•  739
    Scholars in the field of environmental and animal ethics have propounded theories that outline what, in their view, ought to constitute an ethical relationship between humans and the environment and humans and nonhuman animals respectively. In the field of animal ethics, the contributions by Western scholars to theorize a body of animal ethics, either as an ethic in its own right or as a branch of the broader field of environmental ethics is clearly seen. Consequently, there are, notably, two ma…Read more
  • The Pursuant of Well-Being in Contemporary Africa
    In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela C. M. Roothaan (eds.), Wellbeing in African Philosophy: Insights for a Global Ethics of Development, Rowman and Littlefield. 2023.
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    For many decades, African theorists and ideologists have made it a preoccupation to discover values, ideas, models, and principles that are born out of African traditional and cultural ontologies—values of which, in their view, can and ought to be adopted as a better alternative solution to the political and social miseries facing contemporary African nations. Resultantly, the values of Ubuntu and African humanism dominate. These values found in indigenous African communitarian societies are not…Read more
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    Introduction: Exploring Development Ethics in an African Context
    In Beatrice Okyere-Manu, Stephen Nkansah Morgan & Ovett Nwosimiri (eds.), Contemporary Development Ethics from an African Perspective: Selected Readings, Springer Verlag. pp. 3-14. 2023.
    The word ‘development’ can mean different things to different people. It is one of the most elusive concepts to define, alongside the concept of modernization. Often and perhaps due to its elusive nature, people tend to rely on an economic definition of development where definite parameters and indices can be used to assess and determine levels of development ‘objectively’. Thus, a nation’s development is measured in terms of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Income (GNI), Per-Cap…Read more
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    This book offers fresh academic insights, reflections, questions, issues, and approaches to development ethics, taking into account, African values and ethics. Development ethics is an area of applied ethics that examines the moral issues involved in global, social, and economic transformation. While it is a relatively new discipline, there have been numerous scholarly publications on it from Western perspectives. However, only a few studies that focused on development ethics from the African pe…Read more
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    This essay, originally a presentation at the annual conference of the Newman Association of America at St. Anselm’s College, Manchester, New Hampshire, in 2011, argues that The Idea of a University reflects a notion of university education that was already present in all its essentials in Newman’s thought by 1830. Newman’s experience as an undergraduate, his early years as a Fellow of Oriel College and his correspondence with Edward Hawkins during the Tutorship dispute indicate that Newman’s ide…Read more
  • Cultural, Ethical and Religious Perspectives on Environment Preservation
    Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 85 94-104. 2022.
    This paper presents a review of articles on cultural, ethical, and religious perspectives on environmental preservation. Globally, the negative effects of the current environmental crisis on people's lives and livelihoods cannot be disputed. The mismanagement of the environment has resulted in extreme climate changes currently faced by the world. The situation has prompted environmentalists, governments, and other stakeholders to seek plausible ways of mitigating and preserving the environment f…Read more
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    The chapter assesses the moral acceptability or otherwise as well as the likely cultural implications of the use of sex selection reproductive technology in traditional African cultures. Technology, as we know it, is a tool used to make human lives better, more comfortable and efficient. Our world today is a witness to a remarkable and overwhelming amount of progress made in terms of technological advancement far beyond our imaginations. The African continent, although not a significant producer…Read more
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    African Ethics and Online Communities: An Argument for a Virtual Communitarianism
    Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 10 (3): 103-118. 2021.
    A virtual community is generally described as a group of people with shared interests, ideas, and goals in a particular digital group or virtual platform. Virtual communities have become ubiquitous in recent times, and almost everyone belongs to one or multiple virtual communities. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with its associated national lockdowns, has made virtual communities more essential and a necessary part of our daily lives, whether for work and business, educational purposes or k…Read more
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    Traditional Africans' belief in and veneration of ancestors is an almost ubiquitous, long-held and widely known, for it is deeply entrenched in the African metaphysical worldview itself. This belief in and veneration of ancestors is characterised by strong moral undertone. This moral undertone involves an implicit indication that individual members of communities must live exemplary lives in accordance with the ethos of the community. Living according to the ethos is among the conditions for att…Read more
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    African morality: With or Without God
    All Nations University Journal of Applied Thought 6 (1): 160-173. 2018.
    Traditional African societies are noted for their religiosity and so one would naturally expect that when it comes to matters of morality they will appeal to some divinities or gods for their moral jurisdiction and interpretation of their moral codes. Yet, according to Wiredu (1992) and Gyekye (1996), this is not true of traditional African societies when it comes to finding the source of their moral codes. For the two, an appeal to religion as a source of African moral values is a mistaken posi…Read more
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    Environmental Justice: Towards an African Perspective
    with Beatrice Okyere-Manu and Margaret Ssebunya
    In Munamato Chemhuru (ed.), African Environmental Ethics: A Critical Reader, Springer Verlag. pp. 175-189. 2019.
    The main argument of this paper is that current debates and discussions on environmental justice seem to focus more on the West. In a typical African communitarian society, the idea of environmental justice has not been adequately conceptualised. Key scholars in African environmental ethics such as Godfrey Tangwa, Segun Ogungbemi and Murove Munyaradzi have mainly focused their attention on the preservation of nature for both current and future generations, thereby giving less attention to the eq…Read more