4John Pecham, Prospectiva communisIn C. Vecce (ed.), La biblioteca di Leonardo, Giunti. pp. 335-337. 2021.Giovanni Pecham (Peccam, Peckam, Peckham), nato intorno al 1225 a Patcham (Sussex) entrò nell’ordine francescano (Ordo Fratrum Minorum) in una data sconosciuta intorno al 1250–6. Fu mandato allo studium di Parigi per studiare teologia (1257–9). Pecham probabilmente rimase a Parigi fino al 1272, dove poté incontrare Ruggero Bacone, che risiedeva lì tra 1257 e 1267 o 1280. Alla fine di questo periodo, divenne magister regens dello studium parigino (1269–71) prima di essere nominato l’undicesimo le…Read more
6Roger Bacon, Perspectiva, De multiplicatione specierum, De speculis comburentibusIn C. Vecce (ed.), La biblioteca di Leonardo, Giunti. pp. 147-150. 2021.Ruggero Bacone (ca. 1220–ca. 1292) nacque a Ilchester, nel Sommersetshire, in una data sconosciuta intorno al 1214, o più probabilmente 1220. Bacone ha studiato a Oxford (1234–42) prima di andare a Parigi, dove diviene maestro d’arte nel 1242 ed insegna subito dopo la filosofia di Aristotele. Ritornato a Oxford tra il 1248 e il 1251, abbandona la filosofia di «studio e commento» per dedicarsi allo studio della scienza sperimentale – una svolta decisiva che potrebbe essere spiegata dalla sua intr…Read more
3Archimedes, De mensura circuli (De quadratura circuli), De spera et cylindro, De plano- rum equilibriis (De centris gravium, De ponderibus), De insidentibus aquaeIn C. Vecce (ed.), La biblioteca di Leonardo, Giunti. pp. 126-129. 2021.Una nota dello storico bizantino Giovanni Tzetzes ci permette di datare la nascita di Archimede, figlio dell’astronomo Fidia, circa 287 a.C. La tesi, sostenuta da Clagett, che avrebbe studiato ad Alessandria prima di tornare in Sicilia, deve essere abbandonata perché non ci sono prove che Eratostene, Conone e Dositeo, a cui Archimede dedica i suoi trattati, vivessero in Egitto. Archimede era un intimo amico di Ierone, re di Siracusa. Secondo la leggenda, fu lo stesso Ierone a chiedergli di deter…Read more
5Alkindi, Liber Jacob Alkindi de causis diversitatum aspectusIn C. Vecce (ed.), La biblioteca di Leonardo, Giunti. pp. 120-121. 2021.Poco si sa circa la vita di Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī, conosciuto nel mondo latino come Alkindi. Secondo i bio-bibliografi arabo, sarebbe nato agli inizi del IX secolo a Kūfa, dove il padre serviva come governatore. Alcuni storici hanno sostenuto che al-Kindī avrebbe preso parte alla grande impresa di traduzione dal greco delle opere scientifiche guidata dal califfo al-Maʾmūn (regno tra 813-833) nella famosa Casa della Sapienza (bayt al-ḥikma), ma il bio-bibliografo più vicino alle fon…Read more
6Alhacen (Ibn al-Haytham), De aspectibus (Kitāb al-manāẓir)In C. Vecce (ed.), La biblioteca di Leonardo, Giunti. pp. 114-116. 2021.Ibn al-Haytham fu un prolifico autore di oltre cento trattati dedicati alle scienze matematiche, tra cui dodici sull’ottica. I più significativi sono l’Ottica (Kitāb al-manāẓir), Sulla luce della luna…
30Sociology Before the OriginIn Robert Leroux, Thierry Martin & Stephen P. Turner (eds.), The Future of Sociology: Ideology or Objective Social Science?, Digital Commons @ University of South Florida. pp. 21-37. 2022.I submit that, in order to fulfill its fundamental aspiration to be a science, sociology must reconnect – beyond classical sociologists – with the authors of prior generations who prepared its emergence. They are Condorcet, Laplace, Poisson, Arago, Quetelet and Verhulst, all of whom predate the creation of the word “sociology” by Auguste Comte. I show that these authors had a scientific project for sociology, and that in its embryonic stage this science has been silenced by the official sociolog…Read more
3Contrainte et liberté dans le travail de conception architecturaleRevue Française de Sociologie 45 339-366. 2004.This paper attempts to clarify the concepts of freedom and constraint through a study of architectural design work, an activity that its practitioners represent as a constraining space, though they in fact manage to find new solutions within. The study aims at both factual and theoretical results: factual in that the difficulties of exercising this profession seem to be due less to constraints than the excessive degree of responsability and near impracticability of the studies they induce; theor…Read more
6Une application méconnue des principes de la vision binoculaire: Ibn al-Haytham et les peintres du TrecentoOriens/Occidens 5 93-131. 2004.Dans les Due regole della prospettiva pratica, Vignola et Danti condamnent un système hétérodoxe de perspective à deux points de fuite. Après avoir analysé les épures de trente tableaux du Moyen Âge répondant à cette définition, il est montré que ces oeuvres ne répondent à aucun type connu de perspective. Elles échappent notamment aux règles de la « perspective synthétique » (Panofsky, White) et à celles de la « perspective bifocale » (Parronchi). Des arguments sont alors avancés pour reconnaîtr…Read more
4Une propriété mathématique de la perspective synthétique réfutant son existence médiévale, 1295-1450Zeitschrift Für Kunstgeschichte 67 449-460. 2004.Panofsky and White hypothezised that « axial constructions » result from a projective system in which object’s measurements are taken on an projection circle, before being moved to the picture plane (i.e. synthetic perspective). Although this construction has been yet criticized regarding painter’s ability to apply it, the idea of using synthetic perspective regularly reappears for it never has been examined in detail. But from a mathematical point of view, this system is simply impossible becau…Read more
20Axiomatisation et réduction des paradigmes sociologiques: note sur le programme de recherche webéro-simmélienL’Année Sociologique 55 231-257. 2005.A wide range of paradigms is often taken as a sign of the prescientific status of a discipline. That's why this paper is focused on the reduction of sociological paradigms. It is shown that, beyond the differences between Simmel's formal sociology and Weber's comprehensive sociology, they are reduceable to the common paradigm of nominalist sociology, of whom we propose the axiomatisation. Moreover, the paradigms' reduction accentuates the continuity between all the programmes that claim one or t…Read more
24Le traité sur la quadrature des lunules attribué à Leon Battista AlbertiAlbertiana 9 31-68. 2006.Le De lunularum quadratura (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, ms. Magl. V 243, fos 77v-79r) est un court opuscule traditionnellement attribué à Leon Battista Alberti selon une conjecture qui remonte à la première édition de ce texte par Girolamo Mancini. Cette attribution ne repose sur aucune preuve directe. Elle résulte de ce que le traité est joint à une copie des Ex ludis rerum mathematicarum du même auteur et de l’intérêt qu’il portait aux sciences exactes. Le De lunularum quadratura –…Read more
2La construction des représentations sociales de l’architecture. Étude de sociologie expérimentaleArquitetura Revista 2. 2006.The prevailing sociological explanations of art values are based on traditional factors (they are contracted by custom) or affective factors (they arise out of an emotional link to artwork). A series of four experiments focused on the construction of architectural values and representations shows that rational factors should not be underestimated in the course of this process. Artistic values and representations can be understood as rational inferences, whom production follows Maupertuis’ princi…Read more
20Le contexte est-il un concept légitime de l’explication sociologique?L'Année Sociologique 56 309-330. 2006.Le « contexte » est un concept qui, même réduit à la portion congrue dans le cadre de l’individualisme méthodologique, joue un rôle dans beaucoup d’explications sociologiques. Il est avancé quatre arguments : 1° « individu-en-contexte » est forgé sur le modèle « figure-sur-fond » de la Gestaltpsychologie dont le holisme est incompatible avec les paradigmes individualistes ; 2° contrairement au « fond » de la Gestalt, le « contexte » des sociologues est indéfini quant à l’échelle, quant aux limit…Read more
Olivier Chadoin, Être architecte. Les vertus de l’indétermination (review)Sociologie du Travail 50 128-129. 2008.L’ouvrage décline l’étude du « travail professionnel », défini comme « activité des [architectes] pour maintenir et faire valoir leur expertise face aux autres professions de la maîtrise d’œuvre » (p. 30), sur les trois plans du projet, de la maîtrise d’œuvre, des marchés.
22Le schème, opérateur de la conception architecturale, II. La conservation du modèle morphologiqueArquitetura Revista 4 15-32. 2008.This paper is a study of architectural design process. The explanation of an elementary change of state of the project is faced with two cases : (i) change of state transforms the morphological model, in which case schema operator is needed to describe the design ope- ration (Raynaud, 1999); (ii) change of state does not involve such a transformation and just consists in a size adjustment. The present paper examines the second case onto several examples (Gio Ponti, Sebastiano Serlio, Villard de …Read more
21Arquitectura, esquema, significado. Problemas de semántica de la arquitecturaVária História 24 483-496. 2008.O artigo trata da situação específica da arquitetura em relação à semântica. Inicialmente pensado dentro do quadro da linguistica, a semântica foi aplicada a problemas onde não havia linguagem (semiótica). Seus conceitos têm que ser revisados para a aplicação à arquitetura. Propomos aqui o conceito de esquema dinâmico de modo a esclarecer a tese da semelhança semântica. Apesar da grande variabilidade do significado arquitetônico segundo o conceito sócio-histórico, tipos de significados podem ser…Read more
17Jean-Michel Berthelot. L’Emprise du vrai. Connaissance scientifique et modernité (review)L'Année Sociologique 60 191-207. 2010.N/A
35Les déterminations de la vitesse de la lumière (1676–1983). Étude de sociologie internaliste des sciencesL'Année Sociologique 63 (2): 359-398. 2013.Cet article se propose de contribuer au débat sur les méthodes de la sociologie des sciences à partir d’une étude empirique des déterminations de la vitesse de la lumière réalisées entre 1676 et 1983. Loin d’être construites et déconstruites à volonté, les valeurs de c ont subi un processus de révision tendanciellement unidirectionnel et irréversible. Les méthodes de détermination de c sont restées dans la course seulement quand elles étaient assorties d’une incertitude inférieure ou égale à la …Read more
4Compétences et expertise professionnelle de l’architecte dans le travail de conceptionSociologie du Travail 43 451-469. 2001.Recent works try to transpose the results of the anthropology of science and technics to architecture. This paper reviews every point of this transposition. Thanks to new researches, we have to admit the reality of projects' drift, the existence of a part of negociation in design, and the revisable nature of professional skills. But some works, maximizing these findings, reach questionable results. Drift does not turn project into a wholly unexpected process; negociation can hide other important…Read more
4Scheme as a design operator, 1. The case of the transformation of the morphological modelNordic Journal of Architectural Research 15 7-26. 2002.The study of architectural design bridges various approaches focusing on design sciences, cognitive psychology and architecturology. Architecturology aims to describe the full range of changes that appear during the design process. We are able to describe, by means of scales, the operations by which an architect gives size to the building. This modelling seems adequate when the morphological model is not adulterated during the design process (as in some projects of Jørn Utzon or Alvar Aalto). In…Read more
7Perspective curviligne et vision binoculaireSciences Et Techniques En Perspective 2 3-23. 1998.From Panofsky, it is usually considered that vanishing axis compositions result from the rules of curvilinear perspective. This article disproves this evidence. It is shown that a lot of vanishing axis compositions can find support on the principles of binocular vision (hyp. I) exposed in medieval optics, rather than on any type of linear (hyp. II) or curvilinear perspective (hyp. III). The comparison of these three hypotheses shows that only the first one fits well with a set of medieval and re…Read more
14Les normes de la rationalité dans une controverse scientifique. L’exemple de l’optique médiévaleL’Année Sociologique 48 447-466. 1998.This paper tests the principle of an analysis of scientific contents, related to an examination of the norms of rationality. In the second half of XIIIth century, optics was a controversial topic on the matter of extramission vs. intromission of visual rays. Grosseteste, Bacon and Pecham took part to this dispute. The analysis of linguistic acceptations of truth in this time shows that the norms of rationality clearly partakes of authority. Now, following Augustine's authority, Franciscan scient…Read more
11La controverse entre organicisme et vitalisme: Étude de sociologie des sciencesRevue Française de Sociologie 39 721-750. 1998.The study of the dispute that broke out between the medical schools of Paris and Montpellier (1817-1852) shows that professional interests, but also philosophical and political factors drew the fitgets of Montpellier's school about its doctrine. But these factors are inable to explain the scientific contents. Further, the closure of the controversy did not result from a social negotiation of truth. It simply favoured the scholars who had major scientific productivity. This dispute so contradicts…Read more
4La correspondance de F.-A. Pouchet avec les membres de l’Académie des Sciences: une réévaluation du débat sur la génération spontanéeEuropean Journal of Sociology 40 257-276. 1999.The controversy between Pasteur and Pouchet on spontaneous generation (1859-1864) has received great interest in the sociology of scientific knowledge. This paper shows that some statements were shifted by Pennetier’s biased version (1907). The study of the correspondence between Pouchet and the members of the Académie des Sciences reveals that Pouchet was on intimate terms with many members of this institution, and also that the two commissions appointed in 1862 and 1864 did not collude with an…Read more
12Linear Perspective in Masaccio’s Trinity Fresco. Demonstration or Self-Persuasion?Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science 18 331-344. 2003.The present paper discusses some new findings on the topic of Masaccio's Trinity fresco perspective reconstruction. Some scholars have tried to reduce the fresco's anomalies with the help of photogrammetrical reproductions and computer analysis. On this basis, it has been argued that Masaccio used the normal case of costruzione legittima. It is very likely that Masaccio took the lines of the plane joining the abaci of the capitals as a guide for drawing the vanishing lines of the coffered vault.…Read more
24PrefacioIn Mario Augusto Bunge (ed.), Crítica de la nueva sociología de la ciencia, Laetoli. pp. 13-23. 2015.Si usted se interesa por la sociología de la ciencia, y piensa que ha sido renovada por los puntos de vista relativistas-constructivistas que se han manifestado desde la publicación de Laboratory Life (1979) hasta la de The Fear of Knowledge (2006), este libro está dirigido a usted.
7Understanding Errors in PerspectiveIn Raymond Boudon Cherkaoui Mohamed (ed.), The European Tradition in Qualitative Research, Sage. pp. 147-165. 2003.This paper examines the question of error in perspective from the viewpoint of the painter, not the spectator. This distinction significantly modifies the way in which perspective is approached for one must view it with the eye of the painter or the architect who constructed it. The perspective is therefore judged in terms of the methods used by its creator, which is to say in terms of the goals he set himself and the means at his disposal in order to achieve them. We then explain the "good reas…Read more
3Why Do Diffusion Data Not Fit the Logistic Model? A Note on Network Discreteness, Heterogeneity and AnisotropyIn Nasrullah Memon & Reda Alhajj (eds.), From Sociology to Computing in Social Networks. Theory, Foundations and Applications, Springer. pp. 81-96. 2010.Diffusion of innovations and knowledge is in most cases accounted for by the logistic model. Fieldwork research however constantly report that empirical data utterly deviate from this mathematical function. This chapter scrutinizes network forcing of diffusion process. The departure of empirical data from the logistic function is explained by social network discreteness, heterogeneity and anisotropy. New indices are proposed. Results are illustrated by empirical data from an original study of kn…Read more
19L’épistémologie sociologique confrontée aux avancées de la physique statistiqueIn Thierry Martin (ed.), Les sciences humaines sont-elles des sciences?, Vuibert. pp. 53-70. 2011.1. Beaucoup de travaux d’épistémologie contemporaine tentent de spécifier la sociologie par un ensemble de caractères distinctifs dérivés de l’historicité et de l’intentionnalité des sujets humains. 2. Ces caractères doivent être abandonnés, ou réécrits, s’ils rentrent en contradiction avec des avancées scientifiques fondées. 3. Des avancées scientifiques sont fondées si elles ont un caractère de nouveauté, de robustesse et de disciplinarité. 4. La physique statistique exotique parvient à des ré…Read more
4Qu’est-ce que la science? Inférer l’inconnu à partir du connuIn Marc Silberstein (ed.), Qu’est-ce que la science… pour vous ?, Editions Matériologiques. pp. 215-220. 2017.Si les innombrables définitions de la science proposées au siècle dernier (mathématisation, expérimentation, falsifiabilité, reproductibilité...) ont une part de validité, elles manquent un trait essentiel de la science pourtant déterminant sur le plan motivationnel: la science, c’est aussi inférer l’inconnu à partir du connu.
Dominique Raynaud
Université Grenoble Alpes
Université Grenoble AlpesRegular Faculty
Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
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