•  227
    Théorie de la relativité de la constitution phénoménologique
    Dissertation, Universite de Paris X (Paris-Nanterre) (France). 1970.
    This is Vol. I in French. Vol. II in English is available separately from this website. The principal objective of the work is to construct an analytically precise methodology which can serve to identify, eliminate, and avoid a certain widespread conceptual fault or misconstruction, called a "projective misconstruction" or "projection" by the author. It is argued that this variety of error in our thinking (i) infects a great number of our everyday, scientific, and philosophical concepts, claim…Read more
  •  31
    "Explanation," ed. Stephan Körner (review)
    Modern Schoolman 54 (4): 413-414. 1977.
    A brief review and discussion of Stephan Körner's "Explanation."
  •  1025
    The Objectivity of Truth, Morality, and Beauty
    Willamette University Faculty Research Website. 2017.
    Whether truth, morality, and beauty have an objective basis has been a perennial question for philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics, while for a great many relativists and skeptics it poses a problem without a solution. In this essay, the author proposes an innovative approach that shows how cognitive intelligence, moral intelligence, and aesthetic intelligence provide the basis needed for objective judgments about truth, morality, and beauty.
  •  8
    "The Intuitive Sources of Probabilistic Thinking in Children," by E. Fischbein (review)
    Modern Schoolman 54 (4): 407-408. 1977.
    A brief review and discussion of E. Fischbein's "The Intuitive Sources of Probabilistic Thinking in Children."
  •  31
    Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincare. By Roberto Torretti (review)
    Modern Schoolman 58 (2): 136-136. 1981.
    A review of Roberto Torretti's book, "Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincare."
  •  831
    The role of reflexivity in understanding human understanding
    In Reflexivity: a source-book in self-reference, Distributors For the U.s. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.. pp. 3--18. 1992.
    The Introduction to the collection of papers, _Reflexivity: A Source-book in Self-reference_. The Introduction studies the limits of our understanding that we carry unavoidably with us. We are perpetually confined within the horizons of our conceptual structure. When this structure grows or expands, the breadth of our comprehensions enlarges, but we are forever barred from the wished-for glimpse beyond its boundaries, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much credence we invest in the subst…Read more
  •  3523
    Reflexivity: a source-book in self-reference (edited book)
    Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.. 1992.
    From the Editor’s Introduction: "The Internal Limitations of Human Understanding." We carry, unavoidably, the limits of our understanding with us. We are perpetually confined within the horizons of our conceptual structure. When this structure grows or expands, the breadth of our comprehensions enlarges, but we are forever barred from the wished-for glimpse beyond its boundaries, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much credence we invest in the substance of our learning and mist of specula…Read more
  •  14
    "Explanation," ed. Stephan Körner (review)
    Modern Schoolman 54 (4): 413-414. 1977.
    This volume brings together four papers by Peter Achinstein, Peter Geach, Wesley Salmon, and J. L. Mackie. Achinstein's paper Is "The Object of Explanation"; Geach's is "Teleological Explanation"; Salmon's is "Theoretical Explanation"; and Mackie's is "Ideological Explanation." /// This review summarizes each author's claims.
  •  229
    Phenomenology and New Rhetoric
    Willamette University Faculty Research Website. 1970/2014.
    This monograph has three purposes. It attempts first to describe in general terms methods of investigation proper to strict phenomenology and to new rhetoric. Second, it describes certain recent developments by the author that lead to a de-projective approach to phenomenology and which are of potential significance in a variety of areas of study, including new rhetoric. Finally, suggestions are made with a view to bringing portions of rigorous phenomenology into close connection with certain of …Read more
  •  447
    A RELATIVISTIC THEORY OF PHENOMENOLOCICAL CONSTITUTION: A SELF-REFERENTIAL, TRANSCENDENTAL APPROACH TO CONCEPTUAL PATHOLOGY. (Vol. I: French; Vol. II: English) Steven James Bartlett Doctoral dissertation director: Paul Ricoeur, Université de Paris Other doctoral committee members: Jean Ladrière and Alphonse de Waehlens, Université Catholique de Louvain Defended publically at the Université Catholique de Louvain, January, 1971. Universite de Paris X (France), 1971. 797pp. The principal objective…Read more
  •  17
    A review and discussion of Robert S. Cohen's edited collection, "Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos."
  •  184
    A Technique for Determing Closure in Semantic Tableaux
    Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 16 (1): 1-16. 1983.
    The author considers the model-theoretic character of proofs and disproofs by means of attempted counterexample constructions, distinguishes this proof format from formal derivations, then contrasts two approaches to semantic tableaux proposed by Beth and Lambert-van Fraassen. It is noted that Beth's original approach has not as yet been provided with a precisely formulated rule of closure for detecting tableau sequences terminating in contradiction. To remedy this deficiency, a technique is pro…Read more
  •  339
    Fenomenologia tego, co implikowane
    Roczniki Filozoficzne 22 (1): 73. 1974.
    [A Polish translation of Steven James Bartlett, “Phenomenology of the Implicit,” Dialectica: Revue international de philosophie de la connaissance, Vol. 29, Nos. 2-3, 1975, pp. 173-188.] This paper marks a juncture between the author’s studies in phenomenology and the transition he made to a study of what he has called a “metalogic of reference.” Published in 1974 in Polish translation, followed by its publication in English in 1975, “Phenomenology of the Implicit” describes the author’s “transl…Read more
  •  1220
    Free Choice: A Self-referential Argument - book review (review)
    Review of Metaphysics (4): 738-740. 1979.
    A book review of _Free Choice: A Self-referential Argument_ by J. M. Boyle, Jr., G. Grisez, and O. Tollefsen. The review concerns the pragmatical self-referential argument employed in the book, and points to the fact that the argument is itself self-referentially inconsistent, but on the level of metalogical self-reference.
  •  3517
    Philosophy as ideology
    Metaphilosophy 17 (1). 1986.
    The psychological-ideological roots of philosophy. ●●●●● 2022 UPDATE: The approach of this paper has been updated and developed further in Chapters 1 and 2 of the author’s 2021 book _Critique of Impure Reason: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning_. The book is available both in a printed edition (under ISBN 978-0-578-88646-6 from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other booksellers) and an Open Access eBook edition (available through Philpapers under the book’s title and other philosophy online archive…Read more
  •  1407
    This essay revisits the topic of how we should measure the things that matter, at a time when we continue to mismeasure our lives, as we hold fast to outworn myths of usefulness, popularity, and the desire to influence others. /// Three central, unquestioned presumptions have come to govern much of contemporary society, education, and the professions. They are: the high value placed on usefulness, on the passion to achieve popularity, and on the desire to influence others. In this essay, the …Read more
  •  754
    A study of the psychology of demoralization affecting university faculty in the liberal arts. This form of demoralization is not adequately understood in terms of the concept of career burnout. Instead, demoralization that affects university faculty in the liberal arts requires a broadened understanding of the historical and psychological situation in which these professors find themselves today.
  •  299
    The loss of permanent realities: Demoralization of university faculty in the liberal arts
    Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 27 (1): 25-39. 1994.
    This paper examines a largely unrecognized mental disorder that is essentially a disability of values. It is their daily contact with this pathology that leads many university liberal arts faculty to demoralization. The deeply rooted disparity between the world of the traditional liberal arts scholar and today’s college students is not simply a gulf across which communication is difficult, but rather involves a pathological impairment in the majority of students that stems from an exclusionary f…Read more
  •  783
    Acedia: The Etiology of Work-engendered Depression
    New Ideas in Psychology 8 (3): 389-396. 1990.
    There has been a general failure among mental health theorists and social psychologists to understand the etiology of work-engendered depression. Yet the condition is increasingly prevalent in highly industrialized societies, where an exclusionary focus upon work, money, and the things that money can buy has displaced values that traditionally exerted a liberating and humanizing influence. Social critics have called the result an impoverishment of the spirit, a state of cultural bankruptcy, and …Read more
  •  376
    Barbarians at the Door: A Psychological and Historical Profile of Today's College Students
    Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 26 (1): 18-40. 1993.
    A psychological and historical study of college students from the standpoint of the psychology and history of American higher education and of liberal arts values.
  •  466
    Lower Bounds of Ambiguity and Redundancy
    Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of Science 4 (1-4): 37-48. 1978.
    The elimination of ambiguity and redundancy are unquestioned goals in the exact sciences, and yet, as this paper shows, there are inescapable lower bounds that constrain our wish to eliminate them. The author discusses contributions by Richard Hamming (inventor of the Hamming code) and Satosi Watanabe (originator of the Theorems of the Ugly Duckling). Utilizing certain of their results, the author leads readers to recognize the unavoidable, central roles in effective communication, of redundancy…Read more
  •  249
    Towards a Unified Concept of Reality
    ETC: A Review of General Semantics 32 (1): 43-49. 1975.
    This is a study of the relativity of facts in relation to the frameworks of reference in terms of which those facts are established. In this early paper from 1975, intended for a less technical audience, the author proposes an understanding of facts and their associated frameworks in terms of complementarity. This understanding of facts leads to an integrated yet pluralistic concept of reality. In the Addendum, readers will find a partial listing of related publications by the author that extend…Read more
  •  63
    Self-reference: reflections on reflexivity (edited book)
    Springer. 1987.
    From the Editor’s Introduction: THE INTERNAL LIMITATIONS OF HUMAN UNDERSTANDING We carry, unavoidably, the limits of our understanding with us. We are perpetually confined within the horizons of our conceptual structure. When this structure grows or expands, the breadth of our comprehensions enlarges, but we are forever barred from the wished-for glimpse beyond its boundaries, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much credence we invest in the substance of our learning and mist of speculatio…Read more
  •  7432
    Narcissism and Philosophy
    Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 19 (1): 16-26. 1986.
    This is one of several papers by the author that seek to throw light on the psychology of philosophers. In this paper, certain of the defining properties of clinical narcissism are discussed in their application to the ideological position-taking character of many philosophers and the philosophies they propound. ●●●●● 2022 UPDATE: The approach of this paper has been updated and developed further in Chapters 1 and 2 of the author’s 2021 book _Critique of Impure Reason: Horizons of Possibility an…Read more
  •  1005
    Epistemological Intelligence
    Willamette University Faculty Research Website. 2017.
    2022 UPDATE: The approach of this monograph has been updated and developed further in Appendix II, "Epistemological Intelligence," of the author’s 2021 book _Critique of Impure Reason: Horizons of Possibility and Meaning_. The book is available both in a printed edition (under ISBN 978-0-578-88646-6 from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other booksellers) and an Open Access eBook edition (available through Philpapers under the book’s title and other philosophy online archives). ●●●●● The monograph’…Read more
  •  399
    The Problem of Psychotherapeutic Effectiveness
    Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 23 (2): 75-86. 1990.
    Hundreds of evaluative studies of psychotherapy still leave the issue of its effectiveness unsettled. The author argues that such studies have ignored the major determinant of therapeutic effectiveness, the role of a patient’s belief in the successful outcome in therapy. Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, one of the foremost critics of psychiatry, wrote of this paper: "It is one of the best, if not the best, that I have read on this subject.” It makes little sense to claim that a certain therapy is effe…Read more
  •  1044
    The Case for Government by Artificial Intelligence
    Willamette University Faculty Research Website: Http://Www.Willamette.Edu/~Sbartlet/Documents/Bartlett_The%20Case%20for%20Government%20by%20Artificial%20Intelligence.Pdf. 2016.
    THE CASE FOR GOVERNMENT BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Tired of election madness? The rhetoric of politicians? Their unreliable promises? And less than good government? Until recently, it hasn’t been hard for people to give up control to computers. Not very many people miss the effort and time required to do calculations by hand, to keep track of their finances, or to complete their tax returns manually. But relinquishing direct human control to self-driving cars is expected to be more of a challen…Read more
  •  359
    A combined psychological-epistemological study of the human blocks that stand in the way of the recognition of non-human animal sentience and legal rights. This is a Portuguese translation of the author's paper, "Roots of Human Resistance to Animal Rights: Psychological and Conceptual Blcoks," originally published in the Lewis and Clark law review, Animal Righs, in 2002. The Portuguese version was presented in conjunction with the International Congress on Animal Rights, Salvador, Brazil, Oct. 8…Read more
  •  914
    Protocol Analysis in Creative Problem-solving
    Journal of Creative Behavior 12 (3): 181-192. 1978.
    The use of protocol analysis in the traning of cognitive skills.