•  19
    Sulle cause e gli usi della filosofia e altri scritti inediti (edited book)
    with Hans Jonas
    ETS. 2017.
    Qual è il valore pratico della filosofia? La tradizione tramanda un verdetto duplice. Da una parte, il sapiente è colui che sa vivere, poiché conosce cosa è bene e come realizzarlo; dall’altra, il filosofo è inesperto del mondo ed esibisce in prima persona l’inutilità del suo sapere. Ma come si misura l’utilità del sapere filosofico? In questi scritti inediti risalenti agli anni canadesi (1949-1956), tradotti per la prima volta, Hans Jonas si interroga sul significato vitale e umano dell’esperie…Read more
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    Gender Bias and Conversational Agents: an ethical perspective on Social Robotics
    with Irene Sucameli
    Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (3): 1-23. 2022.
    The increase in the spread of conversational agents urgently requires to tackle the ethical issues linked to their design. In fact, developers frequently include in their products cues that trigger social biases in order to maximize the performance and the quality of human-machine interactions. The present paper discusses whether and to what extent it is ethically sound to intentionally trigger gender biases through the design of virtually embodied conversational agents. After outlining the comp…Read more
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    A principle-based approach to AI: the case for European Union and Italy
    with Francesco Corea, Andrea Loreggia, Stefano Quintarelli, and Salvatore Sapienza
    AI and Society 38 (2): 521-535. 2023.
    As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more and more pervasive in our everyday life, new questions arise about its ethical and social impacts. Such issues concern all stakeholders involved in or committed to the design, implementation, deployment, and use of the technology. The present document addresses these preoccupations by introducing and discussing a set of practical obligations and recommendations for the development of applications and systems based on AI techniques. With this work we h…Read more
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    Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus
    In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds.), Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, J.b. Metzler. pp. 170-171. 2021.
    Wie aus Jonas’ zahlreichen biographischen Erinnerungen hervorgeht, war die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Analogie zwischen Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus eine entscheidende Etappe seiner intellektuellen Reise. Jonas hat eine solche Einschätzung ausdrücklich in »Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus « vorgenommen, einem Aufsatz, den der Philosoph mehrmals in englischer und deutscher Sprache überarbeitet und neu aufgelegt hat. Dort schlug Jonas eine Kritik des Existentialismus vo…Read more
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    The purpose of this essay is to attempt an interpretation of Hans Jonas’s philosophical approach to tradition in terms of an exercise in critical thinking. Although several modern authors have seen in tradition a normalizing and conservative force that either constrains the powers of human reason or prevents new disruptive ideas from thriving, other philosophers have contested this accusation and concurred to sketch the general guidelines of a theory of the critical value of tradition. Commentin…Read more
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    with Paolo Becchi and Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo
    In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds.), Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, J.b. Metzler. pp. 243-250. 2021.
    In Italien erlangte Hans Jonas, ähnlich wie in andersen Ländern, öffentliche Anerkennung dank seines Werks Das Prinzip Verantwortung, das 1990 ins Italienische übersetzt wurde. Die Übersetzung weckte das Interesse einer breiten Öffentlichkeit sowohl an seinem bioethischen Ansatz als auch an seinen früheren philosophisch-biologischen Schriften. Die Besonderheit des italienischen Kontexts besteht jedoch darin, dass der Philosoph in der akademischen Welt bereits lange vor seiner eingangs erwähnten …Read more
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    The aim of this paper is to discuss how the image of the artist has formed in Western culture and how digital art may shed light on some of its internal contradictions, if not perhaps even help us overcome them. Firstly, I take into consideration the Jewish and Christian tradition according to which the image of God as Creator may play the role of the archetypal artist, of whom the human artist is a sort of copy and imitator – an idea that fully established itself during the Renaissance and even…Read more
  • The concept of autonomy is crucial for the theoretical characterization of robots and, more in general, complex technological artifacts. The aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual and logical framework in which it is possible to define two concepts of autonomy: autonomy of performance and autonomy of process. The analysis is carried out exploiting the logical resources of the counterfactual semantics-developed by Lewis' and Stalnaker's seminal works-and branching structures of the possible…Read more