•  43
    Philosophers and psychologists have long tried to understand people's irrational behaviour through concepts such as weakness of will, compulsion and addiction. The scientific basis of the project has been greatly enhanced by advances in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. However, some philosophers have also been critical of the more general conclusions drawn by the scientists. This is especially true when scientific researchers start making claims that go to philosophical issues, such as fre…Read more
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    Medicating Children: The Case of Ritalin
    Bioethics 11 (3-4): 228-240. 1997.
    In response to recent concerns about the overmedication of children, this paper considers ethical and conceptual issues that arise in the issue of when children who are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should be given stimulants such as the psychotropic drug Ritalin as part of their treatment. There is considerable resistance and worry about the possibility of overmedication. This is linked to the worry that the diagnosis of ADHD is overused, and the paper considers some r…Read more
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    A new world awaits
    with William Wilcox
    The Philosophers' Magazine 16 31-32. 2001.
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    Getting Hooked
    The Philosophers' Magazine 11 60-60. 2000.
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    When self-consciousness breaks: Alien voices and inserted thoughts
    Philosophical Review 110 (4): 623-626. 2001.
    Stephens and Grahamset themselves an apparently modest task, to understand why people who experience alien voices and inserted thoughts do not believe that they themselves are the source of these experiences. However, it soon becomes clear that there are many connected issues here. In eight short chapters, they address the phenomenology and ontology of consciousness, the phenomenology of alien voices, inserted thoughts, obsessive-compulsive thoughts and feelings, and other cases of unusual exper…Read more
  •  1
    Ethics on the brain
    The Philosophers' Magazine 13 50-51. 2001.
  • The Interpreted World (review)
    Philosophical Practice 3 (1): 253-254. 2008.
  •  4
    Messing your mind up?
    The Philosophers' Magazine 16 33-33. 2001.