Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Marquette University
- Distinguished Professor
- Value Theory, Philosophical Traditions, Philosophy, Misc, Other Academic Areas
- Professor
- General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Consciousness, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy of Mind
- Associate Professor
- Ethics, Applied Ethics, Biomedical Ethics, Philosophy of Race
- Assistant Professor
- Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of the Americas, Latin American Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, Racism, Immigration, States and Nations
- Professor
- Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Stanley Cavell, 20th Century Philosophy, Miscellaneous, Psychoanalysis, Misc, Pop Culture, Aesthetics and Culture
- Associate Professor
- Social and Political Philosophy, Deliberative Democracy, 17th/18th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Conceptions of Democracy, Justification of Democracy, Participatory Democracy, Representative Democracy
- Associate Professor
- Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, 20th Century Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Action