•  40
    Hannah Arendts Kant-Lektüre findet ihren Abschluß in einer Interpretation der „Urteilskraft“. Im „Urteilen“ entdeckt sie einerseits das zentrale Vermögen des politischen Handelns, andererseits die eigentliche Tätigkeit eines notwendig sich von allem Handeln zurückziehenden die Geschichte betrachtenden Denkens. Daraus entsteht der Anschein, die Denkerin habe ihre Politische Philosophie zuletzt durch einen Widerspruch ruiniert. Auf der Basis des von Seyla Benhabib in die Diskussion gebrachten Begr…Read more
  • Stefan Büttner: Die Literaturtheorie bei Platon und ihre anthropologische Begründung (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 54 (3). 2001.
  •  4
    What is birth?
    Philosophische Rundschau 56 (1). 2009.
  • The Medium And The Absence Of The Revolution
    Phainomena 76 89-98. 2011.
    e medium and the revolution exclude each other, insofar as two kinds of violence, restlessly ghting for domination, collide. e ght is a ght for the ght itself. e violence of the medium can namely suppress the ght the revolution needs. e violence of this suppression of violence, the violence of nonviolence produces the psycho-somatic state of depression. In this depression the body is drawn together, onto itself. It does not experience anything anymore. e violence of »the ancient« directs itself …Read more
  •  41
    Translating and Thinking
    Heidegger Studies 29 215-223. 2013.
  •  8
    Was heisharpt Geburt?
    Philosophische Rundschau 56 (1). 2009.
  •  5
    Translating and Thinking
    Heidegger Studies 29 215-223. 2013.
  •  15
    Heidegger und das Politische
    Heidegger Studies 28 47-66. 2012.
  • Günther Seubold: Das Ende der Kunst und der Paradigmenwechsel in der Ästhetik (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 51 (3). 1998.
  •  4
    La publication des " Cahiers noirs " de Heidegger en Allemagne a mis au jour plusieurs passages, écrits dans les années 1938-1941, au contenu antisémite incontestable. Peter Trawny, spécialiste de Heidegger et éditeur de ces " Cahiers ", affronte ici le choc de ces pages mettant en question la thèse prédominante jusqu'à aujourd'hui qui voudrait que l'engagement de Heidegger dans le national-socialisme n'ait pas impliqué de sa part une adhésion à l'antisémitisme. Selon Peter Trawny, si Heidegger …Read more
  •  12
    Heidegger and German idealism
    In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger, Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 113. 2013.
  •  43
    Heidegger und das Politische
    Heidegger Studies 28 47-66. 2012.
  •  9
    Penser, ce n’est pas s’immuniser contre les risques. C’est une « mise à découvert », « une relation périlleuse d’approche de la vérité comme événement de vie », un va-et-vient entre « ouverture » et « retrait », entre pics, jaillissements et gouffres, fourvoiements et catastrophes – dans le cas de Heidegger, l’antisémitisme. Bref, une « errance », une chorégraphie entre des lieux extrêmes, une dramaturgie.On comprendra comment ce texte d’une liberté « abyssale », qui renvoie à leur médiocrité no…Read more
  •  12
    Martin Heidegger is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth-century, and his seminal text Being and Time is considered one of the most significant texts in contemporary philosophy. Yet his name has also been mired in controversy because of his affiliations with the Nazi regime, his failure to criticize its genocidal politics and his subsequent silence about the holocaust. Now, according to Heidegger's wishes, and to complete the publication of his multi-volum…Read more
  • The European ethos can be characterized in two different modes. On the one hand the European ethos has its origin in the radical formula of Socrates that acting unjustly is in every respect bad and that even suffering injustice is better than that. In this perspective the good life in a Socratic signification is the self-withdrawal of mere social acting in the sense of being socially successful. But because this origin of the European ethos is a “dynamite for civil society” we have to refer to A…Read more
  •  14
    Die Moderne als Weltkrieg
    Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (n/a): 377-394. 2007.
    In the article “The Modern Age as World War” Heidegger’s and Patočka’s considerations of the First and the Second World War are interpreted as a reflection on the modern age. The historical background of this reflection goes back through an important influence of Ernst Jünger to Heraclitus’ thought of an all-ruling πόλεμος, which brings forth the close affinity between Heidegger and Patočka. Here it is unavoidable to pay heed to the question, whether war that is understood on the basis of the He…Read more
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    Die Moderne als Weltkrieg
    Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (n/a): 377-394. 2007.
    In the article “The Modern Age as World War” Heidegger’s and Patočka’s considerations of the First and the Second World War are interpreted as a reflection on the modern age. The historical background of this reflection goes back through an important influence of Ernst Jünger to Heraclitus’ thought of an all-ruling πόλεμος, which brings forth the close affinity between Heidegger and Patočka. Here it is unavoidable to pay heed to the question, whether war that is understood on the basis of the He…Read more
  • Continental philosophy tells the story of its origin as thaumazein, as wonder. But Aristotle set himself against a specific "warning", which gives us mortals the advice not to deal with immortal things. The "warning" comes from Delphic-tragic ethics, which is incarnated in god Apollo. Aristotle contradicts this "warning" because of the restriction of man. He does not contradict the divinness of knowledge, which is defended by Apollo. The founding of continental philosophy, which owns in theory i…Read more
  •  4
    Übersetzen und Denken
    Heidegger Studies 29 225-233. 2013.
  •  17
    Contributions to philosophy
    Journal of Speculative Philosophy 4 (3): 215. 2013.
  •  37
    Übersetzen und Denken
    Heidegger Studies 29 225-233. 2013.
  • Zu Ernst Jünger
    with Martin Heidegger
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (3): 589-592. 2005.