• Elogio della filosofia
    Annuario Filosofico 27 5-17. 2011.
    The eulogy of philosophy is the impossible and necessary praise of a discipline all at the same time,as modern philosophy is subject to a twofold condition of being detached from truth and not living without truth; needing and waiting for truth, without really wishing it. According to the Author who draws a global balance of his theory, philosophy is that action of the man searching for his measure in saying how things are but so as to allow the full manifestation of things ; and further on, in …Read more
  • A. J. Ayer, Il concetto di persona (review)
    Filosofia 18 (1): 195. 1967.
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    Intorno a Jean-Luc Nancy (edited book)
    Rosenberg & Sellier. 2012.
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    The Possible Present
    State University of New York Press. 2011.
    A practical hermeneutics of time. The Possible Present unfolds from within a freely reinterpreted hermeneutic perspective and provides an original theoretical proposal on the topic of time. In dialogue especially with the philosophies of Husserl and Heidegger, but resorting also to suggestions coming from a theological background (Barth and Bonhoeffer), the work proposes a personal and original theory of time centered on a conception of the present that does not reduce temporality to a successio…Read more