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Also at University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Sean McAleer, Plato's 'Republic': An IntroductionOpenBook Publishers. 2020.
Sean McAleer, Are Gratitude and Forgiveness Symmetrical?In David Carr (ed.), Perspectives on Gratitude: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Routledge. pp. 85-96. 2016.
Sean McAleer, The Value of Living Well by Mark LeBar (review)Review of Metaphysics 68 (3): 667-669. 2015.
Sean McAleer, Atheism and Twelve Step SpiritualityIn Jerome A. Miller & Nicholas Plants (eds.), Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical explorations of twelve step spirituality, University of Virginia Press. pp. 78087. 2014.
Sean McAleer, When a Lie Ain't Just a LieIn David Bzdak Joanna Crosby & Seth Vannatta (eds.), The Wire and Philosophy, Open Court. pp. 59-69. 2013.
Sean McAleer, Aristotle's Powers and Responsibility for NatureAustralasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4): 812-815. 2013.
Sean McAleer, Friendship, Perception, and Referential Opacity in Nicomachean Ethics IX.9History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1): 362-374. 2013.
Sean McAleer, Baxley, Anne Margaret. Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. xvi+189. $85.00 (review)Ethics 122 (1): 174-178. 2011.
Sean McAleer, Four Solutions to the Alleged Incompleteness of Virtue EthicsJournal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4 (3): 1-20. 2010.
Sean McAleer, The Ethics of Pitcher’s Retaliation in BaseballJournal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (2009) 36 (1): 50-65. 2009.
Sean McAleer, The Ethics of Pitcher Retaliation in BaseballJournal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (1): 50-65. 2009.
Sean McAleer, Self-Knowledge, Self-Deception, and Retaliation: Lessons from The Limey and The GodfatherFilm and Philosophy 12 89-104. 2008.
Sean McAleer, The virtues of humor : what The office can teach us about Aristotle's ethics (UK)In Jeremy Wisnewski (ed.), The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life, Blackwell. 2008.
Matthew Meyer and Gregory J. Schneider, Being-in-The office : Sartre, the look, and the viewer (US)In Jeremy Wisnewski (ed.), The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life, Blackwell. 2008.
Sean Mcaleer, An aristotelian account of virtue ethics: An essay in moral taxonomyPacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2). 2007.
Sean McAleer, Kant and Aristotle on the Difficulty of Moral Knowledge: Lessons from the Doctrine of VirtueStudies in the History of Ethics 1-43. 2005.
Sean McAleer, John Huston’s Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Environmental Virtue EthicsFilm and Philosophy 8 30-41. 2004.
Sean McAleer, “Friedman’s Stockholder Theory of Corporate Moral Responsibility.Teaching Business Ethics 7 (4): 437-51. 2003.