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    Negotiating What We Do with Words: A Social Contestation Theory of Speech Acts
    Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2023.
    Speech acts—promises, apologies, jokes, orders, threats, compliments—are actions we perform with words. This dissertation challenges us to move away from an individualistic theory of speech acts, where the focus is on the speaker and the moment of speech, and towards a more fully social theory of speech acts—a theory of how we perform actions with words over time with others. I call this a Social Contestation Theory of speech acts. Within the philosophy of language, established theories of speec…Read more
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    What role does audience uptake play in determining whether a speaker refuses or consents to sex? Proponents of constitution theories of uptake argue that which speech act someone performs is largely determined by their addressee’s uptake. However, this appears to entail a troubling result: a speaker might be made to perform a speech act of sexual consent against her will. In response, we develop a social constitution theory of uptake. We argue that addressee uptake can constitute a speaker’s utt…Read more