, or do they actively utilize it as a tool to accomplish their goals? Currently, the notion of the members of the public as victims of deception and manipulation prevails in the debate. It emphasizes the need to limit people’s exposure to falsehoods and bolster their deficient reasoning faculties. However, the observed epistemic irrationality can also stem from politically motivated reasoning incentivized by digital platforms. In this context, the readily …Read more
  • Editorial
    Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (2): 129-132. 2019.
  •  143
    Shall Justice Prevail? Reforming the Epistemic Basic Structure in a Non-Ideal World
    Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8): 75-83. 2022.
    Faik Kurtulmuş’s exploration of the epistemic basic structure (EBS) invites us to think about the generation, dissemination, and absorption of knowledge in a society, emphasizing the role of institutions in determining epistemic outcomes. Moreover, Kurtulmuş—in joint work with Gürol Irzık—offers a normative take on the EBS from the viewpoint of the theory of justice and does not shy away from drawing specific policy recommendations. Thus, a powerful, innovative concept is used to extend an influ…Read more
  •  24
    Drawing on current debates at the frontiers of economics, psychology, and political philosophy, this book explores the challenges that arise for liberal democracies from a confrontation between modern technologies and the bounds of human rationality. With the ongoing transition of democracy's underlying information economy into the digital space, threats of disinformation and runaway political polarization have been gaining prominence. Employing the economic approach informed by behavioral scien…Read more
  •  633
    Krize spojená s příchodem pandemie koronaviru ukázala, že užitečné expertní vědění sice podle všeho existuje, ale ne každému, kdo se představí jako expert, bychom měli věřit. Slovy doktora House: „Všichni lžou.“ Lžou i odborníci. Kapitola se zaměřuje na situace, kdy odborník lže takříkajíc „s dobrým úmyslem,“ neboť se domnívá, že pravda by veřejnost vedla k chování, které není společensky žádoucí. V takovém případě se jedná o lhaní paternalistické, protože má ochránit veřejnost před ní samotnou.…Read more
  •  64
    Epistemology and the Pandemic: Lessons from an Epistemic Crisis
    Social Epistemology 36 (2): 167-179. 2022.
    Many democratic countries have failed to stand up to the challenge presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. I argue that the collective response to the pandemic has been incapacitated by an ‘epistemic crisis’, (i.e., a breakdown in the social division of epistemic labor) that led to a failure of citizens’ beliefs to converge towards a shared perception of the situation. Neither a paucity of relevant expert knowledge nor democratic citizens’ irrationality is required for the crisis to emerge. In parti…Read more
  •  162
    Od Misese k Schutzovi. Otázka apriorismu v ekonomii
    Politická Ekonomie 60 (3): 395--410. 2012.
    The study analyzes Mises‘s approach to the question of apriorism in a broader methodological context. It shows that it is not inevitable to advocate the aprioristic character of economics (resp. science of human action), as Mises does, to maintain the subjectivist-individualist methodology and the effort to adequately grasp the general laws of human action from its perspective. The present redefinition of apriorism is developed on the basis of thoughts of Barry Smith and Alfred Schutz. It sugges…Read more
  •  20
    Phenomenology and economics
    Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 7 (1): 161. 2014.
  •  148
    The paper deals with von Mises’ metaphysics and argues that his methodological dualism concerns only his epistemology. The framework of Mises´s ontology is materialistic monism. Although Mises strongly criticizes materialism, his critique does not concern metaphysical ontological materialism as long as it does not try to eliminate the specific method of the social sciences. In this sense Mises’ metaphysics is fully naturalistic – it does not include any “spiritual” agents and postulates a world …Read more
  •  291
    Phenomenological perspectives on economics: Schütz versus Düppe
    HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (2): 613-631. 2019.
    The article explores novel directions in the phenomenology of economics. It analyzes how the approaches of Till Düppe and Alfred Schütz, both inspired by Edmund Husserl, may shed light on the historical development of economics. I examine the substance and meaning of economics in the context of the forceful criticism of the whole discipline recently raised by Düppe. This examination uncovers important weaknesses and omissions inherent in Düppe’s argument against the economists’ scientific aspira…Read more
  •  9
    Problematičnost základní teze Humova empirismu
    E-Logos 17 (1): 1-17. 2010.
    Práce analyzuje základní východiska Humova empirismu rozpracovaného v díle A Treatise of Human Nature a snaží se o zachycení jejich problematičnosti. V centru pozornosti stojí Humova primární teze, která vysvětluje vztah impresí a idejí, a to především ve třech ohledech - těmi jsou otázka možnosti obecných výroků (splývající v jedno s otázkou statusu logiky v Humově filosofickém systému), otázka legitimity odlišení impresí a idejí a otázka diference mezi myslí a vědomím. Práce dospívá na základě…Read more
  •  8
    To the Interpretation of Spontaneous Order
    E-Logos 20 (1): 1-10. 2013.
  •  337
    Potřebuje ekonomie psychologii?
    Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (3): 279-301. 2015.
    Studie ukazuje kontrast mezi ekonomickým přístupem jdoucím ve šlépějích Garyho Beckera a přístupem behaviorální ekonomie. Důraz je kladen na metodologické srovnání obou alternativ a vyhodnocení potenciálu, který má behaviorální ekonomie pro uskutečnění paradigmatické změny na půdě ekonomického myšlení. Ukazuji, že behaviorální ekonomii se dosud nepodařilo nabídnout teoretickou alternativu homo economicus. Také její potenciál pro dlouhodobé překonání teorie racionální volby v oblasti predikčního …Read more
  •  414
    Konec se blíží? Kritické připomínky k teorii kolapsů
    Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (4): 425-448. 2016.
    Studie poukazuje na tři základní slabiny současného českého diskurzu o kolapsech komplexních společností, jehož předním mluvčím se stal egyptolog Miroslav Bárta. Zaprvé nedošlo k vyrovnání s absencí vědeckého konsenzu ohledně determinantů historického vývoje a teorii, která by poskytla jednotící rámec pro zařazení a interpretaci konkrétních prediktorů kolapsu, byla věnována jen minimální pozornost. Zadruhé nebyla podána jasná odpověď na otázku, která společenská struktura je při studiu kolapsu v…Read more
  •  8
    Alfred Schütz - Od Husserla k Rakouské ekonomii
    E-Logos 18 (1): 1-24. 2011.
    lnek rekapituluje ideov vchodiska Alfreda Schtze, kter se na pd metodologie spoleenskch vd sna o syntzu pspvk Edmunda Husserla a Maxe Webera. Pestoe v ranm obdob Schtz blzce nsleduje Husserlv fenomenologick pstup, projevuje se ji zde v prvn ad draz na empirick charakter zkoumn, kter navazuje na weberovskou linii argumentace a stav se i proti nzorm dalho ze Schtzovch velkch uitel, Ludwiga von Misese. lnek postupn analyzuje klov znaky Schtzovy vlastn metody a ukazuje klov postaven, kter hraje pi n…Read more