Lev Lamberov, Verification Principle and Testability PrincipleEpistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1): 152-168. 2024.
Aireen Grace Andal, Whose autonomy, whose interests? A donor‐focused analysis of surrogacy and egg donation from the global SouthDeveloping World Bioethics 23 (2): 99-108. 2023.
Lev Lamberov, Benacerraf and Set-Theoretic Reductionist RealismEpistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (1): 142-160. 2021.
Aleksei Loginov, Second-Order Arguments, or Do We Still Need Tolerance in the Public Sphere?Changing Societies and Personalities 3 (4): 319-332. 2019.
Aireen Grace Andal, “Unmapping” the Ural Playscapes: An Analysis of Playgrounds and Child Play under the Post-Soviet Urban Transition of Yekaterinburg, RussiaLaboratorium. Журнал Социальных Исследований 11 (1): 5-30. 2019.
Aireen Grace Andal, Self-Shooting Uterus-Owners: Examining the Selfies of Pregnant Transmen within the Politics of Human ReproductionChanging Societies and Personalities 3 (1): 36-51. 2019.
Aireen Grace Andal, Discourses of Educational Rights in Philosophy for Children: On the Theoretical and Practical Merits of Philosophical Education for ChildrenAVANT. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (2). 2019.
Aireen Grace Andal, Whose Discourse, Whose Ears? Harmony in Dialogic Pedagogy amidst the Post-Truth Noise (review)Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal 7. 2019.
Lev Lamberov, Модальности как фундаментальный элемент реальности: обзор книги «Williamson on Modality» (review)ФИЛОСОФИЯ НАУКИ 77 158-171. 2018.
Lev Lamberov, New Analytic Philosophy: A Comment on Oleg A. Domanov’s PaperEpistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (4): 48-52. 2018.
Lev Lamberov, On Myths and Problems around Definition of «Analytic Philosophy»Analytica 4 25-37. 2010.