•  9
    Review of Allan Gibbard's "Wise Choices, Apt Feelings"
  •  73
    Is Pareto Optimality a Criterion of Justice?
    Social Theory and Practice 22 (1): 1-34. 1996.
  •  220
    Oppression by choice
    Journal of Social Philosophy 25 (s1): 22-44. 1994.
    Property in money, means of subsistence, machines, and other means of production, does not as yet stamp a man as a capitalist if there be wanting the correlative — the wage-worker, the other man who is compelled to sell himself of his own free-will
  •  33
    Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics
    Philosophical Review 104 (4): 611. 1995.
  •  117
    Missionary positions
    Hypatia 20 (4): 164-182. 2000.
    : Postcolonial feminist scholars have described some Western feminist activism as imperialistic, drawing a comparison to the work of Christian missionaries from the West, who aided in the project of colonization and assimilation of non-Western cultures to Western ideas and practices. This comparison challenges feminists who advocate global human rights ideals or objective appraisals of social practices, in effect charging them with neocolonialism. This essay defends work on behalf of universal h…Read more
  •  2
    [Book review][abortion and social responsibility] (review)
    Ethics 114 (1): 205-206. 2003.
  •  224
    How to explain oppression: Criteria of adequacy for normative explanatory theories
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (1): 20-49. 2005.
    This article discusses explanatory theories of normative concepts and argues for a set of criteria of adequacy by which such theories may be evaluated. The criteria offered fall into four categories: ontological, theoretical, pragmatic, and moral. After defending the criteria and discussing their relative weighting, this article uses them to prune the set of available explanatory theories of oppression. Functionalist theories, including Hegelian recognition theory and Foucauldian social theory, …Read more
  •  164
    Analytic Feminism: A Brief Introduction
    Hypatia 10 (3): 1-6. 1995.
    This essay introduces the subject of this special issue by offering a characterization of analytic feminism in terms of its context, methods, and problem areas. I argue that analytic feminism is a legitimate subfield both of feminism and of analytic philosophy. I then summarize the problems addressed by the essays of this issue
  •  31
    Revolution vs. Devolution in Kansas
    Teaching Philosophy 30 (2): 173-183. 2007.
    This paper is about teaching progressive ideas where fundamentalist and conservative views are prominent among the students. I take up two questions: What should we take our task as feminist teachers to be? How should it be carried out? I explore three teaching strategies that a progressive teacher might use in a hostile conservative climate: the whole truth strategy, the dismissal strategy, and the bridge strategy. I reject the first two of these and argue that the third is most likely to be ef…Read more
  •  44
    This paper presents Sen's theory of agency, focusing on the role of commitment in this theory as both problematic and potentially illuminating. His account of some commitments as goal-displacing gives rise to a dilemma given the standard philosophical theory of agency.Eithercommitment-motivated actions are externally motivated, in which case they are not expressions of agency,orsuch actions are internally motivated, in which case the commitment is not goal-displacing. I resolve this dilemma and …Read more
  •  39
    This work offers a timely philosophical analysis of interrelated normative questions concerning immigration and citizenship in relation to the global context of multiple nation states. In it, philosophers and scholars from the social sciences address both fundamental questions in moral and political philosophy as well as specific issues concerning policy. Topics covered in this volume include: the concept and the role of citizenship, the equal rights and representation of citizens, general moral…Read more
  • Untitled (review)
    Ethics 103 570-571. 1993.
  •  92
    Revolution vs. Devolution in Kansas
    Teaching Philosophy 30 (2): 173-183. 2007.
    This paper is about teaching progressive ideas where fundamentalist and conservative views are prominent among the students. I take up two questions: What should we take our task as feminist teachers to be? How should it be carried out? I explore three teaching strategies that a progressive teacher might use in a hostile conservative climate: the whole truth strategy, the dismissal strategy, and the bridge strategy. I reject the first two of these and argue that the third is most likely to be ef…Read more
  •  77
    Capitalism, for and Against: A Feminist Debate
    Cambridge University Press. 2010.
    Political philosophy and feminist theory have rarely examined in detail how capitalism affects the lives of women. Ann Cudd and Nancy Holmstrom take up opposing sides of the issue, debating whether capitalism is valuable as an ideal and whether as an actually existing economic system it is good for women. In a discussion covering a broad range of social and economic issues, including unequal pay, industrial reforms and sweatshops, they examine how these and other issues relate to women and how e…Read more
  •  49
    Philosophical Perspectives on Democracy in the 21st Century (edited book)
    with Sally J. Scholz
    Springer. 2013.
    Chapter. 1. Philosophical. Perspectives. on. Democracy. in. the. Twenty-First. Century: Introduction. Ann E. Cudd and Sally J. Scholz Abstract Recent global movements, including the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, as well as polarizing ...
  •  187
    Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology (edited book)
    with Robin O. Andreasen
    Wiley-Blackwell. 2005.
    Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology addresses seven philosophically significant questions regarding feminism, its central concepts of sex and gender, and the project of centering women’s experience. Topics include the nature of sexist oppression, the sex/gender distinction, how gender-based norms influence conceptions of rationality, knowledge, and scientific objectivity, feminist ethics, feminst perspectives on self and autonomy, whether there exist distinct feminine moral perspectives, …Read more
  •  5
    Varieties of Feminist Liberalism (edited book)
    with Anita Allen, Samantha Brennan, Drucilla Cornell, Jean Hampton, S. A. Lloyd, Linda McClain, Martha Nussbaum, Susan Okin, and Patricia Smith
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2004.
    The essays in this volume present versions of feminism that are explicitly liberal, or versions of liberalism that are explicitly feminist. By bringing together some of the most respected and well-known scholars in mainstream political philosophy today, Amy R. Baehr challenges the reader to reconsider the dominant view that liberalism and feminism are 'incompatible.'