•  4
    Trotz/dem Subjekt
    Peeters. 1998.
    Die Hermeneutik setzt sich mit dem Subjekt auseinander, sie entdeckt dessen List und Tauschung, sie schafft es aber nicht ab. Sie uberlasst es vielmehr der geduldigen Arbeit der Interpretation den Faden der Ariadne zu probieren, der uns nicht aus dem Labyrinth der Welt herausfuhrt, sondern es in einen bewohnbaren Ort verwandelt. Um dies zu tun, muss man am Subjekt gesichert arbeiten und sich gleichzeitig zu seinen aussersten Grenzen vorstrecken: wieder das Subjekt denken aber, zur gleichen Zeit …Read more
  • Un libro di Alfred J. Ayer
    Edizioni di Filosofia. 1967.
  •  2
    Modernità e memoria
    Società editrice internazionale. 1987.
  • Kann Hermeneutik aufklärerisch sein?
    In Walter Sparn, Joar Haga, Sascha Salatowsky, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann & Wolfgang Schoberth (eds.), Das Projekt der Aufklärung: philosophisch-theologische Debatten von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Walter Sparn zum 75. Geburtstag, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. 2018.
  • Part I. Reflections on the past : a mor et memoria
    In Antonio Calcagno, Steve G. Lofts, Rachel Bath & Kathryn Lawson (eds.), Breached Horizons: The Philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion, Rowman & Littlefield International. 2017.
  •  13
    The Risks of The Present
    Symposium 14 (2): 19-34. 2010.
    The following remarks try to trace a scenario of twentieth-century philosophy, which in my opinion shows a new interest in the issue of time. Many have underscored that nineteenth-century philosophy replaces the paradigm of Nature with that of History as an historical a priori in Foucault’s sense, that is, as the horizon within which the problems are to be located and solved. The issue of identifying the dominant nineteenth-century paradigm—further complicated by thedeclining resort to the great…Read more
  • Teología ed esperienza religiosa di Feuerbach
    Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (2): 197-197. 1975.
  •  6
    The Possible Present
    State University of New York Press. 2011.
    A practical hermeneutics of time
  • Tra aut-aut ed et-et. La filosofia di Luigi Pareyson
    Annuario Filosofico 33 15-19. 2017.
    In this essay the philosophy of Luigi Pareyson is explored on the basis of the double perspective of an aut-aut and of an et-et. Both approaches seem to play a significant role in Pareyson’s theoretical reflections. The author proposes to see the origin of this tension just in the fundamental concept of an ontological personalism, which states an asymmetrical relationship between person and truth. Also the wide range of Pareyson’s scholarship can be better understood in this light.
  •  14
    The Risks of The Present
    Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 14 (2): 19-34. 2010.
    The following remarks try to trace a scenario of twentieth-century philosophy, which in my opinion shows a new interest in the issue of time. Many have underscored that nineteenth-century philosophy replaces the paradigm of Nature with that of History as an historical a priori in Foucault’s sense, that is, as the horizon within which the problems are to be located and solved. The issue of identifying the dominant nineteenth-century paradigm—further complicated by thedeclining resort to the great…Read more
  • Modernità e metafisica
    Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2): 383-388. 2006.
  •  10
    Public Space and Its Metaphors
    Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 14 (2): 5-18. 2010.
    The political does not exist. What exists is individual and collective life; there is nature, with its inexhaustible cycles; there is the world, the (blind and astute) interlacement of the actions, conflicts and visions that will become history. The political exists only as an invention: the invention of a specific space of the relation that intercepts life, modifies nature, and is a curvature of the world. I would like to dwell on this invention, not without warning that the political of which …Read more
  •  3
    Necessita del trascendentale
    Giornale di Metafisica 29 (1): 35-52. 2007.
  • La secolarizzazione: un bilancio
    Annuario Filosofico 28 107-131. 2012.
    The author outlines the outcome of the paradigm of secularisation. The importance of this category of historical comprehension lies in the close connection which the majority of scholars establishes between modernity and secularisation. This connection unfolds in two forms: the first, more extended, establishes a continuity between past and present and awards secularisation the function of having transformed the sacred society of the past into the secular society of the present ; the second, mor…Read more
  •  11
    Política como interpretación
    Isegoría 13 151-156. 1996.
  •  2
    Metafisica come orizzonte
    Giornale di Metafisica 30 (2): 227-236. 2008.
  • The title of this essay suggests a chiasm that interweaves name and image, difference and identity. Neither a zero-sum equation nor an analogy where known meets unknown, this chiasm points out an unresolved knot that cannot be simply unravelled just cutting it. Besides parallelisms in each tradition, both name and image include identity and difference – between themselves and the objects they design. The aim of this short essay is to investigate difference and identity, not simply stating the tw…Read more
  • La reciprocità impossibile? Un saggio sull'amicizia
    Annuario Filosofico 31 444-465. 2015.
    A large exposition of the different theories about friendship shows that there are two principal models about it: the first one stresses the reciprocity between friends, the second one bases reciprocity on the third element of shared values by friends. Four distinctive elements seem to be necessary for a friendship: two Subjects, a shared horizon of values, and common experiences of life.
  • Elogio della filosofia
    Annuario Filosofico 27 5-17. 2011.
    The eulogy of philosophy is the impossible and necessary praise of a discipline all at the same time,as modern philosophy is subject to a twofold condition of being detached from truth and not living without truth; needing and waiting for truth, without really wishing it. According to the Author who draws a global balance of his theory, philosophy is that action of the man searching for his measure in saying how things are but so as to allow the full manifestation of things ; and further on, in …Read more
  • A. J. Ayer, Il concetto di persona (review)
    Filosofia 18 (1): 195. 1967.
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    Intorno a Jean-Luc Nancy (edited book)
    Rosenberg & Sellier. 2012.
  •  5
    The Possible Present
    State University of New York Press. 2011.
    A practical hermeneutics of time. The Possible Present unfolds from within a freely reinterpreted hermeneutic perspective and provides an original theoretical proposal on the topic of time. In dialogue especially with the philosophies of Husserl and Heidegger, but resorting also to suggestions coming from a theological background (Barth and Bonhoeffer), the work proposes a personal and original theory of time centered on a conception of the present that does not reduce temporality to a successio…Read more
  • L'eredità di bonhoeffer
    Studium 102 (3): 419-429. 2006.