• Climbing the ranks in academia is about forfeiting integrity. But if integrity is forfeited too soon, the person in question won't have the moral fiber needed to write a dissertation. And when this happens, the result is a perpetual dissertator. The phenomenon of being a perpetual dissertator has nothing to do with the difficulties supposedly inherent in writing a philosophy or economics dissertation. There are no such difficulties. The perpetual dissertator simply forfeited his moral fiber too …Read more
  • Epistemología
    . 2018.
    Este trabajo da claras respuestas rigurosas a las cuestiones fundamentales de la epistemología, siendo estas: * ¿Qué es el conocimiento? * ¿Cómo difiere el conocimiento declarativo del conocimiento procedimental? * ¿Cómo se diferencia el conocimiento intuitivo forma ¿conocimiento discursivo? * ¿Cómo difiere el conocimiento científico de los conocimientos no científicos? * ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el descubrimiento y la justificación? * ¿Cuál es la naturaleza de nuestro conocimiento del pas…Read more
  • A therapist turns very damaged people into moderately damaged people. I turn moderately strong people into very strong people. I am an analyst, not a therapist.
  • Some illnesses, e.g. OCD and schizophrenia, corrupt the activity mediated by one's basic psychological framework but do not corrupt that framework itself. But some illnesses, e.g. psychopathy, corrupt that framework itself. Thus, whereas OCD and schizophrenia are structure-internal mental illnesses, psychopathy is a structural mental illness. Structure-internal mental illnesses can be alleviated, but structural mental illnesses cannot.
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    The Computational Theory of Mind
    Philosophypedia. 2014.
    The widespread belief that the mind is a computer embodies a failure to distinguish between computers and information-processing systems. Minds are information-processing systems, but they are not computers.
  • Neuroses are secondary mental illnesses, it being their purpose to contain psychoses.
  • W.V.O. tried to prove that no statement is necessarily true. In this work, Quine's argument is stated, analyzed, and shown to be a broken argument for a false conclusion. It is shown that necessary truths are as important as empirical truths to the empirical sciences, the reason being that, without necessary truths, there is no way to organize or interpret data. It comes to light that, in addition to being false, every form of extreme empiricism (e.g. Dewey's pragmatism, Wittgenstein's verificat…Read more
  • In this work, Descartes' metaphysics and epistemology are clearly stated and assiduously analyzed. It is shown that Descartes' epistemic foundationalism is tenable, and that his mind-body dualism is correct if taken to concern the relationship of mentalistic (mind-related) data to physicalistic data, even though it is incorrect if taken to concern the relationship of mind per se to body per se. Descartes' analysis of causation is shown to be correct, notwithstanding the copious criticism to whic…Read more
  • According to Frege, n=Kn, where n is any cardinal number and Kn is the class of all n-tuples. According to Von Neumann, n=Kpn, where Kpn is the class of all of n's predecessors. These analyses are prima facie incompatible with each other, given that Kn≠Kpn, for n>0. In the present paper it is shown that these analyses are in fact compatible with each other, for the reason that each analysis can and ultimately must be interpreted as being to the effect that n=Cn, where Cn is the class of all orde…Read more
  • Beobachtung informiert uns, was ist, aber nicht was sein muss. Sie weist uns daher nicht auf logische Normen oder auf Beziehungen logischer Abhängigkeit hin. Darüber hinaus setzt die Umwandlung von sensorischer Information (Bildinformation) in propositionale (konzeptuelle, nicht-bildliche) Information das Wissen voraus, wie man Informationen einer Art in Informationen anderer Art umwandeln kann, und setzt daher die Kenntnis logischer Äquivalenzen voraus. So ist nicht jedes Wissen aus der Sinnesw…Read more
  • An analysis of Gibbon's five signs of civilizational decay.
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    The greater the extent to which a given system rewards the absence of merit, the greater the incentive that people within that system have to perpetuate that system. People who are falsely rewarded have a double stake in the perpetuation of whatever it is that falsely rewarded them. First, without that system and all of the lies surrounding it, such people lose their wealth and their social status. Second, without that system, such people lose their self-respect. The more a given person is overv…Read more
  • Academic journals are clogged with gratuitous scholarship. This prevents the advancement of the corresponding disciplines in many ways, five of which are identified in this short work.
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    Women view hypersexuality on their part as being about not subordinating their sexuality to their prospective wifely and motherly duties. Thus, women see hyper-sexuality on their part as a form of rebelling.
  • Instead of writing a book or article, which contains at most one paragraph’s worth of actual content, why not just write that one paragraph?
  • Les préceptes fondamentaux de la discipline de la philosophie analytique sont couverts à la fois vivement et complètement. Une attention particulière est accordée à la philosophie du langage et à la relation de conséquence logique.
  • The most basic laws and principles of the Predicate Calculus, also known as Quantification Theory, are stated, as clearly and concisely as possible.
  • For intellectuals, and probably others, one form of escapism is a kind of constricted and shallow hyper-realism—the hyper-realism of having a dead-end job, even though one has a PhD or an IQ of 170. And that sort of hyper-realism is pseudo-realism, because realism is not about having a bad life; it is having the courage to have a good life, which the intellectual with the dead end job does not have.
  • International Law
    Philosophypedia. 2016.
    A case is made that so-called international law is law in name only and, moreover, that although bona fide international law is theoretically possible, it would not be desirable.
  • Marxism as Psychopathy
    Philosophypedia. 2017.
    The essence of psychosis is alienatedness from the truth, and the essence of psychopathy is alienatedness from moral truth. According to Marx, truth and morality from culture to culture and from epoch to epoch, the only epoch- and culture-invariant thing about them being, in Marx's view, that they are always so much self-serving propaganda. Thus, Marxism, in its insistence on the non-existence (or, what is the same, the relativity) of truth and morality, is nothing more than an exhortation to be…Read more
  • The theorems of the propositional calculus and the predicate calculus are stated, and the analogous principles of Boolean Algebra are identified. Also, the primary principles of modal logic are stated, and a procedure is described for identifying their Boolean analogues.
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    It is made clear what knowledge is and how we acquire it. It is also explained how we can have knowledge of the future, the past, the possible, the imperceptible, and the non-existent. The Gettier problem is solved, and it is proved that we have a priori knowledge, as well as knowledge of non-trivial but purely analytic truths.
  • Quantum Determinism
    J.-M. Kuczynski. 2018.
    It is argued that the quantum realm is deterministic.
  • Chomsky's arguments for the existence of pre-experiential knowledge, and for the existence of sub-personal cognition, are clearly stated and shown to be cogent.
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    Russell's Mathematical Philosophy
    Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. 2015.
    This book states, illustrates, and evaluates the main points of Russell's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. This book also contains a thorough exposition of the fundamentals of set theory, including Cantor's groundbreaking investigations into the theory of transfinite numbers. Topics covered include: *Cardinal number (Frege's analysis) *Cardinal number (von Neumann's analysis) *Ordinal number *Isomorphism *Mathematical induction *Limits and continuity *The arithmetic of transfinites *S…Read more
  • Mind, Meaning & Scientific Explanation
    John-Michael Kuczynski. 2018.
    An analysis of the concepts in terms of which we understand the internal (psychological) and external (physical) realms, with special emphasis being placed on the concepts of causality, interdisciplinary reduction, and the nature of the self. Special attention is given to the nature of psychological explanation, and substantive contentions about the nature of psychopathology are defended, especially in relation to OCD and psychopathy.
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    A fictitious dialogue in which an answer is given to the question: Why are the rates of psychosis and psychopathy in the United States so high?
  • Kant's Ethics
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    In this book, Kant's ethical system is clearly stated and carefully critiqued. In the process, cogent answers are given to the following questions: *What is the relationship between self-interest and morality? *What is the relationship between morality and rationality? *What is the nature of rationality? *What is the difference between rationality and intelligence? *What is the relationship between awareness of moral norms and awareness of logical norms? A must-read for anyone interested in…Read more