•  283
    Whereof One Cannot Speak
    In Daniel Frank & Aaron Segal (eds.), Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed: A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press. pp. 125-139. 2021.
    Maimonides famously holds that, while it is perfectly possible to know (and say) that God exists, it is impossible to know (and say) what God is like because any positive attri- bution contradicts God’s essential oneness. Consequently, pure equivocity obtains between descriptions of the divine and descriptions of any other being. But this raises a puzzle: Knowledge of God seems vacuous if we lack all comprehension of God’s nature - so how can we have any comprehension of the divine without being…Read more
  •  362
    Mathematical Pluralism and Indispensability
    Erkenntnis 1 1-25. 2023.
    Pluralist mathematical realism, the view that there exists more than one mathematical universe, has become an influential position in the philosophy of mathematics. I argue that, if mathematical pluralism is true (and we have good reason to believe that it is), then mathematical realism cannot (easily) be justified by arguments from the indispensability of mathematics to science. This is because any justificatory chain of inferences from mathematical applications in science to the total body of …Read more
  •  27
    Mathematical Indispensability and Arguments from Design
    Philosophia 49 (5): 2085-2102. 2021.
    The recognition of striking regularities in the physical world plays a major role in the justification of hypotheses and the development of new theories both in the natural sciences and in philosophy. However, while scientists consider only strictly natural hypotheses as explanations for such regularities, philosophers also explore meta-natural hypotheses. One example is mathematical realism, which proposes the existence of abstract mathematical entities as an explanation for the applicability o…Read more
  •  1029
    Mathematical and Moral Disagreement
    Philosophical Quarterly 70 (279): 302-327. 2020.
    The existence of fundamental moral disagreements is a central problem for moral realism and has often been contrasted with an alleged absence of disagreement in mathematics. However, mathematicians do in fact disagree on fundamental questions, for example on which set-theoretic axioms are true, and some philosophers have argued that this increases the plausibility of moral vis-à-vis mathematical realism. I argue that the analogy between mathematical and moral disagreement is not as straightforwa…Read more
  •  690
    Access Problems and explanatory overkill
    Philosophical Studies 174 (11): 2731-2742. 2017.
    I argue that recent attempts to deflect Access Problems for realism about a priori domains such as mathematics, logic, morality, and modality using arguments from evolution result in two kinds of explanatory overkill: the Access Problem is eliminated for contentious domains, and realist belief becomes viciously immune to arguments from dispensability, and to non-rebutting counter-arguments more generally.
  •  46
    Adorno’s metaphysics as developed in his Negative Dialectics revolves around what he calls the ‘Non-identical’. The Non-identical is essentially ineffable and can only be understood negatively, through Adorno’s method of ‘negative dialectics’. Negative dialectics is Adorno’s answer to Hegelian metaphysics, which he criticises for its ‘consistent resolution of non-identity into pure identity’. While Adorno endorses Hegel’s critique of Kant’s distinction between the realm of noumena and the realm …Read more
  •  147
    Can art, religion, or philosophy afford ineffable insights? If so, what are they? The idea of ineffability has puzzled philosophers from Laozi to Wittgenstein. In Ineffability and its Metaphysics: The Unspeakable in Art, Religion and Philosophy, Silvia Jonas examines different ways of thinking about what ineffable insights might involve metaphysically, and shows which of these are in fact incoherent. Jonas discusses the concepts of ineffable properties and objects, ineffable propositions, ineffa…Read more
  •  745
    Aesthetic ineffability
    Philosophy Compass 12 (2). 2017.
    This essay provides an overview of the ways in which contemporary philosophers have tried to make sense of ineffability as encountered in aesthetic contexts. Section 1 sets up the problem of aesthetic ineffability by putting it into historical perspective. Section 2 specifies the kinds of questions that may be raised with regard to aesthetic ineffability, as well as the kinds of answer each one of those questions would require. Section 3 investigates arguments that seek to locate aesthetic ineff…Read more
  •  715
    Modal Structuralism and Theism
    In Fiona Ellis (ed.), New Models of Religious Understanding, Oxford University Press. 2018.
    Drawing an analogy between modal structuralism about mathematics and theism, I oer a structuralist account that implicitly denes theism in terms of three basic relations: logical and metaphysical priority, and epis- temic superiority. On this view, statements like `God is omniscient' have a hypothetical and a categorical component. The hypothetical component provides a translation pattern according to which statements in theistic language are converted into statements of second-order modal logic…Read more
  •  83
    In this paper, I argue that religious belief is epistemically equivalent to mathematical belief. Abstract beliefs don't fall under ‘naive’, evidence-based analyses of rationality. Rather, their epistemic permissibility depends, I suggest, on four criteria: predictability, applicability, consistency, and immediate acceptability of the fundamental axioms. The paper examines to what extent mathematics meets these criteria, juxtaposing the results with the case of religion. My argument is directed a…Read more