Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Uppsala University
- Doctoral student
- Kant: Aesthetic Judgment, Judith Butler, Nietzsche: Meta-Ethics, Kant: Political Philosophy, Hegel: Theory of Recognition, Hegel: End of History Thesis, Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit, Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno, Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Masters student
- Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics, Aesthetics and Culture
- Doctoral student
- : Jan 31, 2027
- Aesthetic Judgment, Semantics-Pragmatics Distinction, Beauty, Aesthetic Cognition, Misc, Taste Predicates, Aesthetic Normativity, Formal Semantics
- Masters student
- Philosophy of Music, Sound, Aesthetic Perception, Aesthetic Understanding, Perception and Phenomenology
- Masters student
- Philosophy of Mind, Concepts, Philosophy of Language, Classical Greek Philosophy, Plato, Ancient Greek and Roman Epistemology, Ancient Greek and Roman Metaphysics, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy of Mind, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy: Rhetoric
- Doctoral student
- Vagueness and Indeterminacy, Misc, Vagueness in Ethics and the Law, Vagueness and Indeterminacy, Miscellaneous, Law and Language, Misc, Interpretivist Theories of Law, Legal Positivism, Legal Realism, Legal Ethics, Knowledge, Evidence and Proof in Law