• L’etica: una storia per idee (edited book)
    Carocci Editore. 2022.
  •  19
    La vita inaspettata. Il fascino di un'evoluzione che non ci aveva previsto di Telmo Pievani
    with Orlando Franceschelli and Massimo Stanzione
    Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (2): 425-444. 2013.
  • L’uso Pubblico Del Naturalismo
    Etica E Politica 9 (2): 144-147. 2007.
  • Experimentation on non human animals is a widespread practice in our society and a main topic for animal ethics normative theories. In the last forty years the humanisation of such practice has been deeply influenced by the so called “3Rs method”. One of the most important aims of this method is the improvement of the welfare of the animals involved in experimental procedures through the Refinement of housing and experiment conditions. Far to be a merely technical concept, animal welfare is mora…Read more