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    Philosophical foundations of criminal law (edited book)
    Oxford University Press. 2011.
    Topics covered in this volume include the question of criminalization and the proper scope of the criminal law; the grounds of criminal responsibility; the ways ...
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    Theft claims more victims and causes greater economic injury than any other criminal offense. Yet theft law is enigmatic, and fundamental questions about what should count as stealing remain unresolved — especially misappropriations of intellectual property, information, ideas, identities, and virtual property. In Thirteen Ways to Steal a Bicycle, Stuart Green assesses our current legal framework at a time when our economy increasingly commodifies intangibles and when the means of committing th…Read more
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    Criminalizing Sex: A Unified Liberal Theory
    Oxford University Press. 2020.
    Starting in the latter part of the 20th century, the law of sexual offenses, especially in the West, began to reflect a striking divergence. On the one hand, the law became significantly more punitive in its approach to sexual conduct that is nonconsensual, as evidenced by a major expansion in the definition of rape and sexual assault, and the creation of new offenses like sex trafficking, child grooming, and revenge porn. On the other hand, it became markedly more permissive in how it dealt wit…Read more
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    In Larry Alexander & Kimberly Kessler Ferzan (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law, Springer Verlag. pp. 337-357. 2019.
    Recent years have seen growing interest in the moral and constitutional status of laws prohibiting incest. Inspired by new recognition of the right to engage in private, consensual, adult homosexual conduct, commentators and litigants have argued that there should be an analogous right to engage in private, consensual, adult incestuous conduct. Section “Incest as Taboo, Incest as Aversion” looks at incest as a complex cultural taboo, attracting the attention of a wide range of social scientists.…Read more
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    Legal Moralism, Overinclusive Offenses, and the Problem of Wrongfulness Conflation
    Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (3): 417-430. 2020.
    In the Realm of Criminal Law, Antony Duff seeks to defend the view that we should criminalize conduct only if it is wrongful. Skeptics of legal moralism argue that this occurs all the time in supposedly overinclusive offenses whose definitions capture not only the kind of conduct that constitutes the target wrong, but also a wider class of conduct that is not wrongful prior to prohibition. An example is statutory rape. Duff, in response, contends that such offenses need not violate the requireme…Read more
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    The Conceptual Utility of Malum prohibitum
    Dialogue 55 (1): 33-43. 2016.
    For retributivists, who believe that criminal sanctions should be used to punish only conduct that is blameworthy, the so-called mala prohibita offenses have always been a source of concern: When the conduct being criminalized is wrongful prior to and independent of its being illegal - as it is with presumptive mala in se offenses like murder and rape - the path to blameworthiness is relatively clear. But when the wrongfulness of the conduct depends on the very fact of its being illegal - as is …Read more
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    Golden Rule Ethics and the Death of the Criminal Law's Special Part
    Criminal Justice Ethics 29 (2): 208-218. 2010.
    Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, with Stephen Morse, Crime and Culpability: A Theory of Criminal Law, xi + 358 pp. In the final chapter of C...
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    Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law (edited book)
    with R. A. Duff
    Oxford University Press UK. 2011.
    25 leading contemporary theorists of criminal law tackle a range of foundational issues about the proper aims and structure of the criminal law in a liberal democracy. The challenges facing criminal law are many. There are crises of over-criminalization and over-imprisonment; penal policy has become so politicized that it is difficult to find any clear consensus on what aims the criminal law can properly serve; governments seeking to protect their citizens in the face of a range of perceived thr…Read more
  • Moral Ambiguity in White Collar Criminal Law
    Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 18 (2): 501-520. 2004.
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    Law and Philosophy 23 (2): 137-185. 2004.
    The concept of cheating is ubiquitous in ourmoral lives: It occurs in contexts as varied asbusiness, sports, taxpaying, education,marriage, politics, and the practice of law. Yet despite its seeming importance, it is aconcept that has been almost completely ignoredby moral theorists, usually regarded either asa morally neutral synonym for non-cooperativebehavior, or as a generalized, unreflectiveterm of moral disapprobation. This articleoffers a ``normative reconstruction'''' of theconcept of ch…Read more
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    Review essay / broadening the scope of criminal law scholarship
    Criminal Justice Ethics 20 (2): 55-62. 2001.
    Peter Alldridge, Relocating Criminal Law Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 2000, xxvi + 247 pp
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    Vice Crimes and Preventive Justice
    Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (3): 561-576. 2015.
    This symposium contribution offers a reconsideration of a range of “vice crime” legislation from late nineteenth and early twentieth century American law, criminalizing matters such as prostitution, the use of opiates, illegal gambling, and polygamy. According to the standard account, the original justification for these offenses was purely moralistic and paternalistic ; and it was only later, in the late twentieth century, that those who supported such legislative initiatives sought to justify …Read more
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    Defining Crimes: Essays on the Special Part of the Criminal Law (edited book)
    with R. A. Duff
    Oxford University Press UK. 2005.
    This collection of original essays, by some of the best known contemporary criminal law theorists, tackles a range of issues about the criminal law's 'special part' - the part of the criminal law that defines specific offences. One of its aims is to show the importance, for theory as well as for practice, of focusing on the special part as well as on the general part which usually receives much more theoretical attention. Some of the issues covered concern the proper scope of the criminal law, f…Read more
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    This is the first book to take a comprehensive look at white collar criminal offenses from the perspective of moral and legal theory. Focussing on the way in which key white collar crimes such as fraud, perjury, false statements, obstruction of justice, bribery, extortion, blackmail, insider trading, tax evasion, and regulatory and intellectual property offenses are shaped and informed by a range of familiar, but nevertheless powerful, moral norms.