My primary philosophical interests are epistemic and ethical questions that arise directly from research practice: What counts as evidence? Are ideals of objectivity viable given the central role that contextual values play in all aspects of inquiry? How do we make research accountable – in its aims and its practice – to the diverse communities it affects? As a philosopher of the social and historical sciences I’m particularly interested in these issues as raised by archaeological practice and by feminist research in the social sciences. To explain how evidential constraints operate in archaeology I analyze strategies of triangulation and sca…
My primary philosophical interests are epistemic and ethical questions that arise directly from research practice: What counts as evidence? Are ideals of objectivity viable given the central role that contextual values play in all aspects of inquiry? How do we make research accountable – in its aims and its practice – to the diverse communities it affects? As a philosopher of the social and historical sciences I’m particularly interested in these issues as raised by archaeological practice and by feminist research in the social sciences. To explain how evidential constraints operate in archaeology I analyze strategies of triangulation and scaffolding that turn on the use of background knowledge, and to explore the epistemic role of contextual interests I’ve developed a cluster of projects on collaborative practice and feminist standpoint theory. I am actively working on issues of accountability to research subjects and stakeholders affected by social and historical research.