Dominique Raynaud

Université Grenoble Alpes
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    L’expérimentation en sociologie
    In C. Allamel-Raffin, J. L. Gangloff & Y. Gingras (eds.), L’expérimentation dans les sciences, Editions Matériologiques. pp. 87-102. 2022.
    Ce chapitre se propose d’examiner les questions suivantes : Peut-on pratiquer l’expérimentation en sociologie comme dans les autres sciences ? Y présente-t-elle des difficultés particulières ? Si oui, lesquelles ? Bien qu’à première vue, ces questions paraissent bien circonscrites et plutôt de portée limitée, les réponses qu’on peut leur apporter éclairent significativement certaines questions de fond comme celle de l’unité et de la diversité des sciences, et du statut épistémologique particulie…Read more
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    La sociologie est-elle condamnée à devenir une science naturelle?
    In Gérald Bronner & Romy Sauvayre (eds.), Le naturalisme dans les sciences sociales, Hermann. pp. 289-317. 2011.
    La sociologie classique a échoué dans son projet naturaliste parce que le naturalisme qu’elle avait en vue était un naturalisme déterministe causal, modèle dominant des sciences naturelles du XIXe siècle. La question reste posée de savoir si la sociologie pourrait développer des formes de naturalisme probabiliste avec plus de succès. La contribution examine quelques résultats récents obtenus par la physique statistique des phénomènes sociaux. On propose la critique analytique de deux types de tr…Read more
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    Linear Perspective in Masaccio’s Trinity Fresco. Demonstration or Self-Persuasion?
    Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science 18 331-344. 2003.
    The present paper discusses some new findings on the topic of Masaccio's Trinity fresco perspective reconstruction. Some scholars have tried to reduce the fresco's anomalies with the help of photogrammetrical reproductions and computer analysis. On this basis, it has been argued that Masaccio used the normal case of costruzione legittima. It is very likely that Masaccio took the lines of the plane joining the abaci of the capitals as a guide for drawing the vanishing lines of the coffered vault.…Read more
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    The study of the dispute that broke out between the medical schools of Paris and Montpellier (1817-1852) shows that professional interests, but also philosophical and political factors drew the fitgets of Montpellier's school about its doctrine. But these factors are inable to explain the scientific contents. Further, the closure of the controversy did not result from a social negotiation of truth. It simply favoured the scholars who had major scientific productivity. This dispute so contradicts…Read more
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    Ibn al-Haytham fu un prolifico autore di oltre cento trattati dedicati alle scienze matematiche, tra cui dodici sull’ottica. I più significativi sono l’Ottica (Kitāb al-manāẓir), Sulla luce della luna…
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    In Bryan S. Turner (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Wiley-blackwell. 2017.
    Determinism is the thesis that the events comply with laws, i.e. constant relations by which the same causes produce the same effects. There is no consensus over determinism. The first expression of determinism was: "In nature... all movements follow constant and necessary laws... Each molecule acts precisely as it ought to act and cannot act otherwise than it does" (D'Holbach 1770, 51-2). This was the source of Laplace's statement.
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    Cet article compare les modèles explicatifs en architecturologie et en philosophie analytique de l’action, l’une et l’autre postulant l’existence d’actions finalisées. Cette similitude pose la question de l’identité des échelles de référence et des raisons d’agir. On montre que les échelles sont un sous-ensemble des raisons d’agir. Ce résultat a deux conséquences : 1. Le pouvoir explicatif des raisons d’agir est supérieur à celui des échelles de référence. 2. Raisons d’agir et échelles de référe…Read more
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    This article explores how “partisan thinking” presents itself in the borderlands of science. As science conforms to an objectivity norm, and objectivity is incompatible with the partisan mindset, to discover a latent partisan notion in scientific discourse is to lay bare a contradictio in adjecto. It follows that any partisan elements identified should be placed on the edges of, or even outside, the domain of science. The term “partisan thinking” is a close neighbor to ideology, and so I will br…Read more
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    Las fuentes ópticas de Leonardo
    In Luis Ramón-Laca (ed.), Leonardo da Vinci. Perspectiva y visión, Editorial Universidad De Alcalá. pp. 61-78. 2020.
    Este capítulo está dedicado a las fuentes ópticas de Leonardo da Vinci, que pueden haber contribuido a su conocimiento y a su pericia práctica de la perspectiva.
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    Le « contexte » est un concept qui, même réduit à la portion congrue dans le cadre de l’individualisme méthodologique, joue un rôle dans beaucoup d’explications sociologiques. Il est avancé quatre arguments : 1° « individu-en-contexte » est forgé sur le modèle « figure-sur-fond » de la Gestaltpsychologie dont le holisme est incompatible avec les paradigmes individualistes ; 2° contrairement au « fond » de la Gestalt, le « contexte » des sociologues est indéfini quant à l’échelle, quant aux limit…Read more
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    Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Optical Sources Revisited Through the Tracer Method
    In F. Jonietz, W. D. Löhr & A. Nova (eds.), Ghiberti teorico, Officina Libraria. pp. 89-102. 2019.
    Most studies on scientific sources are conducted using the text parallels method, which consists in presenting two texts opposite each other in order to establish or exclude a correspondence between a «source text» and a «target text.» We have explained elsewhere the limits of this method, especially when (exact) text parallels turn into (approximate) doctrinal parallels, and when the potential sources are numerous. In this context, the search for sources is doomed to failure. In order to operat…Read more
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    Determining the Speed of Light (1676-1983): An Internalist Study in the Sociology of Science
    Cairn International / Année Sociologique 63 (2): 359-398. 2013.
    This article aims at contributing to the methods of the sociology of science, from an empirical study of the determinations of the velocity of light between 1676 and 1983. Far from being constructed and deconstructed at pleasure, the values of c have undergone a tendentially unidirectional and irreversible process of revision. The competing methods remained in the running as long as they produced an uncertainty less than, or equal to, the best known value. The analysis of “entrances” and “exits”…Read more
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    This article aims at clarifying sociological definitions with the help of an original tool, the logical table of contingency, which has characteristics in common with both the statistical table of contingency and Carroll’s bilateral diagram. The unclear notion of ghetto is taken as a test-case. Successive tables of contingency are applied to various defining properties and various sociohistorical situations. Cladistic methods are then used to make the relationships between all ghetto-like situat…Read more
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    Aggregation Paradoxes and Non-Commutativity
    In Gianluca Manzo (ed.), Theories and Social Mechanisms, The Bardwell Press. pp. 353-371. 2015.
    In this chapter, I discuss the "common mind thesis" that social integrates have mind of their own – a thesis which is built on a kind of aggregation paradox named doctrinal paradox. External analysis objects its very name: there is no paradox, but non-commutativity of the function composition involved in the aggregation process (Part I). Internal analysis shows that the doctrinal paradox works only when premises are separable. However premises turn out to be hardly separable in the examples cite…Read more
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    Ce texte est une exploration des manifestations de la « pensée partisane » aux marges de la science. La science répondant à une norme d’objectivité et l’objectivité étant incompatible avec l’esprit partisan, repérer la présence d’une pensée partisane en science revient à pointer une contradictio in adjecto. Par suite, les éléments partisans qui auront été identifiés devront être placés à la limite ou au-delà du domaine de la science. L’expression « pensée partisane » se trouvant dans le voisinag…Read more
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    L'étude de la conception architecturale se trouve au carrefour de trois approches: sciences de la conception, psychologie cognitive et architecturologie. Cette dernière tente de modéliser toute la gamme des changements d'état qui apparaissent durant le processus de conception. L'architecturologie sait décrire, au moyen d'échelles, les opérations de conception par lesquelles l'architecte attribue des mesures à l'édifice. Cette modélisation paraît adéquate lorsque le modèle morphologique n'est pas…Read more
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    Understanding Errors in Perspective
    In R. Boudon & M. Cherkaoui (eds.), The European Tradition in Qualitative Research, Sage. pp. 147-165. 2003.
    This paper examines the question of error in perspective from the viewpoint of the painter, not the spectator. This distinction significantly modifies the way in which perspective is approached for one must view it with the eye of the painter or the architect who constructed it. The perspective is therefore judged in terms of the methods used by its creator, which is to say in terms of the goals he set himself and the means at his disposal in order to achieve them. We then explain the "good reas…Read more
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    Geometrical and Arithmetical Methods in Early Medieval Perspective
    Physis. Rivista Internazionale di Storia Della Scienza 45 29-55. 2008.
    This paper examines the hypothesis that early perspective paintings were drawn arithmetically, without vanishing points. The best argument for this hypothesis is that the division of two parallel lines by straight lines intersecting each other at the vanishing point (geometrical method) is equivalent to the division of those parallel lines in proportional parts (arithmetical method). If arithmetical method had been used, then the vanishing points exhibited ex post should be purely fortuitous. Bu…Read more
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    1. Beaucoup de travaux d’épistémologie contemporaine tentent de spécifier la sociologie par un ensemble de caractères distinctifs dérivés de l’historicité et de l’intentionnalité des sujets humains. 2. Ces caractères doivent être abandonnés, ou réécrits, s’ils rentrent en contradiction avec des avancées scientifiques fondées. 3. Des avancées scientifiques sont fondées si elles ont un caractère de nouveauté, de robustesse et de disciplinarité. 4. La physique statistique exotique parvient à des ré…Read more
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    Witelo, Perspectiva
    In C. Vecce (ed.), La biblioteca di Leonardo, Giunti. pp. 445-448. 2021.
    Si presume che Erazm Ciołek Witelo (Vitelion, Vitellio, Vitello, Vitulio, ecc., ca. 1230–dopo 1278) sia nato a Legnica, nella bassa Silesia, da padre tedesco e madre polacca, come suggerito dalla dedica dei Perspectivae libri decem a Guglielmo di Moerbeke (Veritatis amatori fratri Guilielmo de Morbeka, Witelo filius thuringorum et polonorum eterne…) Witelo si laureò presso la facoltà degli arti di Parigi negli anni 1250, prima di studiare diritto canonico a Padova tra il 1262 e il 1268. Nel 1268…Read more
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    Jacques Bouveresse, Le Mythe moderne du progrès (review)
    Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L’Etranger 142 597-601. 2017.
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    Scheme as a design operator, 1. The case of the transformation of the morphological model
    Nordic Journal of Architectural Research 15 7-26. 2002.
    The study of architectural design bridges various approaches focusing on design sciences, cognitive psychology and architecturology. Architecturology aims to describe the full range of changes that appear during the design process. We are able to describe, by means of scales, the operations by which an architect gives size to the building. This modelling seems adequate when the morphological model is not adulterated during the design process (as in some projects of Jørn Utzon or Alvar Aalto). In…Read more
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    La notion de "forme urbaine" est employée régulièrement par les urbanistes, architectes, géographes et sociologues urbains. Elle présente un spectre de significations extrêmement large que l’article tente de circonscrire. Après avoir montré que la polysémie de la notion repose à la fois sur le laxisme terminologique de ces disciplines et sur la complexité même de la notion de forme (qui relève de trois familles étymologiques et sémantiques fort prolixes), il est proposé, non pas de régulariser l…Read more
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    Panofsky and White hypothezised that « axial constructions » result from a projective system in which object’s measurements are taken on an projection circle, before being moved to the picture plane (i.e. synthetic perspective). Although this construction has been yet criticized regarding painter’s ability to apply it, the idea of using synthetic perspective regularly reappears for it never has been examined in detail. But from a mathematical point of view, this system is simply impossible becau…Read more
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    The prevailing sociological explanations of art values are based on traditional factors (they are contracted by custom) or affective factors (they arise out of an emotional link to artwork). A series of four experiments focused on the construction of architectural values and representations shows that rational factors should not be underestimated in the course of this process. Artistic values and representations can be understood as rational inferences, whom production follows Maupertuis’ princi…Read more
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    Johannes Müller, noto con il nome latino di Regiomontano (1436–1476), nacque a Unfinden, vicino a Königsberg, il 6 giugno 1436. Studiò matematica e astronomia a Lipsia prima di andare a Vienna per seguire le lezioni di Georg von Peurbach. Dopo la morte di questo, nel 1461, andò a Roma dove divenne amico del cardinale Basilio Bessarione, legato del Papa presso la Repubblica di Venezia. Imparando il greco con Bessarione, Regiomontano si interessò alle opere matematiche dell’antichità. Fu anche un’…Read more
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    Perspective curviligne et vision binoculaire
    Sciences Et Techniques En Perspective 2 3-23. 1998.
    From Panofsky, it is usually considered that vanishing axis compositions result from the rules of curvilinear perspective. This article disproves this evidence. It is shown that a lot of vanishing axis compositions can find support on the principles of binocular vision (hyp. I) exposed in medieval optics, rather than on any type of linear (hyp. II) or curvilinear perspective (hyp. III). The comparison of these three hypotheses shows that only the first one fits well with a set of medieval and re…Read more
  • La conception architecturale est envisagée comme un processus, dans lequel importent moins les états que les opérations qui permettent de passer d'un état à un autre. Des analyses comparées font apparaître le caractère récurrent de ces opérations toujours énonçables par des verbes d'action. Nommons ces opérations stables: schèmes. Se pose alors la question de l'origine de leur stabilité. À l'opposé des interprétations réalistes, qui intégreraient le schème au nombre des propriétés formelles géné…Read more
  • Nous étudions les méthodes de construction des polygones réguliers proposées par quatre auteurs du XVII siècle : deux ingénieurs, Ambroise Bachot et Antoine de Ville, un érudit, Scaliger, et un mathématicien, François Viète. Certaines de ces méthodes se distinguent de la recherche de solutions exactes, typiques de la géométrie pure. Elles visent des solutions générales et approchées qui s’avèrent plus utiles aux ingénieurs, moins sensibles à l’exactitude mathématique qu’à des méthodes faciles à …Read more