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    What Is Good and Why: The Ethics of Well-Being
    with Richard Kenneth Atkins, Adam Glover, Katie Terezakis, Whitley Kaufman, Steven Levine, Aaron Massecar, Robert Main, and Jerome A. Stone
    The Pluralist 7 (2): 91-94. 2012.
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    Conservatism and Pragmatism illustrates the intersections between classical British Conservative thought and classical American Pragmatist philosophy with regard to methodology in politics, ethics, and law.
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    Pragmatism, Logic, and Law
    American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3): 147-150. 2022.
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    Pragmatic Conservatism: A Defense
    Humanitas: Interdisciplinary journal (National Humanities Institute) 25 (1-2): 20-43. 2012.
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    Michael Oakeshott's Metaphysics of Experience through the Lens of American Pragmatism
    Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (4): 581. 2014.
    In this paper I argue that Michael Oakeshott’s metaphysics of experience shares significant features with the pragmatism of C.S. Peirce and John Dewey and that these similarities highlight methodological norms guiding inquiry into philosophy’s value fields. Oakeshott, Peirce, and Dewey agree on (1) the primacy of experience in philosophical inquiry, (2) the dismissal of the capacity of intuition as a valid mode of experience contributing to a reliable epistemology, (3) a refusal of metaphysical …Read more
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    Justice Holmes, the Social Darwinist
    The Pluralist 14 (1): 78-90. 2019.
    Social Darwinism covers a set of particulars bearing a family resemblance including, but not limited to the extension of evolutionary biology to social phenomena, a biological explanation for the success of certain more biologically "fit" groups over others, an acceptance of the use of force by the "fit" to succeed over the "unfit" in the life struggle, and a preference for competition in the marketplace and a laissez-faire ideology. The serpent of Social Darwinism leaves a trail of the eugenics…Read more
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    Functional Realism: A Defense of Narrative Medicine
    Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (1): 32-49. 2013.
    In this paper we (1) define and describe the practice of narrative medicine, (2) reveal the need for narrative medicine by exposing the presuppositions that give rise to its discounting, including a reductive empiricism and a strict dichotomy between scientific fact and narrative value, (3) show evidence of the effects of education in narrative competence in the medical clinic, and (4) present Peircean realism as the proper conceptual model for our argument that the medical school curriculum com…Read more
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    In this paper I measure the progressive potentiality of art against Russell Kirk’s notion of “normative art”. Kirk argues that good literature cultivates virtue according to a transcendent norm, a law of nature. I interrogate the extent to which this art can be conservative according to Kirk’s own meaning of conservatism and read his own conservatism against itself in an effort to show which of its tenets detrimentally supersede and contradict its others. The criticism of Kirk’s discussion of no…Read more
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    Conservatism, Pragmatism, and Historical Inquiry
    The Pluralist 9 (1): 55-65. 2014.
    In a 2001 article entitled “The Classical Conservative Challenge to Dewey,” Shawn O’Dwyer puts John Dewey’s understanding of method to the test of criticisms made by conservative theorist Michael Oakeshott. Oakeshott criticizes the view that technical knowledge is superior to the reliance on custom, tradition, and habit in practical knowledge, that moral intelligence can be taught, and that moral intelligence consists of the application of techniques to resolve problems. O’Dwyer concludes that D…Read more
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    Conservative in What Sense?
    Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (4): 547-564. 2018.
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    The Pragmatism and Prejudice of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr (edited book)
    Lexington Books. 2019.
    The Pragmatism and Prejudice of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. examines the varied categories scholars have used to describe the philosophy of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. These include, “Jobbist,” Nihilist, Realist, Social Darwinist, Utilitarian, Positivist, Natural Law Theorist, and Pragmatist.
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    In this review essay, I offer a summary of Brian E. Butler’s The Democratic Constitution: Experimentalism and Interpretation. Butler’s democratic experimentalism offers the thesis that democracy needs to be protected democratically rather than by relying on the judicial supremacy over constitutional interpretation by the Supreme Court. Butler illustrates what democratic experimentalism looks like through a close reading of key cases showing the virtues of an on-going, open-ended, empirical, fall…Read more
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    Pragmatism and Justice, edited by Susan Dieleman, David Rondel, and Christopher J. Voperil (review)
    Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (2): 271-274. 2018.
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    Teaching to the Test: A Pragmatic Approach to Teaching Logic
    Education and Culture 30 (1): 39-56. 2014.
    Like many philosophy instructors throughout the academy, one of my primary services to the university is teaching 100-level logic, a required course for all undergraduate students. In many ways I relish the responsibility and consider teaching the course one of my more valuable roles at the university. Furthermore, that the university requires logic makes me hopeful that higher education still values the cultivation of critical thinking, which should be a primary function of a logic class. Howev…Read more
  • The Wire and Philosophy (edited book)
    with David Bzdak Joanna Crosby
    Open Court. 2013.
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    Between Science and Fiction
    European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (1): 159-176. 2012.
    In this article I present two theories of historical inquiry, which I characterize as conservative and pragmatic. I argue that these two views of history, John Dewey’s and Hans Georg Gadamer’s, provide an excluded middle between the extremes of positivism and relativism. They are pragmatic insofar as they accept the anti-foundationalist critique of positivism; they are conservative insofar as they refuse to reduce historical inquiry to mere discourse or narrative. Both focus on the situatedness …Read more
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    The utilitarian and consumerist model of higher education undervalues the importance and worth of the liberal arts in higher education, both globally and locally. Globally speaking, it does not take long to flip through a national newspaper or to click through the Chronicle of Higher Education to find either some call for the academy to train students for the current set of jobs available, especially for which there is high demand, low supply, and a national need, or critical responses to such a…Read more
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    Two Socratic Methods
    Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (2): 5-8. 2012.
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    In this article, I address the question of whether or not the use of instant replay in sports improves the ability of officials to make correct calls. I pay special attention to the use of instant reply in American gridiron football. I first explain the method of static phenomenology, by recourse to Edmund Husserl's work and apply a static phenomenological method to the official's quest for evidence in the analysis of a still frame of video. Second, I expose Husserl's genetic method of phenomeno…Read more
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    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 6, Issue 1, Page 90-94, February 2012
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    The Wire and Philosophy (edited book)
    with Joanna Crosby and David Bdzak
    Open Court Books. 2013.