Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at University of Dallas
Cynthia R. Nielsen, Putin’s Use and Abuse of History as a Political WeaponStudia Philosophica Estonica 134-145. forthcoming.
Jonathan J. Sanford, Whose Aristotelianism? MacIntyre, NeoAristotelianism, and MoralityPolitics and Poetics. forthcoming.
Hans-Georg Gadamer and Cynthia R. Nielsen, The Diversity of Languages and Understanding the WorldEpoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2): 453-466. 2024.
Kate Karpenko, Ruth Edith Hagengruber, and Cynthia R. Nielsen, Anthropological Dimension of Wartime Ecocide: Ecofeminist Methodological AssessmentsAnthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25 84-99. 2024.
Cynthia R. Nielsen and David Utsler, Gadamer, Fricker, and Honneth : testimonial injustice, prejudice, and social EsteemIn Paul Giladi & Nicola McMillan (eds.), Epistemic injustice and the philosophy of recognition, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 2023.
Chad Engelland, Deferred Ostension of Extinct and Fictive KindsReview of Metaphysics 87 (3): 507-540. 2023.
Chad Engelland, Anselm and the Problem of Ostending GodJournal of the History of Philosophy 61 (3): 373-396. 2023.
David Elliot, Angela Knobel, and III William Mattison, Introductory Remarks: Virtue, Habit and Grace in Thomas AquinasStudies in Christian Ethics 36 (2): 227-230. 2023.
Angela Knobel, Habits, Triggers and Moral FormationStudies in Christian Ethics 36 (2): 274-286. 2023.
Cynthia R. Nielsen and Greg Lynch, Gadamer's Truth and Method: A Polyphonic Commentary (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2022.
Greg Lynch and Cynthia R. Nielsen, Gadamer's Truth and Method: A Polyphonic Commentary (edited book)Rowman & Littlefield. 2022.
Cynthia R. Nielsen and Greg Lynch, Truth and Method: A Polyphonic Commentary (edited book)Rowman and Littlefield International. 2022.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Cynthia R. Nielsen, and David Liakos, Music and TimeEpoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (1): 251-258. 2021.
Chad Engelland, Amo, Ergo Cogito: Phenomenology’s Non-Cartesian AugustinianismAmerican Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (3): 481-503. 2021.
Cynthia R. Nielsen and Ian Moore, Tasks of Philosophy in the Present Age RIAS-Lecture, June 9, 1952Philosophy Today 64 (2): 1-8. 2020.
Cynthia R. Nielsen and David Liakos, Dialogical Breakdown and Covid-19: Solidarity and Disagreement in a Shared WorldJournal of Applied Hermeneutics 2020 1-12. 2020.
Chad Engelland, PhenomenologyThe MIT Press. 2020.
Chad Engelland, Grice and Heidegger on the Logic of Conversation.In Matthew Burch & Irene McMullin (eds.), Transcending Reason: Heidegger on Rationality, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 171-186. 2020.
Chad Engelland, “Inflecting ‘Presence’ and ‘Absence’: On Sharing the Phenomenological Conversation.”In Language and Phenomenology, Routledge. pp. 273-295. 2020.
Chad Engelland, Introduction: The Language of ExperienceIn Language and Phenomenology, Routledge. pp. 1-18. 2020.
Chad Engelland, Three Versions of the Question, “Why Is There Something Rather than Nothing?”Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94 73-89. 2020.
Christopher V. Mirus, Time, Eternity, Relativity, and HistoryProceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94 193-203. 2020.
Angela Knobel, Presentation of the Aquinas MedalProceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94 23-25. 2020.
Cynthia R. Nielsen, Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy (review)Review of Metaphysics 72 (3). 2019.
Cynthia R. Nielsen, Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy by Matthais FritschReview of Metaphysics 72 (3): 600-602. 2019.
Matthew Walz, Synthesizing Aquinas and Newman on ReligionInternational Journal of the Philosophy of Religion 1-26. 2019.
Matthew Walz, Synthesizing Aquinas and Newman on religionInternational Journal for Philosophy of Religion 86 (3): 173-198. 2019.