Arizona State University
Philosophy - School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
PhD, 2008
Tempe, Arizona, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Applied Ethics
Normative Ethics
  • Sam Harris: Critical Responses (edited book)
    Carus Books. 2023.
    Sam Harris, a previously unknown neuroscientist, single-handedly generated the New Atheism with his best-selling book The End of Faith, which quickly became a huge best-seller following its release in 2004. Sam Harris: Critical Responses is a collection of essays criticizing different aspects of Harris’s thinking from a range of diverse perspectives—left and right, Christian and atheist, philosophical, psychological, and political. These twenty serious criticisms of Sam Harris, written by expert…Read more
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    Jordan Peterson: Critical Responses (edited book)
    Carus Books. 2021.
    The Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson burst into public awareness when he opposed the compulsory use of newfangled gender-pronouns. He has since published two best-selling books, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018) and Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life (2021), and has become the leading public intellectual on social media.Although Peterson has an almost cult-like following, and arouses strong passions, both for and against, there has been very little focused, objective …Read more
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    Sam Harris (edited book)
    Open Universe. 2023.
    Sam Harris, a previously unknown neuroscientist, single-handedly generated the New Atheism with his best-selling book The End of Faith, which quickly became a huge best-seller following its release in 2004. Harris went on to write several more best-sellers on a range of topics and has become one of the world's most followed podcasters. He is well-known for his controversial positions in many areas, including the unique danger of Islam, the advocacy of atheist spirituality through meditation, the…Read more
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    Organ procurement organizations internet enrollment for organ donation: Abandoning informed consent (review)
    with Mohamad Rady, Joseph Verheijde, and Joan McGregor
    BMC Medical Ethics 7 (1): 1-9. 2006.
    Background Requirements for organ donation after cardiac or imminent death have been introduced to address the transplantable organs shortage in the United States. Organ procurement organizations (OPOs) increasingly use the Internet for organ donation consent. Methods An analysis of OPO Web sites available to the public for enrollment and consent for organ donation. The Web sites and consent forms were examined for the minimal information recommended by the United States Department of Health and…Read more
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    Background Requirements for organ donation after cardiac or imminent death have been introduced to address the transplantable organs shortage in the United States. Organ procurement organizations increasingly use the Internet for organ donation consent. Methods An analysis of OPO Web sites available to the public for enrollment and consent for organ donation. The Web sites and consent forms were examined for the minimal information recommended by the United States Department of Health and Human …Read more
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    Conflicting preferences and advance directives
    American Journal of Bioethics 7 (4): 64-65. 2007.
    No abstract
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    Donation After Cardiac Death: An Alternative Solution to Burying the Dead Donor Rule
    American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8): 54-56. 2011.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 8, Page 54-56, August 2011