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    Kant's Legacy: Essays in Honor of Lewis White Beck (edited book)
    with Allen Wood, Carsten Held, Gerold Prauss, Gordon Brittan, Graham Bird, Henry Allison, John H. Zammito, Joseph Lawrence, Karl Ameriks, Ralf Meerbote, Robert Holmes, Robert Howell, Rudiger Bubner, Stanley Rosen, Susan Meld Shell, and Yirmiyahu Yovel
    Boydell & Brewer. 2001.
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    Paths Traced through Reality: Kant on Commonsense Truths
    In Predrag Cicovacki, Allen Wood, Carsten Held, Gerold Prauss, Gordon Brittan, Graham Bird, Henry Allison, John H. Zammito, Joseph Lawrence, Karl Ameriks, Ralf Meerbote, Robert Holmes, Robert Howell, Rudiger Bubner, Stanley Rosen, Susan Meld Shell & Yirmiyahu Yovel (eds.), Kant's Legacy: Essays in Honor of Lewis White Beck, Boydell & Brewer. pp. 47-70. 2001.
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    The human soul: essays in honor of Nalin Ranasinghe (edited book)
    Vernon Press. 2021.
    This collection of essays is dedicated to a recently deceased philosopher and humanist, Nalin Ranasinghe. His central philosophical and humanistic preoccupation was with the human soul. Not surprisingly, his greatest inspiration was Socrates' credo "Care for your soul," and the title of his first book was 'The Soul of Socrates'. In this and his later writings, Ranasinghe expressed his growing concern over the idea that the human soul has been highjacked due to the way our civilization has develo…Read more
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    The luminosity of love
    Sebastian Press / Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. 2018.
    We long to love and to be loved. We also fear love because we risk betrayal by those we love, or we betray them. Predrag Cicovacki's charming book, Luminosity of Love, uses the extraordinary love story of the great unconventional Serbian poet Laza Kostić and the vivacious aristocratic young woman, Lenka Dundjerski, as a starting point for a wide-ranging discussion of the nature of love, its importance in the Western philosophical tradition, and its relevance for living a meaningful life in our …Read more
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    Two Scales and Two Orders of Values
    In Michael Thate & László Zsolnai (eds.), Humanities as a Resource and Inspiration for Humanizing Business, Springer Verlag. pp. 13-24. 2023.
    This essay opens by considering the values that we encounter in our ordinary experience. The essay then leads the audience toward a deeper understanding of values: in terms of values being instrumental or intrinsic, subjective or objective, changing or permanent. The essay then turns to outlining how and in what ways values exist. At this point, the essay introduces the thought of Nicolai Hartmann, who argues that values exist as ideal beings, which have a permanent existence independent of how …Read more
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    Kant's Debt to Leibniz
    In Graham Bird (ed.), A Companion to Kant, Wiley-blackwell. 2006.
    This chapter contains sections titled: I II III IV V VI.
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    Dostoevsky's philosophy of life is unfolded in this searching analysis of his five greatest works: Notes from the Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, and The Brothers Karamazov. Predrag Cicovacki deals with a fundamental issue in Dostoevsky's opus neglected by all of his commentators: How can we affirm life and preserve a healthy optimism in the face of an increasingly troublesome reality? This work displays the vital significance of Dostoevsky's philosophy for understan…Read more
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    The Meaning of Christ’s Sacrifice
    Philotheos 7 52-79. 2007.
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    Leo Tolstoy on the Purpose of Art
    Philotheos 19 (1): 116-124. 2019.
    Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) was one of the greatest artists of all time, but also one of the harshest critics of the contemporary art. In the conclusion of his controversial book, What is Art?, Tolstoy claimed: “The purpose of art in our time consists in transferring from the realm of reason to the realm of feeling the truth that people’s well-being lies in being united among themselves and in establishing, in place of the violence that now reins, that Kingdom of God – that is, of love – which we al…Read more
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    New Ways of Ontology
    with Nicolai Hartmann
    Routledge. 1952.
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    Back to the Underworld
    Philotheos 3 215-230. 2003.
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    Suđenje čoveku i suđenje Bogu
    Philotheos 1 225-235. 2001.
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    Introductory Remarks
    The Acorn 14 (2): 4-4. 2011.
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    Gandhis Footprints
    Routledge. 2015.
    Mahatma K. Gandhi's dedication to finding a path of liberation from an epidemic of violence has been well documented before. The central issue and the novelty of this book is its focus on what Gandhi wanted to liberate us for. The book also provides an assessment of how viable his positive vision of humanity is. Gandhi revolutionized the struggle for Indian liberation from Great Britain by convincing his countrymen that they must turn to nonviolence and that India needed to be liberated from its…Read more
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    Teaching Reverence for Life
    with Ya-Hui Luo
    Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 6 173-186. 2010.
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    Structured to introduce the reader into all aspects of the philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann (1882-1950), this book aims to stimulate further interest into his thought. Once considered the most studious and systematic of all the German philosophers of the twentieth-century, this prolific author has been nearly forgotten. For many years a student and an admirer of Hartmann's work, Cicovacki argues that a closer look into Hartmann's ontologically and axiologically oriented philosophy contains a promi…Read more
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    The meaning of life: a Quick Immersion
    Tibidabo Publishing. 2021.
    This book sheds light on how to find meaning in the mystery of existence.--Publisher description.
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    Commentary on Gentzler 1
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 10 (1): 296-311. 1994.
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    The Real, the Rational, and the Ideal
    Philotheos 9 310-324. 2009.
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    This essay examines the significance of Kant's transcendental philosophy by focusing on the central metaphors used in his works. The four metaphors singled out here are those of the Copernican turn, the land of truth and the ocean of illusion, the starry heavens and the moral law, and of perpetual peace. The author emphasizes the strong and the weak points of Kant's philosophy that these metaphors reveals, and argues that these central metaphors work together and point toward the two essential c…Read more
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    On love and fidelity in marriage
    Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (3): 92-104. 1993.
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    On immorality of terrorism and war
    Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22): 115-132. 2003.
    U ovom radu autor prvo analizira razlike i slicnosti izmedju rata i terorizma, a zatim argumentise da su i jedan i drugi duboko nemoralni. Njihove razlike su mnogo manje znacajne od njihovih slicnosti, o kojih je glavna ona koja se sastoji u negiranju stanovista da je svaki ljudski zivot jednako vredan. To negiranje otvara put ka nehumanom i nasilnom tretmanu onih (neprijatelja, drugih) koji nisu toliko vredni koliko i mi, sto karakterise i terorizam i rat. Pored neprihvatljivih moralnih implika…Read more