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    Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): is routinization problematic?
    with Aviad Raz and Daniëlle R. M. Timmermans
    BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1): 1-11. 2023.
    BackgroundThe introduction and wide application of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) has triggered further evolution of routines in the practice of prenatal diagnosis. ‘Routinization’ of prenatal diagnosis however has been associated with hampered informed choice and eugenic attitudes or outcomes. It is viewed, at least in some countries, with great suspicion in both bioethics and public discourse. However, it is a heterogeneous phenomenon that needs to be scrutinized in the wider context of …Read more
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    Saving or Subordinating Life? Popular Views in Israel and Germany of Donor Siblings Created through PGD
    with Aviad Raz, Christina Schües, and Nadja Wilhelm
    Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (2): 191-207. 2017.
    To explore how cultural beliefs are reflected in different popular views of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for human leukocyte antigen match (popularly known as “savior siblings”), we compare the reception and interpretations, in Germany and Israel, of the novel/film My Sister’s Keeper. Qualitative analysis of reviews, commentaries and posts is used to classify and compare normative assessments of PGD for HLA and how they reproduce, negotiate or oppose the national policy and its underlying …Read more
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    Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (1): 135-136. 2010.
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    Patients at the end of their life who express a wish to die sometimes explain their wish as the desire not to be a burden to others. This feeling needs to be investigated as an emotion with an intrinsically dialogical structure. Using a phenomenological approach, two key meanings of the feeling of being a burden to others as a reason for a wish to die are identified. First, it is an existential suffering insofar as it contains the perception of a plight so desperate that it can only be relieved …Read more
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    _Genetic Transparency?_ tackles the question of who has, or should have access to personal genomic information. Genomics experts and scholars from the humanities and social sciences discuss the changes in interpersonal relationships, human self-understandings, ethics, law, and the health systems.
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    Contextual Bioethics
    Perspektiven der Philosophie 25 315-338. 1999.
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    Genes in Development: Re-reading the Molecular Paradigm (edited book)
    with Eva M. Neumann-Held, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, and E. Roy Weintraub
    Duke University Press. 2006.
    In light of scientific advances such as genomics, predictive diagnostics, genetically engineered agriculture, nuclear transfer cloning, and the manipulation of stem cells, the idea that genes carry predetermined molecular programs or blueprints is pervasive. Yet new scientific discoveries—such as rna transcripts of single genes that can lead to the production of different compounds from the same pieces of dna—challenge the concept of the gene alone as the dominant factor in biological developmen…Read more
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    Zur ethischen Bedeutung der vorgeburtlichen Diagnostik
    In Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Gelingende Geburt: Interdisziplinäre Erkundungen in Umstrittenen Terrains, De Gruyter. pp. 273-298. 2021.
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    Ethik des assistierten Suizids: Autonomien, Vulnerabilitäten, Ambivalenzen (edited book)
    with Claudia Bozzaro and Gesine Richter
    transcript Verlag. 2024.
    Über das eigene Lebensende autonom bestimmen zu können, ist der Wunsch vieler Menschen. Höchste Gerichte in Deutschland und Österreich erkennen das Recht auf assistierten Suizid als eine Form des selbstbestimmten Sterbens an. In der Schweiz tragen Sterbehilfeorganisationen zu einer breiteren Akzeptanz bei. Wie aber ist die Suizidhilfe ethisch zu rechtfertigen? Und wie soll die emergente Praxis geregelt und gelebt werden? Die Beiträger*innen widmen sich diesen Fragen aus interdisziplinärer Perspe…Read more
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    Zum gegenwärtigen Diskussionsstand um die Beihilfe zum Suizid in der Schweiz
    Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 50 (1): 49-53. 2006.
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    6. Views on Disability and Prenatal Testing Among Families with Down Syndrome and Disability Activists
    with Tamar Nov-Klaiman, Marina Frisman, and Aviad E. Raz
    In Christina Schües (ed.), Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel: Practices of Prenatal Diagnosis, Transcript Verlag. pp. 163-190. 2022.
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    Leben 2.0: Ethische Implikationen synthetischer lebender Systeme
    Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 57 (2): 113-125. 2013.
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    The human enhancement debate and disability: new bodies for a better life (edited book)
    with Miriam Eilers and Katrin Grüber
    Palgrave-Macmillan. 2014.
    Improving human characteristics goes beyond compensating for an impairment. This book explores the rich and complex relationship between enhancement and impairment, showing that the study of disability offers new ways of thinking about the social and ethical implications of improving the human condition.
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    This volume draws on an expanded field of bioethical, sociological and anthropological research, to set a new agenda for discussing the ethics of disclosing prognostic genetic information.
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    12. Comparison through Conversation
    with Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Aviad Raz, and Christina Schües
    In Christina Schües (ed.), Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel: Practices of Prenatal Diagnosis, Transcript Verlag. pp. 347-372. 2022.
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    Leben 2.0: Ethische Implikationen synthetischer lebender Systeme
    Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 57 (2): 113-125. 2013.
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    8. What Does Prenatal Testing Mean for Women Who Have Tested?
    with Tamar Nov-Klaiman, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Anika König, Stefan Reinsch, and Aviad Raz
    In Christina Schües (ed.), Genetic Responsibility in Germany and Israel: Practices of Prenatal Diagnosis, Transcript Verlag. pp. 227-252. 2022.
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    Liberating Gene Therapy? (review)
    Hastings Center Report 29 (3): 43-43. 2012.
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    Verbesserte Körper -- gutes Leben?: Bioethik, Enhancement und die Disability Studies (edited book)
    with Miriam Eilers and Katrin Grüber
    Lang. 2012.
    Enhancement - Behinderung - gutes Leben. Der Band verknupft diese drei Themen und entwickelt einen breiten Zugang zur Debatte um die biotechnologischen Moglichkeiten zur Verbesserung des menschlichen Korpers. Die Beitrage gehen von der Arbeitshypothese aus, dass die Erfahrungen von Menschen mit Behinderungen wichtig sind, um ethische Fragen, die sich bei Enhancement-Projekten stellen, konkreter - und so besser - zu verstehen. Eine zweite Hypothese ist, dass die Sprache der Rechte, Pflichten und …Read more
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    The patient's wish to die: research, ethics, and palliative care (edited book)
    with Heike Gudat and Kathrin Ohnsorge
    Oxford University Press. 2015.
    Wish to die statements are becoming a frequent phenomenon in terminally ill patients. Those confronted by these statments need to understand the complexity of such wishes, so they can respond competently and compassionately to the requests. If misunderstood, the statements can be taken at face-value and the practitioner may not recognise that a patient is in fact experiencing ambivalent feelings at the end of life, or they may misinterpret the expressed wish to die as a sign of clinical depressi…Read more
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    Decision-making about non-invasive prenatal testing: women’s moral reasoning in the absence of a risk of miscarriage in Germany
    with Stefan Reinsch and Anika König
    New Genetics and Society 40 (2): 199-215. 2021.
    This paper examines women’s experiences with decision-making about non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). Such tests offer knowledge about chromosomal disorders early in pregnancy, without the risk of miscarriage associated with invasive procedures such as amniocentesis. Based on qualitative interviews with women in Germany who used, or declined, NIPT, we show how some women, who would not consider amniocentesis due to the risk of miscarriage, welcome the knowledge provided by, and the additional…Read more
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    Die allogene Transplantation von Blutstammzellen aus dem Körper von Kindern, die der Spende nicht selbst zustimmen können, in den Körper eines kranken Geschwisterkindes wirft schwierige ethische Fragen auf. Wie kann ein risikobehafteter, fremdnütziger medizinischer Eingriff ethisch gerechtfertigt werden? In dieser Arbeit werden Argumente kritisch untersucht, nach denen das Spenderkind eine Pflicht habe, bei der Transplantation mitzumachen. Die Idee der Pflicht ist nachvollziehbar aus der Perspek…Read more
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    Nicht lebensmüde, aber lebenssatt
    In Claudia Bozzaro, Gesine Richter & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (eds.), Ethik des assistierten Suizids: Autonomien, Vulnerabilitäten, Ambivalenzen, Transcript Verlag. pp. 259-262. 2024.