• Productivity and performance using partitioned global address space languages
    with K. Yelick, D. Bonachea, P. Colella, K. Datta, J. Duell, S. L. Graham, P. Hargrove, P. Hilfinger, P. Husbands, C. Iancu, A. Kamil, R. Nishtala, J. Su, M. Welcome, and T. Wen
    Partitioned Global Address Space languages combine the programming convenience of shared memory with the locality and performance control of message passing. One such language, Unified Parallel C is an extension of ISO C defined by a consortium that boasts multiple proprietary and open source compilers. Another PGAS language, Titanium, is a dialect of JavaTM designed for high performance scientific computation. In this paper we describe some of the highlights of two related projects, the Titaniu…Read more