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    Demographic and clinical characteristics associated with a history of bizarre delusions in a cross-diagnostic sample of individuals with psychotic disorders
    with C. Yuksel, A. Nesbit, G. Carkaxhiu, C. Ravichandran, P. Salvatore, S. Pingali, B. Cohen, and D. Ongur
    Asian Journal of Psychiatry 31. 2018.
    Bizarre delusions are not specific to schizophrenia and can be found in other psychotic disorders. However, to date, there are no studies investigating socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with BizD across the psychosis spectrum. In this study 819 subjects with a diagnosis of SZ, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar I disorder were included. Patients with history of BizD and with no BizD were compared with respect to socidemographic and clinical variables, and predictors of …Read more