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    Krise der Wahrheit
    S. Fischer. 2021.
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    Fascination With The Obscure: An Interview With Peter Trawny
    with Tatjana Noemi Tömmel and Florian Grosser
    Diacritics 50 (2): 136-143. 2022.
    Tatjana Noemi Tömmel and Florian Grosser speak with Peter Trawny, the philosopher whose editions and interpretations of Martin Heidegger's work have strongly and lastingly shaped the view of Heidegger's thought.
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    Fragments on the Philosophy of History
    with Ian Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner
    Philosophy Today 60 (4): 859-868. 2016.
    Philosophy of History is in crisis. This crisis has a structural origin in separating a finitude of the one from an infinitude of the many. This difference seems to produce an aporia. Where could history be that would talk of both?
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    Fragments on the Philosophy of History
    with Ian Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner
    Philosophy Today 60 (4): 859-868. 2016.
    Philosophy of History is in crisis. This crisis has a structural origin in separating a finitude of the one (fate, destiny, nation, people, identity) from an infinitude of the many (individuals, biographies, contingencies, banalities). This difference seems to produce an aporia. Where could history be that would talk of both?
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    New Responses to Heidegger
    Heidegger Studies 20 147-162. 2004.
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    Irrnisfuge: Heideggers An-archie
    Matthes & Seitz. 2014.
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    Heidegger, die Juden, noch einmal (edited book)
    Vittorio Klostermann. 2015.
    Ende Oktober 2014 organisierte das Martin-Heidegger-Institut in Wuppertal die erste internationale Tagung uber Heideggers "Schwarze Hefte" in Deutschland. Im Fruhjahr desselben Jahres hatte die Veroffentlichung der "Uberlegungen," der ersten Reihe der "Schwarzen Hefte," gezeigt, dass Heidegger zwischen 1938 und 1941 in seinen Aufzeichnungen antisemitische Gedanken auftreten lasst. Es war und ist die Frage, welche Motive den Philosophen dabei leiteten. Wie sind jene Ausserungen zu verstehen? Wie …Read more
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    Eine Einfuhrung in die Philosophie Martin Heideggers ist nach der Veroffentlichung der "Schwarzen Hefte" ein Wagnis. Heideggers Auaerungen uber das "Weltjudentum" und seine politische Hartnackigkeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg belasten sein Denken schwer. Wie kann man in diese Philosophie einfuhren, ohne gleichzeitig den Boden zu bereiten, auf dem diese inakzeptablen Ideen wachsen konnen? Peter Trawny versteht seine kritische Einfuhrung als eine Darstellung auch und gerade des Problematischen von…Read more
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    On freedom: technology, capital, medium
    Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 2017.
    How do we challenge the structures of late capitalism if all possible media through which to do do is inescapably capitalist? This urgent political question is at the heart of Peter Trawny's major new work. With searing precision Trawny demonstrates how our world has become wholly determined by technology, capital, and the medium. In this world of the 'TCM', we universal subjects remain in a state of apathy that is temporarily punctuated, but also reinforced, by the phantasmatic dream of differe…Read more
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    Kamikaze Musike: Playlist
    Matthes & Seitz Berlin. 2019.
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    This introduction by leading scholar Peter Trawny is the first to tackle the Black Notebooks, whose recent publication revealed the extent of Heidegger's anti-Semitism. Trawny directly confronts the most problematic aspects of Heidegger's thought, also fully surveying his work, from early writings to his magnum opus, Being and Time.
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    Causes of war
    HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1): 441-454. 2022.
    Since the beginning of its history philosophy deals with the question for the meaning of war. This question, however, was always understood as the question for the causes of war: Why is there war? Where does it come from? The article presupposes that only this question and the attempts to respond to it can shed light onto the interpretation of the historical reality of war, which is finally the only reason to reflect on its causation. The article refers to a set of notions and texts, which belon…Read more
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    Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy
    University of Chicago Press. 2015.
    In 2014, the first three volumes of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks—the personal and philosophical notebooks that he kept during the war years—were published in Germany. These notebooks provide the first textual evidence of anti-Semitism in Heidegger’s philosophy, not simply in passing remarks, but as incorporated into his philosophical and political thinking itself. In Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy, Peter Trawny, the editor of those notebooks, offers the first evaluation of He…Read more
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    Heidegger’s Legacy
    Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7 1-16. 2017.
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    Heidegger, “World Judaism,” and Modernity
    Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 5 1-20. 2015.
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    Desde su publicación a principios de 2014 los Cuadernos negros de Martin Heidegger incitaron a un debate tanto en la academia como en la esfera intelectual pública. Supuestamente estos cuadernos ponen en evidencia cómo Heidegger comulgaba con el antisemitismo y el nacionalsocialismo. A partir del análisis elaborado por David Nirenberg en su libro Antijudaísmo: la tradición occidental, se discute si el referente del antijudaísmo representa un fenómeno real o si el antijudaísmo es una visión del m…Read more
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    Un segundo comienzo. Diálogo con el editor de los Cuadernos Negros de Martin Heidegger
    with Soraya Guimarães Hoepfner
    Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 5 (1): 95-109. 2014.
    Entrevista a Peter Trawny por Soraya Guimarães Hoepfner.
  • Die erscheinende Welt. Festschrift für Klaus Held (edited book)
    with H. Hüni
    Duncker Und Humblot. 2002.
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    Die Geschichte Des Seyns (review)
    with Martin Heidegger
    . 1998.
  • Hannah Arendt v svoji interpretaciji Kantove teorije »razsodne moči«, le-to vzame iz njenega prvotnega sobesedila, razmisleka o dobrem in lepem, ter ji podeli politični pomen. Po eni strani Kantov pojem »reflektirajoče razsodne moči« Arendtovi omogoči prikaz določene nujnosti v politični presoji, za katero je značilno, da se vedno odvija v singularnih okoliščinah in se ne more sklicevati na nobeno vnaprejšnje, univerzalno ali splošno merilo. Po drugi strani Arendtova interpretira »nezainteresira…Read more
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    Hannah Arendts Kant-Lektüre findet ihren Abschluß in einer Interpretation der „Urteilskraft“. Im „Urteilen“ entdeckt sie einerseits das zentrale Vermögen des politischen Handelns, andererseits die eigentliche Tätigkeit eines notwendig sich von allem Handeln zurückziehenden die Geschichte betrachtenden Denkens. Daraus entsteht der Anschein, die Denkerin habe ihre Politische Philosophie zuletzt durch einen Widerspruch ruiniert. Auf der Basis des von Seyla Benhabib in die Diskussion gebrachten Begr…Read more
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    Was heißt Geburt?
    Philosophische Rundschau 56 (1): 17. 2009.