•  1
    Common Knowledge and the Theory of Interaction
    Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. 1988.
    The dissertation examines the concept and current theory of common knowledge, with special emphasis on its significance for interaction. I begin by examining the rational choice theory of interaction more broadly, arguing for specific desiderata of the model. I then discuss the current rational choice model of interaction, which is non-cooperative game theory, and argue that common knowledge is an essential assumption on which game theoretic explanations of interaction hinge. Game theory's accou…Read more
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    Is Pareto Optimality a Criterion of Justice?
    Social Theory and Practice 22 (1): 1-34. 1996.
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    Game Theory and the History of Ideas about Rationality: An Introductory Survey
    Economics and Philosophy 9 (1): 101-133. 1993.
    Although it may seem from its formalism that game theory must have sprung from the mind of John von Neumann as a corollary of his work on computers or theoretical physics, it should come as no real surprise to philosophers that game theory is the articulation of a historically developing philosophical conception of rationality in thought and action. The history of ideas about rationality is deeply contradictory at many turns. While there are theories of rationality that claim it is fundamentally…Read more
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    I argue that science will be better, by its own criteria, if it pursues multiculturalism, by which I mean an ethnic- and gender-diverse set of scientists. I argue that minority and women scientists will be more likely to recognize false, prejudiced assumptions about race and gender that infect theories. And the kinds of changes that society will undergo in pursuing multiculturalism will help reveal these faulty assumptions to scientists of all races and genders
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    The prelims comprise: Introduction Structural Problems with Democracy as Mechanism of Social Choice Reasons to Override Individual Preferences Should Individual Preference Determine Social Decisions? Conclusion Notes Bibliography.
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    In international law, ‘humanitarian intervention’ refers to the use of military force by one nation or group of nations to stop genocide or other gross human rights violations in another sovereign nation. If humanitarian intervention is conceived as military in nature, it makes sense that only the most horrible, massive, and violent violations of human rights can justify intervention. Yet, that leaves many serious evils beyond the scope of legal intervention. In particular, violations of women's…Read more
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    Review of Marilyn Friedman (ed.), Women and Citizenship (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (4). 2006.
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    Missionary Positions
    Hypatia 20 (4): 164-182. 2005.
    Postcolonial feminist scholars have described some Western feminist activism as imperialistic, drawing a comparison to the work of Christian missionaries from the West, who aided in the project of colonization and assimilation of non-Western cultures to Western ideas and practices. This comparison challenges feminists who advocate global human rights ideals or objective appraisals of social practices, in effect charging them with neocolonialism. This essay defends work on behalf of universal hum…Read more
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    Thinking about Sexual Harassment (review)
    Philosophical Review 112 (1): 121-123. 2003.
    Margaret Crouch offers a balanced, comprehensive introduction to the philosophical, legal, and empirical issues surrounding the vexed topic of sexual harassment. The book is divided into two parts. The first discusses the competing conceptual schemes under which sexual harassment has been defined, the history of case law surrounding sexual harassment claims, and empirical measures of the extent and common beliefs about sexual harassment. The second part of the book treats philosophical and legal…Read more
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    Sporting Metaphors: Competition and the Ethos of Capitalism
    Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 34 (1): 52-67. 2007.
    No abstract
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    Wanting Freedom
    Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (4): 367-385. 2012.
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    Missionary Positions
    Hypatia 20 (4): 164-182. 2000.
    Postcolonial feminist scholars have described some Western feminist activism as imperialistic, drawing a comparison to the work of Christian missionaries from the West, who aided in the project of colonization and assimilation of non-Western cultures to Western ideas and practices. This comparison challenges feminists who advocate global human rights ideals or objective appraisals of social practices, in effect charging them with neocolonialism. This essay defends work on behalf of universal hum…Read more
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    Conventional Foundationalism and the Origin of Norms
    Southern Journal of Philosophy 28 (4): 485-504. 1990.
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    How to explain oppression: Criteria of adequacy for normative explanatory theories
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (1): 20-49. 2005.
    This article discusses explanatory theories of normative concepts and argues for a set of criteria of adequacy by which such theories may be evaluated. The criteria offered fall into four categories: ontological, theoretical, pragmatic, and moral. After defending the criteria and discussing their relative weighting, this article uses them to prune the set of available explanatory theories of oppression. Functionalist theories, including Hegelian recognition theory and Foucauldian social theory, …Read more
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    Analytic Feminism: A Brief Introduction
    Hypatia 10 (3): 1-6. 1995.
    This essay introduces the subject of this special issue by offering a characterization of analytic feminism in terms of its context, methods, and problem areas. I argue that analytic feminism is a legitimate subfield both of feminism and of analytic philosophy. I then summarize the problems addressed by the essays of this issue
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    Indefinitely repeated games: A response to Carroll
    with Neal C. Becker
    Theory and Decision 28 (2): 189-195. 1990.
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    Is Capitalism Good for Women?
    Journal of Business Ethics (4): 761-770. 2014.
    This paper investigates an aspect of the question of whether capitalism can be defended as a morally legitimate economic system by asking whether capitalism serves progressive, feminist ends of freedom and gender equality. I argue that although capitalism is subject to critique for increasing economic inequality, it can be seen to decrease gender inequality, particularly in traditional societies. Capitalism brings technological and social innovations that are good for women, and disrupts traditi…Read more