15Review of Animalkind: What We Owe to Animals, by Jean Kazez (review)Essays in Philosophy 12 (1): 175-186. 2011.
12Review of A Theory of General Ethics: Human Relationships, Nature, and the Built Environment, by Warwick Fox (review)Essays in Philosophy 11 (2): 221-230. 2010.
66Does Singer's “Famine, Affluence and Morality” Inescapably Commit Us to His Conclusion?Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 10 1-7. 2010.In his 1972 work Famine, Affluence and Morality, Peter Singer presents an argument that we of the developed world, can and ought to do more for the developing nations to alleviate their poverty. Singer believes that his argument leads to the inescapable conclusion that we should keep giving to the poor until giving more, will harm us more than it will benefit them. Singer’s conclusion is reached however, using a cost benefit analysis of absolute welfare to determine cost; whereas by using a capa…Read more
59Aggregative ConsequentialismSouthwest Philosophy Review 31 (2): 125-136. 2015.One of the major arguments against Act consequentialism is that it has counterintuitive implications in many kinds of cases. One of the methods of avoiding these counterintuitive verdicts is through the use of a “Generalization Argument” such as that proposed by Marcus Singer in his (1961) book Generalization in Ethics, which is intended to be an improved version of the traditional “What if everyone did that?” approach to moral theory. This Generalization Argument, however, also has counterintui…Read more
66Susan J. Armstrong and Richard G. Botzler (eds.): The Animal Ethics Reader, 2nd Edition (review)Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4): 399-400. 2009.
43Adam Fforde: Coping with facts: a skeptic’s guide to the problem of development: Kumarian Press, Sterling, Virginia, 2009, 221 pp, ISBN 978-1-56549-268-4 (review)Agriculture and Human Values 28 (1): 141-142. 2011.
50Sarkis J. Khoury: Conversations with the Conscience: Hamilton Books, Lanham, Maryland, 2006, 195 pp, ISBN 0-7618-3368-4 (review)Agriculture and Human Values 27 (2): 251-252. 2010.
60Liberalism: A Tyrannical Paradox?Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (154): 181-183. 2011.ExcerptAt first glance, the title of Kalb's new book The Tyranny of Liberalism seems to be an oxymoron. How can a theory of liberalism result in something illiberal? Liberalism is designed to give people freedom, so how can it be tyrannical? This is what Kalb attempts to show: the paradoxical nature of liberalism, and how it is self-defeating. To Kalb there are two main problems with contemporary liberalism: first, liberalism is tyrannical, insofar as it does not allow for any dissension or crit…Read more
27"Review of" A Theory of General Ethics: Human Relationships, Nature, and the Built Environment" (review)Essays in Philosophy 11 (2): 8. 2010.
37Craig Hanks (ed.): Technology and values: essential readings (review)Agriculture and Human Values 28 (2): 285-286. 2011.
119Negative Average Preference UtilitarianismJournal of Philosophy of Life 2 (1): 55-66. 2012.For many philosophers working in the area of Population Ethics, it seems that either they have to confront the Repugnant Conclusion , or they have to confront the Non-Identity Problem . To them it seems there is no escape, they either have to face one problem or the other. However, there is a way around this, allowing us to escape the Repugnant Conclusion, by using what I will call Negative Average Preference Utilitarianism – which though similar to anti-frustrationism, has some important differ…Read more
26"Review of" Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy" (review)Essays in Philosophy 12 (1): 169-174. 2011.
La Trobe UniversityDepartment of Politics, Media and PhilosophyHonorary Research Fellow (Part-time)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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