• Health, Disease and Wellbeing
    with S. Engelsen and R. Christiansen
    In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner (eds.), The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2022.
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    The question of how to become and remain an effective leader has been discussed for decades, and the answers that have been proposed have led to numerous theories and taxonomies of leadership behavior. By taking a critical approach to a contemporary integrative model of leadership behavior, this theoretical research proposes an alternative approach that can supplement both the integrative model and current leader–member exchange theory. Our approach is sensitive to both objective and subjective …Read more
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    Emotions and Values in Practice: The Case of Elderly Care
    with Regina Christiansen, Jakob Emiliussen, and Søren Engelsen
    Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 56 (2): 112-135. 2021.
    The moral and epistemic significance of emotions has been increasingly emphasized in recent philosophy. The focus has been mostly on metaethical questions. We add a new perspective by considering the practical importance of gauging, reacting to, enhancing, or reducing the emotions of others and oneself. We focus particularly on the collective aspect of emotion development and regulation, how emotions are entangled with values, and how they may be used constructively for handling otherwise diffic…Read more
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    The many faces of hedonic adaptation
    with Jakob Emiliussen, Regina Christiansen, Lejla Hasandedic-Dapo, and Søren Engelsen
    Philosophical Psychology 35 (2): 253-278. 2022.
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    Phenomenology informs a number of contemporary attempts to give more weight to the lived experience of patients and overcome the limitations of a one-sidedly biomedical understanding of illness. Susan Bredlau has recently presented a reading of Plato’s dialogue Charmides, which portrays Socrates as a pioneer of the phenomenological approach to illness. I use a critical discussion of Bredlau’s interpretation of the Charmides to show that the phenomenology of illness also has its shortcomings and …Read more
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    What Is Theoretical Knowledge?
    with Esben Nedenskov Petersen
    Theoria 87 (3): 559-577. 2021.
    While it is common in social epistemology, philosophy of education and sociology to speak of theoretical knowledge, the concept of theoretical knowledge used in ordinary discourse has not been properly examined, and its relations to other types of knowledge remain unclear. This article argues that this ordinary language notion of theoretical knowledge has a distinct meaning different from the meanings of terms for other knowledge types, for example, knowledge‐that, and meta‐cognitive knowledge, …Read more
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    Indledning til “Om spørgsmålet: Hvad er oplysning?” af Moses Mendelssohn.
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    The Essential Tension in Phenomenal Consciousness
    Philosophical Papers 49 (1): 159-190. 2020.
    The contemporary standard view of phenomenal consciousness —shared by reductionists and non-reductionists alike—takes it to be a simple, ‘low-level’, ‘pre-reflective’ feature of mental states,...
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    This book is a succinct guide to Søren Kierkegaard’s contribution to educational thought. Kierkegaard is not usually known as an educational thinker, but the book shows how his key notions and ideas are nevertheless highly relevant to educational theory and practice. It places them within the context of Kierkegaard’s philosophy and the philosophy of his time, while also exploring their significance to issues of contemporary concern, like the question of how far education should aim at fostering …Read more
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    Applied Epistemology: Prospects and Problems
    Res Cogitans 6 (1). 2009.
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    Ethics, knowledge, and a procedural approach to wellbeing
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (1): 31-47. 2023.
    Knowledge about human wellbeing is a central part of ethical knowledge. But it is a neglected topic not only in ethics in general, but also in wellbeing theorizing, which has focused on enumerating the basic elements of wellbeing rather than on how to gauge, foster and maintain wellbeing in actual human lives. I consider the prospects for a procedural approach to wellbeing that sees it as depending on a process of continual adjustment between values, preferences, actions and emotions. The value-…Read more
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    Levels of Literary Meaning
    Philosophy and Literature 41 (1): 70-90. 2017.
    Intentionalism, it has been remarked, just won't go away.1 The idea that the meaning of a literary work is determined by the intentions of its author remains appealing and deeply entrenched in most people's thinking,2 in spite of ever-new waves of resistance. I do not wish to resume the discussion of the overall plausibility of intentionalism. Nor will I take a stand in the discussion of its different varieties, like actual versus hypothetical intentionalism.3 My interest lies in exploring the d…Read more
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    Two notions of epistemic normativity
    Theoria 75 (3): 161-178. 2009.
    The overwhelmingly dominant view of epistemic normativity has been an extreme form of deontology. I argue that although the pull towards deontology is quite understandable, given the traditional concerns of epistemology, there is no good reason for not also adopting a complementary consequentialist notion of epistemic normativity, which can be put to use in applied epistemology. I further argue that this consequentialist notion is not, despite appearances and popular sentiment to the contrary, a…Read more
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    Der intentionalismus und seine kritiker. Ein vermittlungs versuch
    Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 40 (1): 79-108. 2005.
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    The phenomenology of propositional attitudes
    Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (4): 445-462. 2008.
    Propositional attitudes are often classified as non-phenomenal mental states. I argue that there is no good reason for doing so. The unwillingness to view propositional attitudes as being essentially phenomenal stems from a biased notion of phenomenality, from not paying sufficient attention to the idioms in which propositional attitudes are usually reported, from overlooking the considerable degree to which different intentional modes can be said to be phenomenologically continuous, and from no…Read more
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    Die Ontologie des Intentionalen
    Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 29 (1): 114-128. 1994.
  • Den gamle og den nye hermenuetik
    Philosophia: tidsskrift for filosofi 25 (1): 43-62. 1996.
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    Group knowledge: a real-world approach
    Synthese 192 (3): 813-839. 2015.
    In spite of the booming interest in social epistemology, explicit analyses of group knowledge remain rare. Most existing accounts are based on theories of joint intentionality. I argue that this approach, though not without merit or useful applications, is inadequate both when it comes to accounting for actual group knowledge attributions and for purposes of meliorative social epistemology. As an alternative, I outline a liberal, de-intellectualized account, which allows for the complex distribu…Read more
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    Abstract objects are widely held to pose a formidable epistemological challenge. It has seemed mysterious to many how we can have access to such strange and intangible entities. The article considers five influential ways to meet the challenge: Transcendental arguments, the indispensability argument, insisting that we just are able to grasp abstract objects and that no further explanation is needed, abstractionist accounts, and ontological reduction. None of these approaches is by itself suffici…Read more
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    Teoretisk erkendelse og læring
    Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 2 (2): 1-18. 2013.
    The value and function of theoretical knowledge is an important and disputed issue, which has received surprisingly little scholarly attention. I attempt to clarify the notion of theoretical knowledge and examine its general relationship to learning. Theoretical knowledge is not necessarily distinguished by any particular content; the adjective “theoretical” can just as well signify a particular methodological approach or a way of dealing with a topic, including the way it is conceptualized. I f…Read more
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    Der Internalismus und seine Widersacher
    Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 40 (1): 79-108. 2005.